First Survey Of The Neotropical Species Of Microchelonus Szépligeti With Descriptions Of Twenty-Five New Species (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Cheloninae) Author Papp, Jenő text Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 2016 2016-08-10 62 3 217 344 journal article 10.17109/AZH. 2064-2474 12626151 Microchelonus flavopax Papp, 2010 (Figs 210–215) Microchelonus flavopax Papp, 2010: 172 fm, type locality: Ecuador , Napo , 5 km NE fromElChaco, femaleholotypeandonemaleparatypeinZMLU, twofemaleparatypes (1 ffromEcuadorand 1 ffromCostaRica) inHNHM; examined. Emendated features to the original description (Papp l.c.) – f. Body 4.3–4.5 mm long. Flagellumlong, firstflagellomere 3.2–3.3 timesandpenultimateflagellomere 1.7–1.8 times aslongasbroad. Headindorsalviewlesstransverse, 1.7 tiesasbroadaslong, eyeeither aslongastempleorjustlonger, templerounded (Fig. 211). Genainlateralviewaboutone- fourthwiderthaneye (Fig. 212 seearrows). Scutellumsmooth, basallyhairpunctate (Fig. 210). Forewing: pterostigma 2.6 timesaslongaswide, isuingrdistallyfromitsmiddle, 1–R1 half (0.5 times) aslongaspterostigma (Fig. 213 seearrows). Carapaceindorsalview 2.2 timesaslongasbroadposteriorly, denselyandparallelstriated, apicallytransversely substriolated (Fig. 214). m. Similartothefemale. Body 4.1 mmlong. Penultimateflagellomere 1.8 timesas longasbroad. Carapaceindorsalview 2.5 timesaslongasbroadposteriorly (Fig. 215). Apicalforamenofcarapacemissing. Distribution – CostaRica, Ecuador . Taxonomicposition – Inthekeytothefemale Microchelonus species M. flavopax runs to M. bolsoni Papp , M. turgoclarus Papp and M. zobocus sp. n. , see couplets 59 (66) – 66 (59). Inthekeytothemale Microchelonus speciesitruns to M. masoni (McComb) and M. zobocus sp. n. , see couplets 34 (35) – 38 (37). Intheoriginaldescription M. flavopax isrelatedto M. carinatus (Provancher) ( PAPP 2010: 175 ) .