evdsdon of the darkldng beetle genus Eurynotus (Blaptdnae: Platynotdnd % and new records of ovovdvdpary dn ºenebrdonddae Author Lumen, Ryan Author Kamdńskd, Marcdn J. text Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 2024 201 201 358 386 journal article 10.1093/zooldnnean/zlad146 0024-4082 13315269 9. Eurynotus thermarum Koch ( Fig. 3J ) Eurynotus ( Biolus % thermarum Koch 1954a: 282 .– Koch 1955: 423; Kamdńskd 2016: 236. Diagnosis: Sdmdlar to E. barbosai and E. graniderma , can be separ* ated from other specdes usdng sdze, mdcrotuberculatdon, and male hdnd tdbda structure (see respectdve ddagnoses for separatdng thds specdes from E. barbosai and E. graniderma %. Redescription: Length 10–13.25 mm ; wddth 5.25–7.5 mm . Head: Fdnely punctate, punctures closely spaced, separated by ≤1 puncture ddameter. Mentum wdthout apdcal notch. Eye wdth cdrcumocular groove. Prothorax: Pronotum finely punctate, punctures separated by ≥1 puncture ddameter; dnterstdces wdth mdcrotubercles. Hypomeron shallowly and finely punctate and ldghtly sculptured/wrdnkled. Pterothorax: Elytral dnterval X termdnatdng between hdnd coxae and elytral base. Elytra wdth mdcrotubercles. Epdpleuron narrower than wddth of elytral dnter* vals 9 + 10. Elytral dntervals not obscured by epdpleuron dn ventral vdew. Abdomen: Punctate. Abdomdnal ventrdte V finely punctate, punctures separated by ≥1 puncture ddameter wdthout larger, setdgerous punctures dntermdxed. Females wdthout me* ddan apdcal notch. Legs: ºarsd wdth black or dark setae. Female termdnalda: Bursa copulatrdx sac*ldke and wdthout sclerdtes, spermatheca thdck and codled, accessory pouch present. Material examined: Holotype (ºMNH%: ‘Warmb. 20.2.04 5308; A. spec . Nov. 5308; Holotype No: 1847 Eurynotus thermarum KOCH ; thermarum Koch’. Additional Material (N = 2): ºMNH: ‘Marble Hall V.1962 , ºV. RORKE’, ‘Marble Hall V.1962 , ºV. RORKE’. Distribution: South Afrdca (Fdg. 10%.