Review Of Subtribe Apodacrina (Diptera, Sarcophagidae) Of Middle East With Descriptions Of Ten New Species Author Verves, Yu. G. text Zoodiversity 2020 2020-07-17 54 3 183 204 journal article 53626 10.15407/zoo2020.03.183 d7e9d83e-0bdb-430a-8525-76a1bdac0a94 2707-7268 6377612 Xerophilomyia cyprica (Rondani, 1859) Apodacra cyprica Rondani, 1859: 221 ; Pape, 1988: 7 ( type revised); Pape & Blasco-Zumeta, 1997: 93 (habits); Pape et al., 2002: 218 (faunistics); Séguy, 1941: 252 (in key), 255 (redescription); Szpila, 2010: 22 (morphology of 1 st instar larva); Venturi, 1957 b: 154 (redescription). Apodacra ( Xerophilomyia ) cyprica : Rohdendorf, 1930: 14 (diagnose). Xerophilomyia cyprica : Koçak & Kemal, 2012: 954, 1008 , 1054, 1096, 1173, 1198, 1253; 2015: 352 (faunistics); Rohdendorf & Verves, 1980: 461 (in key); Verves, 1986: 87 (catalog); Verves & Khrokalo, 2018 (Supplementary Material): 21 (faunistics); Verves et al., 2015: 273 (review). Apodacra bembicisequax Pandellé, 1895: 288 ; Pape, 2004: 18 ( lectotype designated); Séguy, 1941: 253 (in key), 255 (type revised). Apodacra ( Xerophilomyia ) bembicisequax : Rohdendorf, 1930: 13 (diagnose). Material. Israel : 1 } , Lahav , 19.07.1971 , leg. A. Freidberg ( TAU ) . 4 { , 1 } , N. Zafit , pupae 23.03.1977 ex Eumenes nest, imagoes 15.04.1971 , leg. J. Kugler ( TAU ) . 1 } , Arava Walley , 2 km N of Hazeva Field School in Wadi Gidron el. — 110 m (30 o 46ʹ77ʹʹ N, 35 o 14ʹ58ʹʹ E), 29.03.1995 , leg. M. Irwin ( TAU ) . 4 { , 2 } , Oranim , 6.07.1960 , ex nest of Eumenes ( Delta ) asinus , leg. Abalafia ( NHMUK ) . 4 } , Hazeva , 27.09.1979 , ex pupae Rhynchium sp. ( TAU ) . 2 } , Hazeva Field School ( 30 o 43ʹ N , 35 o 15ʹ E ), 5.11.1997 , leg. A. Maklakov ( TAU ) . 1 } , Har Horesha , 11.04.2002 , leg. A. Freidberg ( TAU ) . 5 { , 1 } , Elat , 30.06.1975 , leg. A. Lapo ( TAU ) . Egypt : 1 { , Sinai , Ein Fortaga , 12.08.1971 , leg. J. Kugler ( TAU ) . 3 } , Sinai , Sarabit el-Chadem, 12.09.1975 , coccon of Eumenes sp. , 17.10.1975 , ex coccon, leg. D. Aizikovitch ( TAU ) . Jordan *: 1 { , Jordan Valley , Zerda R. Valley , c. 200 m , at light, 18.09.1954 ( NHMUK ) . D i s t r i b u t i o n: Palaearctic: Europe: Spain , France (south part and Corsica ),; North Africa: Egypt (mainland); Asia: Cyprus , Egypt ( Sinai ), Israel , Jordan *. Habits: Psammophilous and xerophilous species. Larvae are kleptoparasites in nests of eumenid wasps: Delta asinus (Sauss.) , Eumenes sp. , Euodynerus variegatus (F.), Rhynchium sp. and sphecid wasps: Bembex sp.