New records of water mites of the family Arrenuridae from the Oriental region, with the description of one new species (Acari: Hydrachnidia) Author Smit, Harry 0000-0002-0376-6808 Naturalis Biodiversity Center, P. O. Box 9517, 2300 RA Leiden, the Netherlands. E-mail: harry. smit @ naturalis. nl, https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 0376 - 6808 Author Pešić, Vladimir Department of Biology, University of Montenegro, Cetinjski put b. b., 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro. E-mail: vladopesic @ gmail. com, https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 9724 - 345 X text Ecologica Montenegrina 2023 2023-09-19 66 1 10 journal article 10.37828/em.2023.66.1 2336-9744 13245987 Arrenurus rostratus Daday, 1898 Material examined — Thailand . 1/0/0, small lake Huai Na Muang , E of Khemarat , Amnat Charoen Province , 16°02.149 N 105°15.860 E , 130 m a.s.l. , 8 Nov. 2017 ; 1/0/0, Sirindhom Reservoir , Ubon Ratchathani Province , 15°12.285 N 105°27.526 E , 149 m a.s.l. , 9 Nov. 2017 ; 1/0/0, Ban Pra Reservoir , Chon Buri Province , 13°12.173 N 100°59.366 E , 33 m a.s.l. , 18 Nov. 2017 . D istribution — Widespread in the Oriental region: Sri Lanka ( Daday 1898 ), Java and/or Sumatra , Indonesia ( Piersig 1906 , Walter 1929 , Viets 1935 ), India ( Walter 1928 , Cook 1967 , Lundblad 1969 , Smit & Pesic 2008 , Pešić et al . 2010 ), Malaysia ( Viets 1929 ), Singapore (K.O. Viets 1959 ), Myanmar ( Lundblad 1969 ), Thailand ( Savatenalinton & Smit 2017 ) and Bangladesh ( Pešić et al . 2018 ). Furthermore, reported from China ( Walter 1923 , Uchida & Imamura 1951 , Jin & Wiles 1996) and Papua New Guinea ( Wiles 1997 ).