A taxonomic revision of the genus Platycranus Fieber, 1870 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae: Orthotylinae) Author Knyshov, Alexander Author Konstantinov, Fedor V. text Zootaxa 2013 3637 3 201 253 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3637.3.1 64c2b0fe-89da-4986-b4ec-9db02c804712 1175-5326 221692 A5DF029E-037F-418D-BD77-BBC7C951592E Platycranus genistae Lindberg, 1948 Figures 16–17 , 46 , 59, 84, 99, 147, 165, 185, 201 Platycranus genistae Lindberg, 1948 : 49 [n.sp.]; Carvalho, 1958 : 125 [cat.]; Schuh, 1995 : 182 [cat.]; Wagner, 1974 : 152 [descr.] Diagnosis. Distinguished by the following combination of characters: first antennal segment, head, pronotum, scutellum and inner margin of hemelytron dark brown ( Figs. 16–17 , 46 ); first antennal segment relatively long, 0.5–0.6 × as long as width of head, with long dark stiff setae ( Fig. 46 ); interramal lobes distinctly twin-coned, lateral cone extremely long and slightly curved medially ( Fig. 185 ), right paramere with strongly tapering apex ( Fig. 147 ). Most similar to P. p i c t u s and P. wagneri but differs from both species in the presence of long and stiff black setae on the first antennal segment, and from P. wagneri also in larger body sizes. Redescription. Male . Small, 3.9–4.2. COLORATION. Head : dark brown, with yellowish frons ( Fig. 16 ); first antennal segment dark brown, second segment contrastly yellow, third and fourth segments slightly pale brown. Thorax : pronotum, brown, sometimes except lateral margins and medial line; exposed part of mesonotum, scutellum and scuto-scutellar suture dark brown; pronotal sides yellow; meso- and metapleura yellow to pale brown. Hemelytron : yellow with brown inner margin; membrane dark. Legs : yellow, apical part of third segment dark brown. Abdomen : dorsally brown, ventrally yellow. SURFACE AND VESTITURE. All antennal segments wery densely clothed with stiff, long and black simple setae and very scarce scalelike setae. STRUCTURE. Head : vertex 1.52–1.89 × as wide as eye; first antennal segment 0.45–0.49 × as long as width of head; second antennal segment 1.4–1.44 × as long as width of head and 1.38–1.40 × as long as width of pronotum. Thorax : pronotum with slightly concave anterior and posterior margins, 1.75–1.85 × as wide as long and 0.97–1.04 × as wide as head. Hemelytron : cuneus twice as long as wide. Legs : third tarsal segment nearly equal in length to first and second combined; pulvillus relatively short, not reaching midpoint of claw ( Fig. 201 ). GENITALIA. Genital capsule as in Fig. 84 ; left paramere as in Fig. 99; right paramere with strongly tapering apex ( Fig. 147 ). Female . Small, 3.5–3.9. COLORATION, SURFACE, AND VESTITURE. As in male. STRUCTURE. Similar to male except larger interocular distance, vertex 2.22–2.47 × as wide as eye; first antennal segment 0.52–0.56 × as long as width of head; second antennal segment 1.3–1.4 × as long as width of head and 1.33–1.42 × as long as width of pronotum; pronotum 1.87–2.24 × as wide as long and 0.96–1.04 × as wide as head. GENITALIA. Interramal lobes strongly twin-coned, lateral cone extremely long and slightly curved medially ( Fig. 185 ); sclerotized rings as in Fig. 165 . Distribution. So far known exclusively from the type locality, Cyprus (Fig. 59). Host associations. Genista fasselata Decaisne (= Genista sphacelata Spach ) ( Lindberg (1948) . Material. Lectotype : CYPRUS : Ayios Hilarion, 35.3125 ° N 33.28333 ° E , 0 7 Jun 1939 , Hakan Lindberg, 13 ( AMNH _PBI 00336209) ( MZH ). Paralectotypes : CYPRUS : Ayios Hilarion, 35.3125 ° N 33.28333 ° E , 0 7 Jun 1939 , Hakan Lindberg, 2Ƥ ( AMNH _PBI 0 0 340448, AMNH _PBI 00340449) ( BMNH ), 3Ƥ ( AMNH _PBI 00336210- AMNH _PBI 00336212) ( MZH ), 1Ƥ ( AMNH _PBI 00183847) ( ZMUH ). Other Specimens Examined : CYPRUS : Kannouses spring, Mts. Troodos, 34.91666 ° N 32.83333 ° E , 1676 m , 0 1 May 1964 , G. Mavromoustakis, 13 ( AMNH _PBI 00336288) ( NMPC ). Limassol, 34.65 ° N 33.01667 ° E , 28 May 1967 , G. Mavromoustakis, 1Ƥ ( AMNH _PBI 00314180) ( ZISP ). Moni River, 34.73807 ° N 33.20159 ° E , 70 m , 29 May 1962 , G. Mavromoustakis, 1Ƥ ( AMNH _PBI 00334826) ( LCRT ). Pano Lefkara, 34.869 ° N 33.302 ° E , 28 May 1972 , Eckerlein, 5Ƥ ( AMNH _PBI 00314175- AMNH _PBI 0 0 314177, AMNH _PBI 0 0 334195, AMNH _PBI 00334196), 13 ( AMNH _PBI 00334194) ( ZISP ). Yermasoyia River, 35.11337 ° N 32.53349 ° E , 0 7 Jun 1966 , G. Mavromoustakis, 1Ƥ ( AMNH _PBI 00314178) ( ZISP ); 16 Jun 1966 , G. Mavromoustakis, 1Ƥ ( AMNH _PBI 00314179) ( ZISP ). [Saettas, 762 m ( 2500 ft )], 34.87083 ° N 32.91666 ° E , 0 5 Jul 1964 - 14 Jul 1964 , G. Mavromoustakis, 13 ( AMNH _PBI 00334193) ( ZISP ). FIGURES 104–112. Right parameres: 104–109— P. e r b e r i , 104, 106, 108— Italy , 105, 109— Syria , 107— Croatia ; 110–112— P. hartigi . FIGURES 113–121. Right parameres: 113— P. lindbergi ; 114–121— P. p u t o n i , 114–116— Libya , 117— Jordan , 118–120— Israel , 121— Algeria . FIGURES 122–132. Right parameres of P. metriorrhynchus : 122–123, 129, 131— Spain , 124–126, 128, 130— France , 127— Andorra , 132— Bulgaria .