Eupolybothrus (Eupolybothrus) gloriastygis (Absolon, 1916) Author Pavel Stoev text 2002 Pensoft Sofia Editor Pavel Stoev A catalogue and key to the centipedes (Chilopoda) of Bulgaria 16 16 book chapter Stoev-2002-Eupolybothrus-Eupolybothrus-gloariastygis 7f6b4377-d29f-4048-9a36-71f35321543b Eupolybothrus (Eupolybothrus) gloriastygis (Absolon, 1916) Stoev (2001c, p. 47, sub Eupolybothrus gloriastygis subsp. n. ?). List of the localities: West Stara Planina Mts. : Tsarkvishte ( Tsarkveto ) Cave near Breze , Vodni pech Cave near Dolni Lom . Distribution in the country: West Stara Planina Mts . Altitude: No data available. Habitats: Only in caves. Chorotype: Balkan . Remarks. This species has recently been discovered in two Bulgarian caves. Although only juvenile or immature specimens were examined, the Bulgarian individuals are quite different from the typical gloriastygis, which is known from the karst of Trebinje in southern Bosnia . Beron's (1994) record of E. tridentinus from Vodni pech Cave may also prove to belong here.