Review of the New Zealand endemic family Cyclaxyridae, new family (Coleoptera: Polyphaga) Author Gimmel, Matthew L. Department of Entomology, 404 Life Sciences Building, Louisiana State University AgCenter, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 70803, USA & Corresponding author, e-mail: phalacrid @ gmail. com Author Leschen, Richard A. B. New Zealand Arthropod Collection, Landcare Research, Private Bag 92170, Auckland, New Zealand Author Ślipiński, S. Adam CSIRO Entomology, GPO Box 1700, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia Author Csiro text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2009 2009-12-15 49 2 511 528 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5319990 0374-1036 5319990 Cyclaxyra jelineki sp. nov. ( Figs. 19 , 22–25 ) Type material . HOLOTYPE . J: “ NEW ZEALAND :KA, Mt.Fyffe , Hinau Loop , Kowhai Valley , 17.II.2009 , K. Marske & R. Leschen , ex sooty mould at base of tree, night, 42°21.008′S , 173°34.077′E , 200 m , KM314 / HOLOTYPE Cyclaxyra jelineki design. R. Leschen, 2009 ” ( NZAC ). PARATYPES ( 130 spec. ): NEW ZEALAND : KA: same data as holotype, except KM312 & KM314, 87 ( NZAC ), 10 ( ANIC ), 10 ( LSAM ), and 10 ( FMNH ) ; same data as holotype, except 5.IV.2004 , RL846, R. Leschen , 2 ( NZAC ) ; Oaro , black sooty mould on tree, 20.III.1982 , C.A. Muir & R.M. Emberson , 4 ( LUNZ ) ; Blue Duck Scientific Reserve , 42°15′S , 173°46′E , leaf litter, 18.XI.1999 , RL497, R. Leschen & R. Hoare , 2 ( NZAC ). NC: Front Dismal [near Dismal Valley] (71ha), 42°37′S , 172°21′E , FIT 14 days, forest 64m ground, #1637-014, 11.II.2001 , R.K. Didham , 1 ( AMNZ ) ; Glentui , Glentui Reserve , 43°12.023′S , 172°15.194′E , under logs, 5.II.2007 , RL1284, R. Leschen , T. Buckley , & K. Marske , 4 ( NZAC ) . Adult description. Total length: 2.00– 2.58 mm ; body colouration of mature specimens usually deep black, teneral specimens often with base of elytra, pronotum anteromedially, and metaventrite darker than rest of integument; appendages rufous, antennal club usually concolourous with funicle; glabrous above; frons ( Fig. 19 ) with fine, dense punctation, punctures separated by 1 diameter; metaventrite with fine, dense punctation; hind wings reduced to short pads; pronotal length 0.40–0.56 mm ; elytral length 1.22–1.70 mm ; tegmen of aedeagus ( Figs. 22, 23 ) with long, curved basal strut, parameres proportionally long; penis ( Fig. 24 ) not including basal strut more that five times as long as wide; spiculum gastrale as in Fig. 25 . Figs. 22–25. Male genitalia of Cyclaxyra jelineki sp. nov. 22 – tegmen, dorsal view; 23 – tegmen, lateral view; 24 – penis, dorsal view (basal strut omitted). 25 – spiculum gastrale. Scale bar = 0.5 mm. Variation. The basal strut of the penis is variable in form. The thinly sclerotised posterolateral regions of the tegmen are often flexed inward as a result of clearing, making the tegmen appear narrowed apically. Etymology. The species is named in honor of Dr Josef Jelínek in recognition of his excellent work in Nitidulidae (including New Zealand work) and other microcoleoptera and for his kindness to fellow entomologists. Differential diagnosis. Adults may be distinguished from C. politula by the finely, densely punctate frons and metaventrite, and by the characters of the male genitalia noted in the key. Distribution. Known only from the northeastern regions of the South Island, New Zealand , from North Canterbury northward to at least Blue Duck Scientific Reserve. Most specimens were collected at Mt. Fyffe, on the Hinau Loop in Kowhai Valley which is predominantly a broadleaf forest, but other localities consist of stands of Nothofagus and broadleaf trees, or a mix of these trees with podocarps.