Four new species of the trapdoor spider genus Conothele Thorell, 1878 from Mainland China and Laos (Araneae, Ctenizidae) Author Xu, Xin Author Xu, Chen Author Liu, Fengxiang Author Zhang, Zengtao Author Li, Daiqin text ZooKeys 2017 643 63 74 journal article 1313-2970-643-63 961681440EDD4A84919CACE0DF7E19D3 961681440EDD4A84919CACE0DF7E19D3 Conothele baiyunensis Xu, Xu & Liu sp. n. Fig. 1 Holotype. Female (XUC-2014-062), Mt. Baiyun, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China, 23.294°N , 113.484°E , 20 June 2014, collected by F.X. Liu, C. Xu and Z.T. Zhang. No male found. Etymology. 'Baiyun' refers to the type locality of this species. Diagnosis. Female of Conothele baiyunensis sp. n. can be distinguished from other species of Conothele by the slightly globular lobes of spermathecae in the terminal part; stalks with sclerotized and inward-bent distal part; stalk terminal parts relatively short, simple and direct (Fig. 1E). Figure 1. A General somatic morphology of Conothele baiyunensis Xu, Xu & Liu, sp. n. (female, XUC-2014-062) B chelicerae, labium, coxae of palp and sternum, ventral view C left leg III, prolateral view D spinnerets, ventral view E female genitalia, dorsal view. Scale bars: A-D 1 mm, E 0.5 mm. Description. Total length, including chelicerae, 12.50; carapace 4.80 long, 4.40 wide; opisthosoma 6.70 long, 5.20 wide. Carapace black brown, glabrous, with a few slender setae on eye tubercle and its back (Fig. 1A). Caput arched. Fovea deep and darker, strongly procurved and U-shaped (Fig. 1A). Eye tubercle low and black on its margin. Eight eyes in two rows, with the anterior eye row slightly procurved and posterior row straight from above (Fig. 1A); eye group 0.70 long, 1.25 wide; ALE-AME 0.20, AME-AME 0.10, PLE-PME 0.05, PME-PME 0.45; MOA 0.55 long, front width 0.40, back width 0.95; ALE: AME: PLE: PME (0.30: 0.15: 0.20: 0.25). Clypeus width 0.30. Chelicerae black; inner margin with 4 teeth, outer margin with 8 teeth. Labium, coxae of palp (maxillae) and sternum yellow brown (Fig. 1B). Labium 0.70 long, 0.80 wide, with 3 conspicuous cuspules (one absent). Coxae of palp (maxillae) 1.65 long, 1.10 wide, with about 21 conspicuous cuspules ventrally. Sternum 3.00 long, 2.40 wide, with large, irregularly shaped sigilla in the centre (Fig. 1B). Legs black brown, light-coloured ventrally, with long and short brown sparse setae, short thorn-like and normal spines. Tibia III with a saddle-like depression dorsally on the basal part (Fig. 1C). Metatarsus III with three prolateral spines. Femur III thickest. Scopulae and claw tufts absent on trasi of all palp and legs. Palpal claw with a single branched tooth; legs each with three tarsal claws, paired claws with two denticles. Leg formula: 4123. Measurements of palp and legs: palp 7.35 (2.80 + 1.25 + 1.75 + 1.55), leg I 8.30 (3.10 + 1.55 + 1.75 + 0.95 + 0.95), leg II 7.50 (2.50 + 1.25 + 1.75 + 1.05 + 0.95), leg III 7.35 (2.50 + 0.90 + 1.65 + 1.10 + 1.20), leg IV 9.70 (3.25 + 1.25 + 2.00 + 1.90 + 1.30). Opisthosoma black, scattered with thick and slender black setae. Spinnerets brownish yellow, PMS one-segmented, 0.60 long, PMS-PMS 0.10; PLS three-segmented, 1.85 long, covered with brown spines, apical segment dome-shape (Fig. 1D). Genitalia with paired slightly globular lobes of spermathecae in the terminal part, each stalk slender, long, at the distal part is sclerotized and bent, yet the bending is relatively short and looks more simple and direct (Fig. 1E). Distribution. Guangdong Province (Mt. Baiyun, Guangzhou), China.