Species composition and geographic distribution of Fuegian Curculionidae (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea) Author Posadas, Paula text Zootaxa 2012 3303 1 36 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.213158 a2cbc63d-a866-4edd-8858-458d2cef3ba9 1175-5326 213158 Germainiellus lugens (Germain) Listroderes lugens Germain 1895 : 586 ; Kuschel 1950 : 14 ( Listroderes subgenus Antarctobius ); Morrone 1993b : 136 ( Germainiellus ). Geographic distribution as in figure 14. Specimens examined: CHILE : Magallanes, Isla Navarino, Puerto Williams (55°S, 2000 ft ), I-20-1959 (BMNH); Puerto Williams (55°S, 1700 ft , upper Nothofagus forest), I-19-1959 ( 3 specimens with same data, BMNH); Isla Wellington , Puerto Edén (49°S, 3100 ft ), XII-20-1958 ( 3 specimens with same data, BMNH). Temporal distribution: November to April.