The Lampropidae (Crustacea: Cumacea) of the World Author Gerken, Sarah text Zootaxa 2018 2018-06-01 4428 1 1 192 journal article 22652 10.11646/zootaxa.4428.1.1 e10e53f2-0e1b-46f6-8b0f-af19d5529711 1175-5326 3769771 2419A7F0-5AED-47EC-86BB-06AADB2A4BD9 Alamprops augustinensis ( Gerken, 2005 ) n. comb. Lamprops augustinensis Gerken, 2005: 683–690 , figs 7–10. Type material. Holotype : USNM 1075772 , ovigerous female . Paratypes : USNM 1075774 , ovigerous female ; USNM 1075773 , adult male. Augustine Island , 59°20.8’N , 153°32.8’W . Diagnosis . Carapace with 4 lateral ridges; eyelobe not extending to anterior border of pseudorostrum. Telson with 2–3 pairs of lateral setae, 5 terminal setae, central seta longest, outermost pair longer than inner pair. Uropod peduncle with 12 medial setae; uropod exopod article 1 0.6 length of article 2. Male without medial setae on uropod peduncles. Depth . 0–1 m . Distribution . Cook Inlet, Alaska , 59°20.8’N , 153°32.8’W . Remarks. This species is similar to Alamprops krashenninikovi , A. longispina , and A. quadriplicatus , as well as Lamprops fasciatus , in having ridges on the carapace. Alamprops longispina has the outermost pair of terminal setae on the telson very long, whereas in A. augustinensis the central seta is the longest. In A. krasheninnikovi , the terminal setae on the telson are similar in length to each other, and the first article of the antennular peduncle is equal to the second article, while in A. augustinensis the central and outermost pair of terminal setae on the telson are the longest, and the first article of the antennular peduncle is longer than the second. In A. quadriplicatus the telson is distinctly longer than the uropod peduncles, while in A. augustinensis the telson is shorter than the uropod peduncles. Lamprops fasciatus has three lateral ridges on the carapace, and one pair of lateral setae on the telson, while A. augustinensis has four lateral ridges on the carapace and two or more pairs of lateral setae on the telson.