Annotated and updated checklist of marine crabs (Decapoda: Brachyura) of Mozambique supported by morphological and molecular data from shelf and slope species of the “ MOZAMBIQUE ” surveys Author Muñoz, Isabel 0000-0003-1055-0754 Author García-Isarch, Eva 0000-0003-3027-382X Author Cuesta, Jose A. 0000-0001-9482-2336 text Zootaxa 2021 2021-10-19 5056 1 1 67 journal article 3930 10.11646/zootaxa.5056.1.1 6e7f4e75-9f6c-43d8-bd88-4ceb637afe60 1175-5326 5577887 D20A249C-1CA4-45F8-8677-D2011A8380A4 Platymaia turbynei Stebbing, 1902 ( Figure 13A ) Material examined. M07, Stn. 4, 620m , 38.8× 48.4mm (IEO-CD-MZ07/1924); M08, Stn. 22, 618m , juvenile 8.3× 8.7mm (IEO-CD-MZ08/1780-1), COI ( MZ 434799 ); juvenile 8.9× 8.1mm (IEO-CD-MZ08/1780-2), COI ( MZ 434800 ) ; 9.3× 9.1mm (IEO-CD-MZ08/1780-3) 16S ( MZ 424955 ), COI ( MZ 434801 ); M09, Stn. 19, 542m , 24.2× 39.8mm (IEO-CD-MZ09/1854-1); M09, Stn. 92, 619m , 25.3× 42mm (IEO-CD-MZ09/1795) . Habitat and distribution . Platymaia turbynei is distributed along the east coast of South Africa , from Natal to southern Mozambique Channel, Madagascar , and Reunion Island (Griffin & Tranter 1986), between 200 and 880m (according to Kensley 1981 ) or 996m (according to Emmerson 2016c ) in Mozambican waters. Results and remarks. The six specimens were collected between March and April of M07, M08 and M09, at depths of 542–620m . Their morphological characters are in agreement with the descriptions included in the revision of some majoid crabs of IWP made by Griffin & Tranter (1986). Colouration observed. Fresh specimens showed reddish carapace and salmon-colour legs. The spines are darker. DNA barcodes. As already commented above for the 16S sequence of P. alcocki , there are not 16S sequences available for this species on any public database. There is only a short (400 bp) and incomplete 16S sequence of Platymaia remifera , deposited in Genbank by Tsang et al . (2014) . Therefore, it is not possible a real comparison without the complete sequence, but the 15 mutations found in the 400 bp suggest a distance that fits well at intrageneric level. When comparing with the 16S sequence of P. alcocki , the similarity found of 91% could be considered in the limit between intra or intergeneric distance. This distance increased when comparing the COI sequences, with a similarity of 83%, that also supports a divergence at intergeneric level. There is a COI sequence ( MDECA 062-10) in BOLD that corresponds to one specimen identified by Chan as Platymaia sp. which was collected in Mozambique by the MB-exp in 2009 (date collection: 2009-04-09 ) and deposited at the MNHN ( MNHN _IU200810370). This COI sequence fits 99.67 and 99.02% (one and seven mutations, respectively) with the two COI haplotypes obtained for P. turbynei , and for this reason it must be attributed to this species.