Revision of Ommatius Wiedemann (Diptera: Asilidae). IV. Pygommatius subgen. nov. with twenty-five Afrotropical species Author Scarbrough, Aubrey G. Department of Biological Sciences, Towson University, Baltimore, MD 21252, USA; Author Marascia, Claudio G. text Zootaxa 2003 2003-07-04 228 1 1 94 journal article 5623 10.11646/zootaxa.228.1.1 081ba61b-c79c-401c-a265-060a46979cd2 1175­5334 5019043 AC9F77DE-F702-4620-B756-D753E77FBC73 Ommatius (Pygommatius) neglectus Bromley Figs. 16 , 36 , 44 , 51 , 173­180 Ommatinus ornatipes Engel, 1929 , 13: 159. Holotype , type locality Saw Mills, Zimbabwe [S. Rhodesia ], 25.xii.25, fig. 6, Annals of the Transvaal Museum (ZSMC). Secondary homonym of Ommatius ornatipes Becker 1926: 31­32 . Ommatius ornatipes (Engel) : Hull 1962: 436 . Oldroyd 1980: 348 (Afrotropical catalogue). Ommatius neglectus Bromley, 1936 , 18: 128. Holotype , type locality South Africa , Pretoria [NMSA]. New Synonymy of O. ornatipes (Engel) . Ommatius neglectus : Hull 1962: 436 . Oldroyd 1980: 348 . (Afrotropical catalogue). Redescription, male. Dark brown to black. Length, body 9.2­11.3 mm ; wing 7.2­8.3 mm . Head : Mostly yellow tomentose, yellow setose. Face yellow to golden yellow tomentose, vestiture unusually long and yellow; 2­5 pencil­like, yellow bristles present; apices of long, thin bristles flat, lancelate; FHWR 1.0:4.6­1.0:5.7. Proboscis with narrow base yellow. Antenna usually brown, flagellum darkest, scape and pedicel yellow to brownish­yellow; dorsal setae sometimes brown; style bare on apical third to half, apex with flat tuft of short setae. Frons usually yellow setose, rarely brown. Ocellar tubercle with posterior setae as long as 3 antennal segments combined. Occiput with 5­6 long, brown postocular bristles, longest extends forward to above or just behind ocellar tubercle. Thorax : Black. Mesonotum with thin tomentum, lateral spots and median longitudinal stripe brownish, otherwise mostly brownish­yellow to yellow tomentose; vestiture brown, setae most abundant medially, about as long as scape and pedicel combined; bristles thin, with 4 dorsocentral and 4 lateral bristles present. Scutellum usually yellowish­gray, basally sometimes brownish; setae sparse, long, variable in color, entirely yellow to brown; 2 black marginal bristles present. Pleuron yellowish­gray to gray tomentose, mostly yellow setose. Halter yellow to reddish. Wing ( Fig. 16 ): Apical and posterior margins narrowly dense microtrichose. Base of cell r 4 just beyond cell d apex; vein R5 slightly convex medially. Cell m 1 unusually wide beyond narrow base, sides diverge evenly to wing margin; M 1 strongly curved forward basally. Cell m 3 long, narrow, apex usually near base of cell m 1 . Leg : Coxae yellowish­gray tomentose. Fore coxa reddish­yellow with mostly black bristles, 1­3 slightly longer and stouter yellow bristles present just above apical margin; middle and hind coxae black; middle coxa with sparsely black to entirely black vestiture; hind coxa with only yellow vestiture. Femora mostly light brown­yellow, black anterodorsally, sometimes as a median stripe on basal third to half. Fore and middle femora posteroventrally with abundant, erect, yellow setae. Middle femur with only anteroventral and posteroventral setae, mostly black, those posteriorly longest; 3­4 unusually long, thin, setae posteriorly. Hind femur ( Fig. 36 ) anteriorly with a row of 10­12 short, yellow setae medially; 4 long anteroventral bristles present, usually brown, with longest bristle half to two­thirds as long as hind femur; 6­7 short, black, posteroventral bristles present, apical bristle longest and thickest; HFWLR 1.0:5.2­1.0:6.2. Fore and middle tibiae yellow except narrow brown apex of latter; a fringe of numerous, short, white setae and 2­3 thin bristles laterally, bristles about half as long as fore tibiae. Hind tibia yellow with apical fourth black; flat ‘tuft’ of white setae laterally ( Fig. 44 ) and 1 thick, white, apical bristle. Fore and middle tarsi with basal tarsomere yellow, each with fringe of setae laterally plus 1 yellow bristle; remaining tarsomeres, including entire hind tarsus and bristles black. Basal 4 tarsomeres of hind tarsus with erect, short, dorsolateral bristles; apical 4 tarsomeres white setose, at least laterally; apical tarsomere ( Fig. 51 ) about twice as long as fourth, apex digitate, projecting between pulvilli with dense, short, hooked yellow setae. Abdomen : Black with apical margins of most segments narrowly yellow; tomentum and setae mostly yellow, black setae present medially on most tergites; tergite 7 emarginate apically. Sternites 3 and 4 entirely with numerous, scattered, erect yellow bristles; sternite 5 with fewer, scattered bristles present on basal half. Terminalia ( Figs. 173­177 ). Epandrium 3 branched; median and ventral branches stylate, former longer and capitate. Hypandrium with a tuft of long black bristles. Female. Differs from male as follows. Length, body 7.5­10.7 mm ; wing 7.5­8.8 mm . Head : Face yellowish­gray tomentose with 6 brown bristles; scattered black setae present dorsally; FHWR 1.0:5.0­1.0:5.3. Antenna with style normal. Thorax : Mesonotum with anterior setae longer than scape and pedicel combined. Scutellum with pale yellow setae only. Leg : Fore coxa with only yellow bristles and setae. Middle coxae with sparse black bristles only along apical margin. Legs normal, without lateral fringe of abundant setae; hind femur without unusual anterior and anteroventral vestiture; HFWLR 1.0:5.5­1.0:6.5. Abdomen : Tergite 9 with deep emargination anteriorly, membranous, extremely short mediodorsally. Sternites with only thin, yellow setae, erect bristles absent. Terminalia ( Figs. 178­180 ): Three spermathecae present, duct prebasal and lateral. Apical margin of sternite 8 slightly triangular, margin notched on each side of short spine­like process. SPECIMENS EXAMINED. KENYA : 1 ♂ , Nguruma Kajindo Dist. , 01 o 50'S : 36 o 56'E 700 m , vi.1989 Rift Valley , Coll. I. M. I. Aba­Zinid, alluvial plains ( NMSA ) ; 3 ♀ E. Africa , Nairobi Zone H HZS3181 L. C. Edwards , B. M. 1952­403 ( BMNH ) . MALAWI : 1 ♂ , Chikonje Ruo , Nyasaland on grass stem, 23.i.14 200 m ., R . C. W. ( CMNH ) ; 1 ♀ , Fort Johnston , Nyasaland (P. Randall ) S. Africa , Distant Coll. 1911­383 ( BMNH ) ; 1 ♂ , 29.ix.14, Chi konje Ruo , Nyasaland 200 [m] ( R . C.W. ), on grass stem – 27565 ( CMNH ) . MOZAMBIQUE : 1 ♂ , Chinhanguanil NE , 16.iv.1980 , HR Feijen ( NMSA ) ; 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ , (diff.loc.), Catuane 5.v.80, H. R . Feijen ( NMSA ) ; 1 ♀ , Moamba , No. , 9­12.iii.1964 , A. L. Moore ( USNM ) ; 1 ♂ , Zambeze , Nova Chupanga , J. Surcouf 1928, ix ( MNHN ) ; 1 ♂ , Zambeze , Tambara , P. Lesne 1929, ii ( MNHN ) ; 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ , Zambeze , Chemba , J. Surcouf 1926, 14.iii ( MNHN ) ; 1 ♀ African Orient. , Portug. Macequece , P. Lesne 1928 ( MNHN ) ; 2 ♀ , Macequece, P . Lesne 1928, ii, iii ( MNHN ) . NAMIBIA : 1 ♂ , West Caprivi Pr. , Kwanda River Suswe , 17°45’37”S 23°20’25”E , 28.ix­02.x.1998 , A. H. Kirk­Spriggs , Malaise Trap dry woodland ( NMWN ) ; 2 ♂ , 3 ♀ , Rundu Dist. , Simanya Okavango River , 17°33’17”S 18°32’30”E , 20­23, 23­24.i.1998 , Kirk­Spriggs and Marais , Malaise Traps riverine forest ( NMWN ) ; 1 ♂ , 2 ♀ , OPUWO District , 35 km E. Epupa : Kunene River , 17°03’37”S , 13°29’32”E 09­11.x.99, Kirk­Sprigg Pape Hauwanga , Malaise traps shaded woodland ( NMWN ) ; 3 ♂ , 1 ♀ , OPUWO District , Ekuju Village : Kunene River , 17°19’35”S , 13°48’56”E 11­12.x.99, Kirk­Sprigg Pape Hauwanga , Malaise traps riverine forest ( NMWN ) ; 1 ♀ , MUKWE Dist Divuju , Okavango River , 18°40’4”S 21°28’51”E 01.ix.99, Kirk­Sprigg , Marais , Malaise traps and sweeping ( NMWN ) . SOUTH AFRICA : Holotype , ( NMSA ) ; 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ , 2327DA, Transvaal Ellisras , 30.i.1978 JGH Londt , grass near trees on Mokolo River , Banks ( NMSA ) : 1 ♀ , same location, 22.xi.1978 , Brothers , S. J.­ Guillarmod ( NMSA ) : 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ , Transvaal , N. Kruger Natl. Park , Pafuri 22°21'S : 31°17'E , 14.II­ 8.III.1980 , L. Braack , Malaise Trap ( NMSA ) ; 2 ♀ , Transvaal , Kruger Park 4.i.1974 , Sabie River 4 km E Skukuza , Ficus Galley Forest, B and P Stuckenberg 2431DC (NMSA) ; 2 ♂ , 1 ♀ , Transvaal , Kruger Park 9.xii.1972 , Timbarati River banks riparian bush rd. S­39, B and P Stuckenberg 2431DC ( NMSA ) ; 1 ♂ , Transvaal RSA, Kruger Natl. Park , PAFURI, 2231 AC , 20.ii.1973 , J. Van Reenen ( NMSA ) ; 1 ♀ , Transvaal Ofcolaco , 2430AB, Selati River , 7­8.xii.1976 , R . Miller ( NMSA ) ; 2 ♂ , Transvaal , 5 km S Nelspruit Noordkuap , R . 2530BD, 1­2.xii.1976 , R . Miller ( NMSA ) ; 1 ♀ , Ingwavuma Dist. , Lebombo Zululand , Stuckenberg , II.1957 , Cecil Macks Pass ( NMSA ) ; 1 ♂ , Katima Mulilo , E. Caprivi , 20­ 28.x.1970 , A. Strydom ( NMSA ) ; 1 ♂ , R . S.A. : KZ­Natal #47, Hluhluwe / Umfolozi , Munyawaneni Camp area, 28°09’S : 32o02’E 160 m , 29.xii.1995 ­ 3.i.1996 , J. Londt and K. Cradock ( NMSA ) ; 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ [mating pair, mounted on pin], R . S. A..: KZ­Natal # 117, Hluhluwe Umfolozi Res. , 28°09’S : 32°02’E 160 m , Munyawaneni Camp Area , 29.xii.1995 ­ 3.i.1996 , J. Londt and K. Cradock ( NMSA ) ; 2 ♀ , Skukuza , Kruger N. P. , Zumpt ( BMNH ) . ZIMBABWE : Holotype , ( ZSMC ) ; 1 ♂ , Sawmills, S . Rhodesia , Rhodesia Museum , 12.ii.1926 , Engel ( NMBZ ) ; 1 ♂ , Khami , x.1938 , Nat. Museum S Rhodesia ( NMBZ ) ; 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ , Victoria Falls , S. Rhodesia , 20.i.1927 , Rhodesia Museum ( NMBZ ) ; 1 ♂ , Victoria Falls , Rhodesia , 5­7.iii.1976 , Nat. Museum S. R ., F.C. de Moor , Engel , Engel ( NMBZ ) ; 1 ♀ , 17 m S of Chiturapadzi , Limpopo R ., Rhodesia 28.iv.1968 , Nat. Mus. R . S. Exp. , S. Pinhey ( NMBZ ) ; 1 ♀ , Base Camp , Chikwarakwara , Chipese T . T . L., S. E. Rhodesia , 11.xii.1974 , Nat. Mus. Bulawayo , F. de Moor Fal. Col. Exp. ( NMBZ ) ; 1 ♂ , 31 o 12'E : 22 o 16’S , Pesu Gorge , Sengwe T . T . L. S. Rhodesia , 10.xii.1974 S. Rhodesia , F. de Moor F. C. Exp. ( NMBZ ) . 1 ♂ , 2 ♀ , Balla­Balla , S. Rhodesia , 20.xii.1932 , A. Cutbertson , S. W. Bromley , Collection , 1955, M observed in peculiar mating habits courtship ( USNM ) . 1 ♂ , by Sanyati R ., nr Karib camp, Tsetse fly ops., 7.i.1956 , "running on sand by river banks", Goodien ( BMNH ) ; 1 ♀ , nr. junction of Naodsa and Sanyati R . Kariba , Tsetse fly ops., 18.i.1956 ( BMNH ) . Distribution. The species was captured in dry woodland and near or in riverine forests throughout the year except July and August in east­central Africa and Namibia . Remarks. In addition to the characters in the key, the wide face, the golden yellow to yellow tomentum and vestiture of the face, the style which is bare on the apical half except for the flat tuft of short, apical setae, the unusually long anteroventral bristles of the hind femur, and stout erect bristles on sternites 3­5 further characterize O. neglectus . Wiedemann (1821) proposed the genus Ommatius to include asiliine taxa that had a wide head and a style with ventral setae. Subsequently, Coquillett (1910) designated Asilus marginellus Fabricius as the type of the genus. Later, Becker (1925) proposed a new ommatiine genus, Ommatinus Becker , for those taxa with only a single row of setae below the style to distinguish them from Ommatius . Then, Becker (1926) added the Australian species Ommatius ornatipes Becker and soon thereafter, Engel (1929) added the African species Ommatinus ornatipes Engel. Still later, Hull (1962) considered Ommatinus Becker a synonym of Ommatius Wiedemann on the grounds that the number of rows of setae below the style were variable and transferred all species of Ommatinus to Ommatius ( Hull 1962 ; Oldroyd 1975,1980; Daniels 1989 ). Thus, Ommatinus ornatipes Engel became a secondary homonym of Ommatius ornatipes Becker. Finally, Bromley (1936) described Ommatius neglectus Bromley , a species from South Africa . Upon an examination of both types plus additional material identified by Engel and Bromley, we determined them to be conspecific. We declare here that O. neglectus is a new synonym of O. ornatipes (Engel) and recognize O. neglectus as the next most available name for Ommatius ornatipes (Engel) .