A new species of Odonaspis Leonardi, 1897 (Hemiptera: Coccomorpha: Diaspididae) from China
Chen, Qian
Forestry Bureau of Renhuai, Renhuai, Guizhou, 564500, P. R. China.
Jian, Qian
Institute of Entomology, Guizhou University; The Provincial Special Key Laboratory for Development and Utilization of Insect Resources, Guizhou University; Guiyang, 550025 P. R. China.
Xing, Jichun
Institute of Entomology, Guizhou University; The Provincial Special Key Laboratory for Development and Utilization of Insect Resources, Guizhou University; Guiyang, 550025 P. R. China.
journal article
Key to species of
(adult females)
1(0) Perivulvar pores absent................................................................................ 2
- Perivulvar pores present............................................................................... 13
2(1) Posterior spiracles without disc-pores..................................................................... 3
- Posterior spiracles with disc-pores....................................................................... 4
3(2) Postvulvar sternite with microducts; dorsum of head and thorax without microducts.......................
O. siamensis
- Postvulvar sternite without microducts; dorsum of head and thorax with microducts.........................
O. sparsa
4(2) Vulva situated anterior to level of anal opening .............................................................. 5
- Vulva situated at, or posterior to, level of anal opening...................................................... 10
5(4) Pygidial scleroses absent............................................................................... 6
- Pygidial scleroses present, numbering 2 pairs............................................................... 8
6(5) Each anterior spiracle associated with fewer than 10 disc-pores.........................................
O. rugosa
- Each anterior spiracle associated with more than 20 disc-pores................................................. 7
7(6) Antennae situated marginally; postvulvar sternite without microducts.................................
O. tapahensis
- Antennae set well away from margin; postvulvar sternite with microducts................................
O. lingnani
8(5) Margin of abd. VIII forming 1 pronounced projection, rounded apically..................................
O. pacifica
- Margin of abd. VIII forming 2 projections .................................................................. 9
9(8) Each posterior spiracle associated with 2–6 disc-pores; abd. VII with a large triangular projection on each margin, exceeding projections on abd. VIII..............................................................
O. renhuaiensis
sp. nov.
- Each posterior spiracle associated with a dense group of small disc-pores, numbering more than 20; abd. VII with a small triangular projection on each margin, not exceeding projections on abd. VIII............................
O. densipora
10(4) Pygidial scleroses absent......................................................................
O. graminis
- Pygidial scleroses present, numbering 2 pairs.............................................................. 11
11(10) Vulva situated posterior to level of anal opening.....................................................
O. texana
- Vulva situated about level with anal opening ............................................................... 12
12(11) Margin of abd. VIII with 2 triangular projections, separated from each other by pointed emargination; dorsum of abd. VIII with 8–14 ducts...............................................................................
O. stipagrostis
- Margin of abd. VIII with 2 triangular projections, separated from each other by straight, transverse margin; dorsum of abd. VIII with 26–46 ducts ...........................................................................
O. sabulincola
13(1) Posterior spiracles without associated disc-pores ............................................................ 14
- Posterior spiracles each associated with disc-pores......................................................... 16
14(13) Perivulvar pores present anteriorly and laterally to vulva..................................................... 15
- Perivulvar pores only present laterally to vulva...................................................
O. paucipora
15(14) Gland tubercles present submarginally on venter of thorax ..........................................
O. arcusnotata
- Gland tubercles absent.........................................................................
O. secreta
16(13) Pygidial scleroses absent.............................................................................. 17
- Pygidial scleroses present............................................................................. 18
17(16) Vulva situated about level with anal opening; perivulvar pores forming 3 groups..........................
O. floridana
- Vulva situated posterior to level of anal opening; perivulvar pores forming 2 groups.....................
O. trispatulata
18(16) With only 1 pair of pygidial scleroses.................................................................... 19
- With more than 1 pair of pygidial scleroses................................................................ 22
19(18) Vulva situated anterior to level of anal opening............................................................ 20
- Vulva situated posterior to level of anal opening............................................................ 21
20(19) Perivulvar pores forming 3 groups, present anteriorly and laterally to vulva..............................
O. morrisoni
- Perivulvar pores forming 2 groups, each group situated laterally to vulva.............................
O. schizostachyi
21(19) Gland tubercles present on thorax..............................................................
O. bromeliae
- Gland tubercles absent from thorax................................................................
O. ruthae
22(18) With only 2 pairs of pygidial scleroses................................................................... 23
- With more than 2 pairs of pygidial scleroses............................................................... 39
23(22) Vulva situated anterior to level of anal opening............................................................ 24
- Vulva situated at, or posterior to, level of anal opening...................................................... 28
24(23) Perivulvar pores present anteriorly and laterally to vulva..................................................... 25
- Perivulvar pores only present laterally to vulva............................................................ 27
25(24) Gland tubercles absent........................................................................
O. spinulata
- Gland tubercles present............................................................................... 26
26(25) Each posterior spiracle associated with 0–5 disc-pores.............................................
O. oshimaensis
- Each posterior spiracle associated with 10–27 disc-pores..........................................
O. miyakoensis
27(24) Postvulvar sternite sclerotized, with ducts present only along its intersegmental furrow.......................
O. greenii
- Postvulvar sternite not sclerotized, with ducts present throughout sternite...........................
O. bouldersensis
28(23) Vulva situated at about level of anal opening ............................................................... 29
- Vulva situated posterior to level of anal opening........................................................... 31
29(28) Gland tubercles absent from thorax..........................................................
O. tsinjoarivensis
- Gland tubercles present on thorax....................................................................... 30
30(29) Anterior spiracles each associated with 2–6 disc-pores; median group of perivulvar pores containing 5–16 pores...
O. anneckei
- Anterior spiracles each associated with 24–45 disc-pores; median group of perivulvar pores containing 14–39 pores...................................................................................................
O. benardi
31(28) Gland tubercles absent from thorax...................................................................... 32
- Gland tubercles present on thorax....................................................................... 35
32(31) Postvulvar sternite without ducts.............................................................
O. maasinensis
- Postvulvar sternite with ducts.......................................................................... 33
33(32) Cuticular striations with small projections set at right angles to cuticle...............................
O. bambusarum
- Cuticular striations without projections................................................................... 34
34(33) Abd. VIII with 1 notch on each lateral margin; perivulvar pores forming continuous band anterior and lateral to vulva.............................................................................................
O. australiensis
- Margin of abd. VIII without notches; perivulvar pores forming 3 separate groups, 1 median and 2 lateral..........
O. panici
35(31) Dorsum of prothorax with 1 cicatrix on each side, level with mouthparts............................
O. galapagoensis
- Dorsum of prothorax without cicatrices................................................................... 36
36(35) Gland tubercles forming 1 cluster on each margin at level of clypeolabral shield; perivulvar pores numbering
124–179 in
each lateral group..............................................................................
O. phragmitis
- Gland tubercles forming 2 clusters on each thoracic margin; perivulvar pores numbering no more than
90 in
each lateral group................................................................................................... 37
37(36) With median dorsal intersegmental line visible between abd. V and VI; ducts present dorsally on submedian area of abd. IV........................................................................................
O. transkeiensis
- Without median dorsal intersegmental line between abd. V and VI; without ducts on dorsum in submedian area of abd. IV... .................................................................................................. 38
38(37) Emargination on apex of abd. VIII without marginal microducts; inner ends of pygidial scleroses tapering...
O. saccharicaulis
- Emargination on apex of abd. VIII with 2–5 marginal microducts; inner ends of pygidial scleroses rounded.....
O. litorosa
39(22) Vulva situated anterior to level of anal opening............................................................ 40
- Vulva situated at, or posterior to, level of anal opening ....................................................... 42
40(39) Postvulvar sternite with ducts only present on each side..................................................... 41
- Postvulvar sternite with ducts present throughout sternite..............................................
O. procera
41(40) Perivulvar pores present anteriorly and laterally to vulva............................................
O. collarifera
- Perivulvar pores only present laterally to vulva.....................................................
O. serrata
42(39) Vulva situated at about level of anal opening.............................................................. 43
- Vulva situated posterior to level of anal opening................................................
O. batarazaensis
43(42) Pygidial scleroses numbering 3 pairs; posterior spiracles each associated with 1–2 pores....................
O. aristidae
- Pygidial scleroses numbering 4 pairs; posterior spiracles each associated with 14–21 pores..................
O. crenulata