The spider genera Euthycaelus Simon and Schismatothele Karsch (Mygalomorphae, Theraphosidae) Author Guadanucci, José Paulo Leite Author Weinmann, Dirk text Zootaxa 2014 3795 3 275 288 journal article b23d9efe-a829-475a-bf08-42060026f3e3 1175-5326 227876 2BF4360C-7876-4C02-8AAE-11CCBB2774EF Euthycaelus norae sp. nov. ( Figs 2 A–H; Tables 3–4 ) Type material. Holotype ♂, MZSP 28436 , La Azulita, Merida, Venezuela , Paratypes : ♀, MZSP 28442 ; ♂, MZSP 28439 ; ♀ MZSP 28440 ; ♂ MZSP 28435 ; ♂ MZSP 28434 : ♀ MZSP 28432 , same data as holotype ; ♂, ♀ MLS 396, 13.X. 2000 , D. Weinmann leg , same locality as holotype ; male and female SMF , La Azulita, Merida Venezuela , 13 .X. 2000 , leg : Dirk Weinmann. Etymology. The species epithet is in honor of Nora Alvarez, (spouse of DW) for her support. Diagnosis. Males of E. norae can be distinguished from those of their congeners by the shape of palpal bulb ( Figs 2 A–C), which presents a distinct embolus tip, with a small keel on the dorsal face. Females are recognized by the flat shape of spermathecae receptacles ( Figs 2 G, H). Description. Male ( MZSP 28436 ). Total length: 26.4 . Carapace: length 11.7 ; width 9.6 . Eye tubercle: length 2.2 ; width 1.3 . Labium: length 1.3 ; width 1.6 . Sternum: length 4.8 ; width 4.5 . Basal segment of chelicerae with 11 teeth. Labium subquadrate, with more than 200 cuspules. Maxillae with more than 120 cuspules, each one. Thoracic fovea straight, narrow. Spines: Palp: femur (d) 0-0-p 2 , tibia (p) ap 1 , (r) 12 thick spines. Legs: I: femur (d) 0-0-p 1 ,patela (v) 2 , tibia (p) 0- 0-1 , (r) 2 - 2 - 1 , metatarsus (v) 2 -0-ap 2 ; II: femur (d) 0-0-p 2 , patela (v) 2 , tibia (v) 4 - 2 - 1 -ap 3 , (p) 0-1 - 1 , metatarsus (v) 2 - 1 -ap 1 , (p) 1 - 1 -ap 1 , (r) 0-1 -ap 1 ; III: femur (d) p 1 -p 2 -p 1 , patella (p) 1 , tibia (r) 1 - 0-1 , (v) 2 - 2 -ap 2 , (p) 1 - 1-2 -ap 1 , metatarsus (r) 1 -ap 1 , (v) 3 - 2 -ap 3 , (p) 1 - 1 -ap 1 ; IV: femur (d) 0-0-r 1 , tibia (v) 2 - 2 - ap 3 , (r) 1 - 1 - 1 ,(p) 1 -01- 1 metatarsus (v) 2-3 -ap 3 , (p) 1 - 1 -ap 1 , (r) 1 - 0-1 -ap 1 . Palpal bulb with short embolus, single serrated small keel on ventral surface, narrow keel on dorsal surface near embolus ( Figs 2 A–C). Palpal tibia swollen, with long spines disposed in two rows ( Figs 2 E, F). Retrolateral branch of tibial spur very long, tapering, with small spine on its midlength, prolateral branch longer than contiguous spine ( Fig. 2 D). Metatarsus I bends retrolaterally to tibial spur. Metatarsal scopulae extent (ventral surfaces only): I and II, for almost entire length; III, for more than distal half; IV, for less than half. Tarsal scopulae (ventral surfaces only): I–II entire; III–IV divided by longitudinal band of thick setae. Paired tarsal claws with row of small teeth. TABLE 3. Euthycaelus norae sp. nov. , ♂ (MZSP 28436), length of left palp and leg segments.
Palp Leg I Leg II Leg III Leg IV
Femur 7.1 11 10 8.8 11.9
Patella 3.8 6 5.1 4.2 4.7
Tibia 6.3 9.2 7.6 6 9.2
Metatarsus - 8.9 8.1 8.5 13
Tarsus 3.2 6.1 5.2 5 5.5
Total 20.4 41.2 36 32.5 44.3
FIGURE 2 . Euthycaelus norae sp. nov. A–C. Male palpal bulb, prolateral (A), retrolateral (B), and dorsal (C) views. D. Male, leg I, tibial apophysis, ventro-prolateral view. E, F. Male palpal tibia, ventral (E) and retrolateral (F) views. G, H. Female spermathecae, ventral (G) and dorsal views (H). Scale = 1mm. Female ( MZSP 28442 ). Total length: 35.2 . Carapace: length 12.6 ; width 10.5 . Eye tubercle: length 1.8 ; width 2.5 . Labium: length 1.7 ; width 2.6 . Sternum: length 5.6 ; width 5.5 . Basal segment of chelicerae with 10-12 teeth. Labium subquadrate, with more than 200 cuspules. Maxillae each with more than 150 cuspules. Thoracic fovea procurved. Spines: Palp: femur (d) 0-0-p 1 , tibia (v) ap 3 . Legs: I: femur (d) 0-0-p 1 , metatarsus (v) 1 -0-ap 2 ; II: femur (d) 0-0-p 1 , tibia (v) 0-1 -0, metatarsus (v) 1 -0-ap 2 ; III: patela (p) 1 , tibia (r) 0-1 -0, (v) 0-1 -ap 3 , (p) 1 - 1 -0, metatarsus (r) 0-1 - 1 , (v) 1-2 -ap 3 , (p) 1 - 1 - 1 ; IV: tibia (v) 0-2 -ap 3 , (r) 1 - 0-1 , metatarsus (v) 1-2 - 2 -ap 3 , (r) 1 - 0-1 , (p) 1 - 1 - 1 . Spermathecae comprising two rounded and short receptacles, heavily sclerotized ( Figs 2 G, H). Metatarsal scopulae extent (ventral surfaces only): I–II, for entire length; III, for distal half; IV, for less than half. Tarsal scopulae (ventral surfaces only): I–II, entire; III–IV, divided by longitudinal band of thick setae. Paired tarsal claws with small teeth in one row.
TABLE 4 . Euthycaelus norae sp. nov. , female (MZSP 28442), length of left palp and leg segments.
Palp Leg I Leg II Leg III Leg IV
Femur 7.1 9.9 8.5 7.5 10.4
Patella 4.2 5.6 5.2 4.5 5.2
Tibia 4.7 7.7 6.2 4.9 7.9
Metatarsus - 6.5 5.7 6.6 10.4
Tarsus 4.6 4.6 4 4 4.6
Total 20.6 34.3 29.6 27.5 38.5
Additional material. VENEZUELA : TACHIRA: San Juan de Colón: 1 ♀ ( MZSP 28441 ), 1 ♀ ( MZSP 28438 ). COLOMBIA : NORTE DE SANTANDER: Bochalema: 1 ♀ ( MZSP 28433 ); La Donjuana: 1 ♀( MZSP 28437 ).