Key to South American genera of Acanthocinini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae) without erect setae on elytra; synonymies, transferences, revalidation, and notes on genera with erect setae on elytra Author Monné, Miguel A. 0000-0001-8825-3122 Author Santos-Silva, Antonio 0000-0001-7128-1418 Author Monné, Marcela L. 0000-0001-8825-3122 text Zootaxa 2020 2020-10-21 4863 1 1 65 journal article 9030 10.11646/zootaxa.4863.1.1 95a73980-ea3b-47d6-9841-774c62b4d825 1175-5326 4416817 66DCE172-2486-450B-AD2C-2D80F573348E Sternacutus Gilmour, 1961 , revalidated ( Figs. 54–57 ) Sternacutus Gilmour, 1961: 364 . Type species Sternacutus cristatus Gilmour, 1961 (original designation). Acarinozineus Gilmour, 1962 c: 261 . Type species— Acarinozineus striatus Gilmour, 1962 (original designation). Diagnosis. Each elytron bearing elongate centrobasal crest, setose or not; prosternal process narrow, about 1/3 as broad as procoxal cavity; mesoventral process not tuberculate, from 1/4 to 1/3 width of mesocoxal cavity. Legs elongate; femora pedunculate or softly dilated to the distal extremity. Number of species currently included: 29. Remarks. According to Gilmour (1961) on Sternacutus : “This new genus shows some affinities with the genus Ozineus Bates , but differs through the pronotal shape, the acutely triangular mesosternal process, the extremely strongly swollen pedunculate femora, less depressed form etc.” Gilmour (1962) described Acarinozineus and reported: “Most closely allied to the genus Ozineus Bates , but primarily differing through the elytra not being at all carinate laterally, although the border of the disc and epilpeura [ sic , epipleura] is angular. In general form the species are rather more elongate than those of Ozineus Bates. Monné & Martins (1976) synonymized Acarinozineus with Ozineus , and pointed out (translated): “The recognition of the type species of the genus Ozineus , O. elongatus Bates, 1873 (Thomson designation, 1864: 322), allowed establishing the synonym proposed above. Ozineus elongatus is, apparently, the only species of the genus provided with setae in the elytra (short, sparse, and visible only in the apical quarter). The characters presented by Gilmour (1962) to separate Acarinozineus from Ozineus are: absence of lateral carina in elytra... and the elongate aspect of the body... Such characters are present in the Ozineus type species.” Monné et al. (2019a) synonymized Sternacutus with Ozineus . In fact, only the type species of Ozineus has erect setae on elytra. Accordingly, the other species currently included in Ozineus are transferred to Sternacutus (revalidated).