First Survey Of The Neotropical Species Of Microchelonus Szépligeti With Descriptions Of Twenty-Five New Species (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Cheloninae) Author Papp, Jenő text Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 2016 2016-08-10 62 3 217 344 journal article 10.17109/AZH. 2064-2474 12626151 Microchelonus shenefelti ( McComb, 1968 ) (Figs 411–418) Chelonus (Microchelonus) shenefelti McComb, 1968: 10 (inkey) and 116 (description) fm, type locality: USA , Wisconsin , PortAngeles, femaleholotype (fivefemale + onemalepara- types ) inShenefeltCollection, DepartmentofEntomology , UniversityofWisconsin , Madison ( USA ); twofemaleparatypesexamined (malenotseen). Microchelonusshenefelti (McComb): ShENEfElt 1973: 903 (typelocality: “PortAngeles, Washington ” emendation, comb. n., literatureupto 1968). Materialexamined (twofemaleparatypes) – “PortAngeles, Washingtonstate”, Mt. Pleasentdistrict, sweeping Lathyrustorreyi , 18 July 1945 , leg. R . D. Shenefelt . Additional features to the original description (McComb l.c.) – f. Body 3.4–3.5 mm long. Antennaaboutthree- fourthsaslongasbodyandwith 16 antennomeres. Headindorsal view 1.9–2 timesasbroadaslong, eyeaslongastemple, templerounded (Fig. 414). Ocelli faintlyelliptic, small, POLslightlyshorterthanOOL (9–12-13). Eyeinlateralviewtwice ashighaswide, genabeyondeyejustlesswide (15:16) thaneye (Fig. 415 seearrows). Clypeuslesswide, 1.6–1.7 timesaswidebelowashighmedially (Fig. 411). Headabove transverselysubstriolate, subshiny. Facemoreorlesstransverselysubrugulose, subshiny. Clypeushairpunctate, shiny. Mesosomainlateralviewstout, 1.2 timesaslongashigh, rugosetoscabrous, mesoscutummediallyrugulose- punctate. Scutellumrugose (Fig. 412). Propodealcarinadistinct, lateralpairofdenticulesgreaterthanmiddlepair (Fig. 413). Hindfemur 3.3 timesaslong asbroadmedially (cf. Fig. 268). Hindtibiadistallysomewhatlessbroadthanfemur. Hind basitarsusaslongastarsomeres 2–4 combined. Figs 414–427. 414–418. Microchelonus shenefelti ( McComb, 1968 ) (f, paratype ): 414 = head in dorsalview, 415 = headinlateralviewwithindicationofitssculpture, 416 = distalpartof rightforewing, 417 = carapaceindorsalviewwithindicationofitssculpture, 418 = cara- paceinlateralview. 419–427. Microchelonussubplanus Papp, 1999 (f, holotype : 419–425; m, paratype : 426–427): 419 = ultimatefiveflagellomeres, 420 = headindorsalviewwith indicationofitssculpture, 421 = clypeus, 422 = scutellum, 423 = distalpartofrightfore wing, 424 = carapaceindorsalviewwithindicationofitssculpture, 425 = apicalforamenof carapace, 426 = posteriorendofcarapaceinlateralview, 427 = apicalforamenofcarapace. Forewingone- fourthshorterthanbody (2.5–2.6 mmlong). Pterostigmanarrow, twiceaslongaswide, issuing r clearlydistallyfromitsmiddle. 1–R1 somewhatshorter than pterostigma (35:40), 3–SR just shorter than r (Fig. 416 see arrows). Carapaceindorsalviewbelly, 1.6 timesaslongasbroadposteriorly, fairlydense- lystriated, interstriationscrenulated, apicallyrugulose- rugose. Carapaceinlateralview 2.6–2.7 timesaslongashighposteriorly (Fig. 418 seearrows). Carapaceapico-ventrally somewhatincurved. Groundcolourofbodyblack. Antennablack. Palpibrownishyellow. Teguladark browntobrownish. Carapaceanteriorlylemonyellow, laterallyextendingtoposteriorly (Fig. 417). Legsblackish, yellow: femurapically, tibiae 1–3 andforetarsus, tarsi 2–3 dark fumous. Wingshyaline, pterostigmaopaquebrown, veinsproximo-distallyyellowtolight brownish. m (featuresafterMcCombl.c.) – Body 3.4 mmlong. Antennaaslongasbodyand with 22 antennomeres. Apicalforamenofcarapacesmall, oval, twicewiderthanhigh, i.e. itswidthtwo-thirdsofthehindbasitarsus. Hostunknown. DistributionUSA ( Washington ),? Mexico . Taxonomic position – In the original description (McComb l.c.) Microchelonus shenefelti isrelatedto M. fulgidus (McComb) . Inthekeytothefemale Microchelonus species it runs to M. flavicoxa sp. n. , see couplets 130 (125) – 132 (131).