A foundation monograph of Ipomoea (Convolvulaceae) in the New World Author Wood, John R. I. Author Munoz-Rodriguez, Pablo Author Williams, Bethany R. M. Author Scotland, Robert W. text PhytoKeys 2020 143 1 823 http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.143.32821 journal article http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.143.32821 1314-2003-143-1 F6F11A6EE4FF5A1885CEA2B60AE965A5 208. Ipomoea carolina L. , Sp. Pl. 1 : 160. 1753. (Linnaeus 1753: 160) Ipomoea umbellata L., Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 2: 924. 1759. (Linnaeus 1759a: 924). Type. Icon in Plumier in Burman, Pl. Amer: t. 92, f. 2 (1756), designated by Staples and Austin in Staples and Jarvis (2006: 1023). Ipomoea caroliniana Lam. , Tabl. Encycl. 1 (2): 464. 1793 [11 Feb 1793], nom. superfl. Type. Based on Catesby 2: t.91 [erroneously 19] (1743). Ipomoea heptaphylla Griseb. , Pl. Wright. 2 : 527. 1862. (Grisebach 1862a: 527), nom. illeg., non Ipomoea heptaphylla Sweet (1830) . Type. CUBA. C. Wright 1371[1649] (lectotype GOET002514, designated here; isolectotypes B, GH, GOET, HAC, K, MO, NY, PH, S, YU). Quamoclit heptaphylla (Griseb.) M. Gomez , Fl. Habana 346 . 1899 [pub.1897]. ( Gomez de la Maza y Jimenez 1897: 346). Ipomoea yamuriensis Urb. , Symb. Antill. 9 : 247. 1924. (Urban 1924b: 247). Type. CUBA. Prov. Oriente, [Matanzas], Rio Yamuri, 600-700 ft., 7 Dec. 1910, J.A. Shafer 7819 (isotypes NY, GH). Type. Icon in Catesby , Nat. Hist. Carolina 2 : 91, t. 91 (1743), designated by Dandy (1958; 112). Description. Scrambling liana; stems woody, glabrous, bark pale brown. Leaves petiolate, digitately divided into 3-5 often very unequal, shortly petiolate leaflets, leaflets 2-6.5 x 0.7-2.2 cm, oblanceolate to obovate, acute, obtuse or retuse, tapering into a petiolar base, margin often undulate, both surfaces glabrous, somewhat coriaceous in texture; petioles 1.7-4.7 cm. Inflorescence of few-flowered axillary cymes; peduncles 0.3-4 cm, often stout and woody and becoming brachyblast-like; bracteoles early caducous, not seen; secondary peduncles 7-13 mm, mostly spreading at right angles to peduncle; pedicels 7-20 mm; sepals glabrous, coriaceous, margins scarious, slightly unequal, outer 6-8 mm, ovate, obtuse, inner 9-10 x 8 mm, elliptic to suborbicular, rounded; corolla 4-5 cm long, funnel-shaped, pale violet with a dark centre, glabrous, tube pale on the exterior, limb c. 3 cm diam., weakly lobed; stamens included. Capsules ovoid to ellipsoid, 10-14 x 8 mm, glabrous; seeds 5-6 mm, long-pilose, the hairs up to 15 mm, principally marginal. Illustration. Figures 11C , 94D , 106 . Figure 106. Ipomoea carolina . A habit B habit C outer sepal D inner sepal E corolla opened out to show stamens F ovary and style G seed. Drawn by Rosemary Wise A, C-G from Correll 50233; B from Morton & Acuna 2919. Distribution. Growing in dry forest in the Bahamas and Cuba, probably most common in the latter. BAHAMAS. C. Mathews 79 (K). North Andros, D.S. Correll et al. 49373 (MO). New Providence: N.L. Britton & L. Brace 180 (NY); ibid., P. Wilson 8396 (K, MO, NY); ibid., D.S. Correll 50233 (BM). CUBA. M. Lopez Figuieras 1273 (HAJB), 1631 (HAJB), 2023 (HAJB), 2287 (HAJB). Camaguey : J.A , Shafer 2866 (NY). Cienfuegos : R. Combs 509 (K, NY). Guantanamo : Loma Santa Teresa, El Yunque, J.A. Shafer 7742 (K, NY); Baracoa, F. Michelangeli et al. 1461 (NY); Rio Yara, Sierra Maestre, E.L. Ekman 16412 (BM, S). Holguin : Sierra Nipe, C.V. Morton & J. Acuna 2919 (BM, US). Isla de Juventud (Pinos) : N.L. Britton et al. 15530 (NY). La Habana : Madruga , Bro. Leon 8941 (NY). Matanzos : N.L. Britton & P. Wilson 41 (K, NY). Pinar del Rio : J. A. Shafer 11115 (MO). Santiago de Cuba : E.L. Ekman 7992 (NY, S), 14848 (NY, S). Villa Clara : Bro. Leon 4108 (NY). Note. This species is very distinct because of its digitately divided leaves with oblanceolate or obovate leaflets combined with a funnel-shaped corolla, which is pale violet with a dark centre.