Towards a Monophyletic Infrageneric Circumscription of Adesmia DC. (Dalbergieae, Leguminosae): a Taxonomic Revision in Adesmia series Adesmia Author Monteiro, Thiago Cobra E Author Iganci, João Ricardo Vieira Author Miotto, Silvia Teresinha Sfoggia Author Simpson, Beryl B. Author Vatanparast, Mohammad Author Lewis, Gwilym P. Author Klitgård, Bente B. Author Pezzini, Flávia Fonseca Author Vargas, Oscar M. Author Fortuna-Perez, Ana Paula text Phytotaxa 2024 2024-03-06 639 1 1 69 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.639.1.1 1179-3163 13213359 5. Adesmia globosa Davyt & Izag., Parodiana 9(1–2): 99–101 (1996). Type :— URUGUAY . Salto : Ruta 3, km 550, 02 November 1963 , {fl./fr.}, Arrilaga , B . R . et al. 1708, ( holotype : MVFA barcode MVFA0000072 [photo!], isotype : MVFA barcode MVFA0000073 [photo!]) . Prostrate stoloniferous subshrubs with adventitious roots from stem branch nodes. Stem pubescent to glabrous, white tector hairs intermixed with short ochraceous glandular setules, denser on the inflorescence, bracts, pedicels, calyces, and fruits; stipules 3–5× 0.5–1.5 mm , linear to narrowlY-lanceolate, glabrous. Leaves with (5–)6–8(–9) pairs of leaflets; petiole 0.3–3 cm long, rachis 0.6–5 cm long, pilose to glabrous; leaflets 3–12× 0.5–6 mm , elliptic to oboVate, apex obtuse to rounded, base acute to rounded, margin entire, glabrescent to glabrous. Raceme axillary or terminal, 3–27 cm long, glabrescent; bracts 1.5–3 mm long, lanceolate, glabrescent; pedicel 2–14 mm long, pilose. Flowers 7.5–10 mm long; calyx 3–6 mm long, externally pilose, internally hirsute with white tector hairs on the lobes; lobes 0.5–4 mm long, linear to deltate; standard petal 8–12× 5–7 mm , orbicular to flabelliform, apex emarginate to obtuse, externallY glabrescent, claw 4.5–6× 1–2 mm , internallY pubescent; wing petals 8–9× 2–3 mm , narrowlY oboVate, claw 3–5 mm long; keel petals 5–9× 2–3 mm , falcate, claw 3–5.5 mm long; stamens 6–10 mm long, anthers elliptical; gYnoecium 9–11 mm long; ovary 2.5–4 mm long, pubescent, 4–6 ovulate. Hemicraspedium 6–15(–20) mm long, falcate to recurved (rarely straight), light to dark brownish, pilose to pubescent, stiff setules at the centre of each article, fruit with 1–4(–6) articles, these 2–3× 2.5–3.5 mm , spherical. Seeds black to reddish-brown, 2–2.3× 1.8–2.5 mm , orbicular, without an aril. ( Figure 11 ). FIGURE 11. Adesmia globosa Davyt & Izag. A. Paripinnate leaf, adaxial surface, leaflets opposite. B. Terminal pair of oblong-elliptic leaflets, abaxial surface puberulent with glandular and tector trichomes. C. Leaflet abaxial surface with both tector and glandular trichomes next to the main vein and margins. D. Flower; calyx lobes equal to shorter than the tube. E. Calyx external indumentum; both glandular and tector trichomes present. F. Hemicraspedium, articles spherical. G. Calyx, tube region between the lobes lighter than the tube region behind the lobes. H. Spherical article pubescent with glandular hairs. (Voucher: A–E: Neves, M. 897 ; F–H: Valls, J. F. M. 10664 ). Distribution and Habitat— Adesmia globosa occurs in adjacent regions of the Rio Uruguay : in southern Brazil (southwest of Rio Grande do Sul state ), northeast Argentina ( Corrientes , Missiones and Entre Ríos ), and northwest Uruguay ( Fig. 10 ) [ Artigas , Salto (according to Davyt and Izaguirre 1996 )]. Phenology— The species bears flowers from September to November and fruits from October to January. Conservation status— Least Concern (LC). With an EOO of 123.802, 102 km ² and an AOO of 92 km ²; the species does not face major threats of extinction. Etymology— The specific epithet globosa refers to the spherical form of the fruit articles, the main feature that differentiates A. globosa from closely related species. Notes— The species morphologically resembles Adesmia bicolor , differing by its fruits with spherical articles ( Fig. 11 ) (vs. laterally flattened articles in A. bicolor ). Another distinguishing feature is the recurved pedicel, which persist on the inflorescence rachis after seed dispersal in Adesmia globosa (vs. erect pedicels which fall after seed dispersal in A. bicolor ). Additional Specimens Examined ARGENTINA . CORRIENTES : s.d., Orbigny, A . D. 110 ( P 00246261 [photo!]). Curuzu Cutiá , Estância Araguá , 03 November 1979 , Pedersen, T. M . 12848 ( MBM 83061 ); 10 October 1977 , Cristóbal, C. L . 1673 ( MBM 55773 ). San Miguel , 12 km de San Miguel , rutas 5 y 17, Ea. Curuzú Laurel , 09 November 1981 , Vanni , R . 155 ( MBM 77528 ). Mercedes , near yofre, 13 September 1969 , Pedersen, T. M . 9187 ( L 1929958 [photo!]). ENTRE RÍOS : Concordia , rodovia 128, km 486, 18 October 1971 , Burkart, A . et al. 28649 ( ICN 00019348 [photo!]). Urdinarrain , 05 November 1965 , Burkart, A . 25958 ( MBM 70481 ). MISIONES : 20 October 1954 , Burkart, A . 19621 (US 02047185 [photo!]). Apóstoles , San Jose , 14 October 1978 , Renvoize, A. E . et al. 3125 (US 02047407 [photo!]). Candelaria , Camino a Cerro Azul , 2 km E de ruta 12, 20 September 1969 , Krapovickas, A . et al. 15440 ( MBM 13302 ) . BRAZIL . RIO GRANDE DO SUL : km 594 da rodovia Brasil-Uruguai , 27 October 1973 , Mello, L. E . 4110 ( R 10002825 ). Alegrete , 05 October 1960 , Fischer, W . 22 ( HAS 84542 ); Fischer, W . 56 ( HAS 84543 ); ponte sobre o Rio Inhanduí , km 516, 31 October 1981 , Bueno, O . 3255 ( HAS 13847 ). Itaqui , gramado de posto de gasolina, ao norte do acesso à Itaqui ao longo da BR-472, 11 December 1989 , Valls, J. F. M . 12421 ( ICN 00019017 [photo!]). Quaraí , BR Livramento-Quaraí , 29 November 1987 , Machado, L. A. Z . 15 ( SMDB 3779 ). Santo Antônio das Missões , fazenda Santo Antônio , 27 October 1991 , Miotto, S. T. S . et al. 1179 ( ICN 00019025 [photo!]). São Borja , Coudelaria Rincão , s.d., s.c. s.n ( RB 55365 ); a 5 km do Rio Uruguai através da vila de Garruchos em direção à BR-295, 03 December 1986 , Valls, J. F. M . et al. 10669 ( UEC 150397 ); Valls, J. F. M . et al. 10673 ( UEC 150400 ); Vila de Nhuporã , ao longo da estrada de São Borja à Santiago, 16 March 1986 , Valls, J. F. M . et al. 9806 ( ICN 00019012 [photo!]); distrito de Santa Rosa – E.A. Bonitos – Punica de São Lucas, 23 October 1993 , Záchia, R . 1487 ( HAS 78739 ); cerca de 18 km a sudeste do início da rodovia RS-452 - BR-287 entre São Borja e Santiago, 04 December 1989 , Valls, J. F. M . 12243 ( CEN 00089949 [photo!]). São Luiz Gonzaga , 13 January 1991 , Machado, L. A. Z . et al. 918 ( SMDB 3782 ). Tupanciretã , Espinilho Grande , 11 January 1991 , Machado, L. A. Z . et al. 804 ( SMDB 3783 ). Uruguaiana , propriedade Ibirucai , perto entrada da fazenda Velha , 25 km do município em direção sul (Uruguay), 28 October 1985 , Gleici, M. F . 1 ( ICN 00019020 ). km 205 da rodovia BR-472 entre Uruguaiana e Barra do Quaraí , 14 March 1986 , Valls, J. F. M . et al. 9760 ( UEC 55229 ) . URUGUAY . FLORIDA : Timote , Estância Santa Clara , 10 October 1943 , Gallinal, J. P . et al. PE-5317 ( U 1245722 [photo!]) .