Taxonomy and phylogeny of the Old World jumping plant-louse genus Paurocephala (Insecta, Hemiptera, Psylloidea) Author Mifsud, D. Author Burckhardt, D. text Journal of Natural History 2002 2002-11-30 36 16 1887 1986 journal article 10.1080/00222930110048909 1464-5262 5299071 Paurocephala dayak sp. n. (gures 21A, G, 23A, 24D, 25A, 26A, 28A) Description. Species of the psylloptera type . Adult: head brown with diVused yellow markings; vertex covered by long setae. Clypeus brown. Antenna brown, segments 1 and 2 and basal half of segment 3 yellow; segment 9 with a long seta in basal quarter. Thorax brown and covered by long setae dorsally, yellow to orange brown laterally and ventrally. Metascutellar horn small, pointed apically. Forewing transparent to light brown; veins yellow to light brown, apically brown to forewing margin; pterostigma white. Forewing with long setae on veins (vein Rs with 12–18 setae); Rs vein marginally curved in apical third. Surface spinules present in all cells of forewing; radular spinules present in m2, reduced in cu1. Legs white to yellow, tarsal segments dark brown. Meracanthus long, curved laterally, pointed apically. Abdomen including genitalia, orange to brown, sternites white to light brown. Male paramere long, almost straight posteriorly, widest in the middle and tapering apically, numerous long setae posteriorly visible from lateral view; inner surface with two hooks apically, one to four stout setae in basal fth. Measurements and ratios as in table 2A–C . Fifth instar larva: colour unknown. Antenna 3-segmented, agellum indistinctly subdivided; segment 1 without a sectaseta, segment 2 with one sectaseta, agellum with ve sectasetae grouped in 2, 2 and 1. Dorsal sclerites covered by sectasetae as large as marginal ones, with few inconspicuous simple setae. Forewing pad with 8–10 sectasetae and one to three inconspicuous simple setae marginally; humeral lobe lacking. Caudal plate with shallow tubercle-like extensions marginally, apical excavation concave; sectasetae present dorsally and marginally with few inconspicuous simple setae. Arolium fan-shaped, indistinctly expanded basally. Anus ventral, outer circumanal ring with a single row of pores. Measurements and ratios as in table 3 . Host plants . Trema tomentosa (Roxb.) Hara and T . orientalis (L.) Blume ( Ulmaceae ). Distribution . Malaysia ( Sabah and Sarawak ), Brunei and Singapore . Material examined . HOLOTYPE , Malaysia : Sabah , Crocker range, Kimanis road, mile 10, 1150 m , 13 May 1982 , Trema orientalis (D. Burckhardt) (MHNG) . Dry mounted. PARATYPES . Malaysia : 2, 1, same data as holotype ; 44, 45, same data but Batu Putih Cave, 9 May 1982 , Trema ? tormentosa (D. Burckhardt); 2, 2, Sarawak , Santubong, 32 km N, Kuching, 0–50 m , 28–29 May 1994 , Trema cannabina (I. Löbl and D. Burckhardt) ; 12, 18 and 4 larvae , same data but Rumah Tuan, 13 km E Kapit, 50 m , 20 May 1994 , Trema tomentosa 13, 5 and 1 larval exuvia, same data but Sebadai Park, 9 km SW Kapit, 2, 9, same data but Gunong Mulu N. P., Base Camp Helipad, RGS Mulu exp., Trema sp. (D. Hollis) ; Brunei : 4, 7, Penanjong, 26 March 1989 ,? Trema orientalis (J. H. Martin) . Singapore : 5, 1 and 2 larvae , Botanic Gardens forest, Napier road, 2 March 1994 , Trema sp. vigourosly ant attended (J. H. Martin) (BAUC, BMNH, MHNG, NHMB). Dry and slide mounted and preserved in alcohol. Comments . Similar to P. setifera (Crawford) from which it diVers in the adult by the presence of a basal seta on antennal segment 9. No morphological characters could be found to separate the larvae of P. dayak from P. setifera , P. palawanensis sp. n. and P. polaszeki .