Studies on neotropical Phasmatodea II: Revision of the genus Malacomorpha Rehn, 1906, with the descriptions of seven new species (Phasmatodea: Pseudophasmatidae: Pseudophasmatinae) Author Conle, Oskar V. Author Hennemann, Frank H. Author Perez-Gelabert, Daniel E. text Zootaxa 2008 2008-04-14 1748 1 1 64 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.1748.1.1 1175­5334 5108373 Malacomorpha longipennis ( Redtenbacher, 1906 ) ( Figs. 34–38 ) Anisomorpha longipennis Redtenbacher, 1906: 92 . HT , (nymph): Museum Paris, Cuba , Mayari (Baie de Nipe), Chaper, 1883 (MNHN). [examined] Langlois & Lelong, 1996: 20 . Conle & Hennemann, 2002: 105 . Otte & Brock, 2005: 390 . Malacomorpha longipennis , Zompro, 2004: 147 . Material examined [ 1 ♂, 1 ]: 1 ♂ : L.C. Scaramazza , Jaronú, Camagüey , X-30-34, Feeding on “Jagua” , ♂♂ , E.E.A. Cuba , Ento. No. 10657, ANSP, Anisomorpha poeyi (Sauss.) det. Moxey 1972 ( ANSP ) ; 1 ♀ : L.C. Scaramazza , Jaronú, Camagüey , X-30-34, Feeding on “Jagua” , ♀♀ , E.E.A. Cuba , Ento. No. 10657, ANSP, Anisomorpha poeyi (Sauss.) det. Moxey 1972 ( ANSP ) . Distribution: Cuba ( Holguin : Mayari & Camagüey : Jaronú). Differentiation: Similar to M. cyllarus ( Westwood, 1859 ) from Jamaica and M. spinicollis ( Burmeister, 1838 ) from Hispaniola, but distinguished from these as well as from all other species of the genus by: the very short mesonotum of both sexes, which is hardly longer than wide; half-sized alae of ♀♀ which reach no further than to the anterior margin of abdominal tergite III and shortened alae of ♂♂ which merely reach the posterior margin of tergite VI. Description: ºº ( Fig. 34 ): Large (body length 66.0 mm), robust for the genus with a rather cylindrical abdomen. Short tegmina and alae present. Alae reaching towards anterior margin of tergite III. Legs robust and long, distinctly carinated; all carinae covered with minute setae. Antennae long and slender, reaching towards posterior third of abdomen. Body surface minutely tuberculose and rugulose, not shiny except dorsal surface of abdomen; head and pronotum bearing several indistinct rows of small granules, mesonotum bearing several very distinct granules and little spines, roughly arranged in four longitudinal rows in the anterior half. Basic colouration of body brown to dark brown, overlaid with several dark speckles and broken lines. A prominent, dark longitudinal dorsomedian line runs along the complete dorsal surface of the head and thorax, becoming more indistinct or even absent towards the end of the abdomen. Tegmina dark brown with fine brown veins; costal region of alae dark-brown with brown veins, partly scattered with dark brown and palebrown patches, anal region translucent. Head with several indistinct, dark brown longitudinal dorsolateral lines and dark brown postocular line. Eyes brown. Antennae uniformly brown to very indistinctly brown and yellow annulated. Legs brown to dark brown overlaid with many minute yellowish speckles. Head: Slightly longer than wide, oval in cross-section and slightly flattened dorsally. Vertex granulated, very small rudiments of ocelli present. Eyes roughly circular, projecting hemispherical, their length contained 2–2.5x in that of cheek. Antennae reaching towards the posterior third of abdomen. Scapus 1.5x longer than wide, compressed dorsoventrally, roughly rectangular and slightly carinated. Pedicellus hardly longer than wide, distinctly narrower and about half as long as scapus, but wider than following antennomeres. Third antennomere elongate, almost as long as scapus and pedicellus combined, IV distinctly shorter. Remaining antennomeres increasing in length towards apices of antennae. Thorax: Oval in cross-section. Strongly granulated, especially mesonotum bearing some very prominent rows of tubercles. Pro-, meso- and metathorax slightly broadened towards the posterior. Pronotum as wide as but 1.2x longer than head, 1.2x longer than wide, parallel-sided. Anterolateral angles with a conspicuous, rounded excavation for the defensive glands. Transverse median depression slightly displaced towards anterior third of segment. Median line slightly impressed. Mesonotum wider but only 1.1x longer than pronotum, hardly longer than wide and posterior moderately broadened. Bearing several prominent tubercles roughly arranged in two dorsolateral and two lateral longitudinal rows in the anterior half. Metanotum and median segment wider than mesonotum and combined 2x longer than mesonotum. Metanotum and median segment combined hardly 1.8x longer than wide, parallel-sided, smooth and shiny, covered by the tegmina and alae. Metanotum transverse, wider than long and shorter than median segment. Slightly impressed median line continued from the mesonotum. Transverse fissure between metanotum and median segment very distinct and almost straight. Meso-, metaepisternum and pro-, meso- and metasternum simple and smooth. Tegmina very short and nearly circular, strongly convex, bearing fine veins, reaching towards the centre of the metanotum. Alae reaching towards the anterior margin of tergite III, costal region of same structure as tegmina, anal region translucent. FIGURES 34–38. Malacomorpha longipennis ( Redtenbacher, 1906 ) . 34) ♀ (ANSP), 35) ♂ (ANSP), 36) ♂ apex of abdomen in lateral view, 37) ♂ vomer, 38) ♀ apex of abdomen in lateral view. Abdomen: Nearly 1.9x longer than head and complete thorax combined, round in cross-section, robust and gently gradually tapered towards the apex. Surface smooth, dorsal area covered by the closed alae, shiny. Median segment longer than metanotum, as wide as long, rectangular with transverse impressed fissure in the centre. Tergites parallel-sided. I–VI widest and longest, VIII–X narrowest and VIII shortest. II–VII transverse slightly wider than long, VIII & IX roughly quadrate. Tergites I–IX each with a minute faint posteromedian tubercle or hump (sometimes almost absent). Sternites II–VI simple and smooth, VII bearing a small black praeopercular organ. Anal segment constricted towards apex, narrower than IX, about as wide as long, with an indistinct longitudinal median carina. Lateral margins with a faint concave excavation near the bases of the cerci. Supraanal plate very small with angulate apex not visible. Subgenital plate flat, with faint ventromedian longitudinal impression; hardly reaching the posterior marging of anal segment; minutely setose and apex pointed. Cerci small, short, gradually constricted towards the apex, which is slightly pointed; finely bristled. Legs: Rather robust and long, distinctly carinated, unarmed and with all carinae minutely bristled. Profemora 2.4x longer than mesothorax, metafemora reaching towards the centre of abdominal tergite V, hind legs not projecting over apex of abdomen. Profemora considerably compressed and curved basally. Basitarsus 2x longer than second tarsomere. ďď ( Fig. 35 ): Similar to ♀♀ , but smaller and much more slender (body length 36.0 mm), abdominal segments II–VII parallel-sided. Head: Generally as in ♀♀ . Thorax: As in ♀♀ , but mesosternum with moderate longitudinal ventromedian carina. Alae reaching the posterior margin of tergite VIII. Abdomen: Sub-cylindrical in cross section, about 1.9x longer than head and thorax combined. Surface and granulation as in ♀♀ . Tergites II–VII parallel-sided, VIII and IX broadening towards the posterior and broader than previous. II–VIII longest and narrowest, 1.1–1.3x longer than wide, IX shortest, transverse and 1.5x wider than long. Anal segment broader than previous tergites, about 1.5–1.8x wider than long. Posterior margin rounded, posteriorly constricted with a small median indentation. Sternites II–VII simple and smooth. Cerci as in ♀♀ . Poculum small, slightly spoon-like, reaching the posterior margin of tergite IX. Posterior margin rounded, with posteromedially pointed apex. Vomer longer than wide, parallel-sided basally, with apex broadly rounded; outer margin swollen. Legs: As in ♀♀ . TABLE 6. Measurements [mm] of Malacomorpha longipennis ( Redtenbacher, 1906 ) .
Measurements [mm] Malacomorpha longipennis
HT, ♀ nymph (MNHN) ♂ (ANSP) ♀ (ANSP)
Body: 40.3 36.0 66.0
Pronotum: 4.7 3.2 5.6
Mesonotum: 4.9 3.5 6.4
Metanotum: 7.5 (+ m.seg.) 3.6 5.5
Median segment: - 4.0 6.8
Tegmina: 1.7 3.1 4.9
Alae: 3.0 24.0 17.5
Profemora: 9.5 - 15.3
Mesofemora: 7.0 6.1 11.0
Metafemora: 9.4 10.2 15.8
Protibiae: 8.8 - 15.2
Mesotibiae: 6.7 6.2 10.3
Metatibiae: 9.6 9.8 16.5
Antennae: > 17.0 > 15.0 45.0
Comments: Redtenbacher (1906: 92) described Anisomorpha longipennis based on a unique ♀♀ nymph in MNHN which was confirmed by examination of the specimen. Conle & Henneman (2002: 105) listed it as “species incertae” because the HT could not be examined before publication of their revision of the tribe Anisomorphini . Zompro (2004: 147) transferred A. longipennis to Malacomorpha Rehn which was confirmed by detailed examination of the holotype by the authors in 2002. Examination of the material of Malacomorpha contained in ANSP revealed an adult couple of M. longipennis , which represent the only known adult specimens of this species and served for the description provided above. The HT nymph in MNHN has all characters with the adult ♀♀ in ANSP in common, except for the posteromedian hump of the abdominal tergites being slightly more defined and the wings rudimentary. However, in Malacomorpha the humps of the tergites are usually more prominent in nymphs than in adults, which was confirmed by captive breeding of M. jamaicana ( Redtenbacher, 1906 ) and M. cyllarus ( Westwood, 1859 ) . Eggs unknown.