Review Of The Genus Hinda Mulsant (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae, Hyperaspinae, Brachiacanthadini) Author Almeida, Lúcia Massutti De Departamento de Zoologia Universidade Federal do Paraná C. P. 19020; CEP 81531 ­ 990 Curitiba, Paraná, BRASIL Author Milléo, Julianne Departamento de Zoologia Universidade Federal do Paraná C. P. 19020; CEP 81531 ­ 990 Curitiba, Paraná, BRASIL text The Coleopterists Bulletin 2000 2000-03-01 54 1 68 87 journal article 10.1649/0010-065x(2000)054[0068:rotghm];2 1938-4394 4900193 Hinda modesta Weise 1910:59 ; Korschefsky 1931:177 ; Blackwelder 1945:446 . Diagnosis. Body oval­convex. Integument black, pronotum and elytra with yellow spots ( Fig. 18 ). Pronotum with transverse black trapezoid­shaped spot, bordered antero­laterally with narrow yellow margin. Each elytron with four spots: the first, a round basal spot close to suture and to base of elytron; the second, also round, slightly larger than first and near the suture in center of elytral disc; third, also round, close to lateral margin; fourth, transverse, largest and very close to suture and to external border of elytron. Length 2.58–2.92 mm . Width 1.92–2.25 mm . Male. Median lobe asymmetrical, smaller than parameres, with wide base and truncate apex; parameres wide, with long bristles ( Fig. 31 ). Sipho long, curved, with modified membranous apex ( Fig. 32 ). Female. Genital plate wide with small style; spermatheca arched, cylindrical, with rounded cornus and poorly evident ramus; infundibulum elongate. Last sternite with dense elongate bristles on apical border ( Fig. 33 ). Variation. A lateral spot is sometimes present between the elytral callus and the external border, and is triangular, small or may join the third spot. Remarks. Hinda modesta resembles H. regularis , H. humerata and H. joeli in color, but the spots are distributed differently, and the genitalia differ. Type Material. The holotype , male, is from Itapura , São Paulo , 1904, of 2.08–3.00 mm, was described by Weise , and was requested from ZMHU but could not be found . Material Examined. Brazil . Para´ : Benfica , Ananindéua , 7.XI.1962 , Figs. 31–33. Hinda modesta . 31 ) tegmen; 32 ) sipho; 33 ) female genitalia. J.Bechyné col., Convênio DZSP­Goeldi, five specimens ( DZSP ), 23.X.1962 , four specimens ( DZSP ); VIII.1964 , Machado & Pereira , one specimen ( DZSP ); Santa Isabel of Para´ , 30.III.1962 , J.Bechyné col., Convênio DZSP­Goeldi, six specimens ( DZSP ); Belém ( Icoraci ), 3.VIII.1962 , J. Bechyné col., five specimens ( DZSP ); ( Utinga ), 2.II.1962 , J. Bechyné col., two specimens , 10.X.1962 , one specimen ( DZSP ); Jacareacanga , X.1959 , M. Alvarenga , one specimen ( DZUP ); Amazonas : Tapuruquara ( Rio Negro ), 25–27.XI.1962 , J. Bechyné col., Convênio DZSP— Goeldi , six specimens ( DZSP ); Rio Cauaburi , 7– 8.XII.1962 , J.Bechyné col., two specimens ( DZSP ); Rondônia , 29.X.1986 , C.Elias leg, one specimen ( Polonoroeste ) ( DZUP ); unknown origin, one specimen , FCC 18 ( MNRJ ) .