Two new species of Rhodacaridae (Acari: Mesostigmata) from Egypt and a key to the species of the family from the Mediterranean region Author Abo-Shnaf, Reham I. A. Author Castilho, Raphael C. Author De Moraes, Gilberto J. text Zootaxa 2013 3718 1 journal volume 10.11646/zootaxa.3718.1.2 59bbc8b8-2110-4cd3-8adb-3d00c27ddcdf 1175-5326 222300 193850BF-18D5-4C2D-9D82-AA621511775C Protogamasellopsis zaheri n. sp. Diagnosis (adult female) . Epistome acuminate and with anterior margin finely denticulate, with a smooth anteromedian spine-like extension; j 3 and j 4 not reaching bases of j 4 and j 5, respectively; unsclerotised cuticle antero-laterad of podonotal shield with a subtriangular plate extending from the level of z 1 to the level of s 3; unsclerotised cuticle laterad of opisthonotal shield with nine pairs of setae ( R 1– R 6 and UR 3– UR 5); R 1 about as long as distance between its base and base of R 2; with four transverse groups of punctate presternal platelets, each group consisting of 1–2 platelets; unsclerotised integument between genital and ventrianal shields with four rounded platelets; Zv 1 about 0.9 times as long as distance between its base and base of Jv 1; para-anal seta about as long as distance between its base and base of post-anal seta; unsclerotised cuticle around ventrianal shield with one pair of elongate (metapodal, more external) and two pairs of rounded plates. Adult female ( Figs 10–15 )—Five specimens measured. FIGURES 10–15. Protogamasellopsis zaheri n. sp. Female. 10. Chelicera; 11. Epistome; 12. Hypostome; 13. Dorsal idiosoma; 14. Ventral idiosoma; 15. Tritosternum. Lyrifissures enlarged for improved visibility. Gnathosoma. Fixed cheliceral digit 91 (90–93) long, with 7–8 teeth in addition to apical tooth and setiform pilus dentilis ( Fig. 10 ); the three most basal teeth distinctly larger than others; movable cheliceral digit 86 (83–88) long, with two similar teeth in addition to apical tooth; antiaxial and dorsal lyrifissures distinct; dorsal cheliceral seta blunt. Arthrodial process of chelicera a short coronet-like fringe. Numbers of setae on palp trochanter—tarsus: 2-5-6-14 -15; apotele 3-tined; palp setae aciculate and smooth. Epistome acuminate and with anterior margin finely denticulate, with a smooth anteromedian spine-like extension ( Fig. 11 ). Deutosternum with seven roughly transverse lines, delimited by lateral lines; each transverse line with 2–3 denticles ( Fig. 12 ). Internal malae totally separated from each other, with external margin fimbriate. Corniculi about 3–4 times as long as its basal width, slightly divergent. Seta h 3 about in longitudinal line with h 1 and slightly anterior to and mediad of h 2. Measurements of setae: h 1 39 (36–43), h 2 16 (15–18), h 3 22 (21–23), sc 22 (20–23); all aciculate and smooth. Dorsal idiosoma ( Fig. 13 ). Idiosoma 543 (493–581) long and 252 (224–265) wide at widest level. Podonotal and opisthonotal shields separate. Podonotal shield smooth; 205 (193–217) long and 161 (145–175) wide at widest level; with 16 pairs of setae ( s 1 and r 1 absent) and with four pairs of distinguishable lyrifissures (posterior to and about in longitudinal line with z 1, anterolaterd of j 4, posterolaterad of z 3, mesad of and about in transverse line with z 6); scleronodules absent. Unsclerotised cuticle laterad of podonotal shield with a subtriangular plate extending from the level of z 1 to the level of s 3 and with six pairs of setae ( s 2, s 3 and r 2– r 5). Opisthonotal shield smooth; 246 (230–286) long and 100 (91–109) wide at widest level; with 15 pairs of setae and twelve pairs of distinguishable lyrifissures (anteriad of and about in longitudinal line with S 1, posteriad of and about in longitudinal line with J 1, posteriad of and about in longitudinal line with S 1, posteromesad of J 2, anterolaterad of J 3, two pairs posteriad of and about in longitudinal line with S 3, anterolaterad of J 4, two pairs posteriad of and about in longitudinal line with S 4, anterolaterad of J 5, anterolaterad of Z 5). Unsclerotised cuticle laterad of opisthonotal shield with nine pairs of setae ( R 1– R 6 and UR 3– UR 5). Measurements of setae: j 1 38 (34–41), j 2 24 (22–26), j 3 26 (24–29), j 4 26 (24–28), j 5 25 (23–27), j 6 22 (20–24), z 1 20 (19–21), z 2 26 (24–28), z 3 26 (23–29), z 4 25 (22–27), z 5 26 (22–28), z 6 32 (29–35), s 2 24 (22–25), s 3 22 (21–24), s 4 30 (28–33), s 5 27 (26–31), s 6 28 (27–31), r 2 28 (20–33), r 3 42 (38–46), r 4 20 (18–22), r 5 28 (26–30), r 6 35 (35–39), J 1 25 (23–26), J 2 24 (23–26), J 3 24 (23–26), J 4 25 (24–28), J 5 13 (11–15), Z 1 27 (25–28), Z 2 25 (21–28), Z 3 29 (29–30), Z 4 36 (30–39), Z 5 53 (47–58), S 1 32 (30–34), S 2 29 (26–33), S 3 28 (26–30), S 4 30 (25–35), S 5 27 (23–31), R 1 24 (21–25), R 2 23 (21– 26), R 3 24 (21–27), R 4 23 (20–27), R 5 25 (21–30), R 6 27 (24–30), UR 3 18 (17–20), UR 4 18 (16–20), UR 5 17 (16– 19); all setae aciculate and smooth. Ventral idiosoma ( Fig. 14 ). Base of tritosternum 41 (40–42) long and 16 (15–18) wide proximally ( Fig. 15 ); laciniae 122 (120–125), separated for about 75–80% of their total length, pilose, with a pair of elongate transverse plates anteriad of base of tritosternum. With four transverse groups of punctate presternal platelets, each group consisting of 1–2 platelets. Sternal shield mostly smooth, except for the presence of tiny shallow pits (more dense on the anterocentral region) and a pair of oval structure with tiny shallow pits anterolaread of st 3; with anterior margin indistinct; region anterior to the first pair of lyrifissures ( iv 1 ) lightly sclerotised and punctate; posterior margin concave; approximately 144 (136–151) long from anterior margin of lightly sclerotised and punctate region to median region of posterior margin, and 117 (111–123) wide at level between coxae II and III; with four pairs of setae and four pairs of lyrifissures. With a heart-shaped structure between sternal and genital shields. Genital shield smooth, except for a punctate band along lateral and posterior margins; extending posteriorly well behind level of coxa IV; distance between st 5– st 5 53 (48–57); lyrifissure iv 5 on unsclerotised cuticle, posterolaterad of st 5. Unsclerotised cuticle between genital and ventrianal shields with four rounded platelets. Ventrianal shield smooth; 161 (146–169) long and 67 (56–79) wide at widest level, not fused with dorsal shield; with a pair of setae ( Jv 2) in addition to circumanal setae and without distinguishable lyrifissures; post-anal seta about twice as long as paraanal seta. Unsclerotised cuticle around ventrianal shield with seven pairs of setae ( Jv 1, Jv 3– Jv 5 and Zv 1– Zv 3), one pair of elongate (metapodal, more external) and two pairs of rounded plates, and three pairs of distinguishable lyrifissures (laterad and in transverse line with Jv 1, anteromesad of Zv 3, posteromesad of Jv 4). Peritreme extending anteriorly to posterior margin of coxa II (level of r 4). Peritrematic shield narrow, restricted to region along peritreme, extending posteriorly to region laterad of posterior margin of coxae IV; with two pairs of lyrifissures posterior to stigma. Exopodal shield fragmented in two parts: a triangular platelet between coxae II and III; and a smaller triangular platelet between coxae III and IV. Measurements of setae: st 1 29 (27–34), st 2 28 (27–31), st 3 29 (28–30), st 4 27 (25–27), st 5 22 (20–24), Jv 1 22 (18–27), Jv 2 27 (24–30), Jv 3 27 (26–29), Jv 4 20 (19–21), Jv 5 40 (36–43), Zv 1 22 (20–25), Zv 2 22 (20–23), Zv 3 13 (12–15), para-anal 34 (30–36), post–anal 68 (67–73); all setae aciculate and smooth. Spermatheca. Tubular section of spermathecal apparatus weakly visible near coxa IV in some specimens. Legs. Lengths: I: 448 (437–470); II: 322 (299–340); III: 288 (269–319); IV: 428 (407–444). Numbers of setae on legs I–IV: coxae: 2, 2, 2, 1; trochanters: 6, 5, 5, 5; femora: 13, 10, 6, 6; genua: 13, 11, 8, 9; tibiae: 13, 10, 8, 9; tarsi: not counted, 18, 18, 18. Pretarsi I–IV similar in shape and length, with elongate ambulacral stalk, a pair of strongly sclerotized claws and three round pulvillar lobes. Adult male. Not found. Material examined . Holotype female and one paratype female from soil under apricot tree ( Prunus armeniaca L.; Rosaceae ) at Senuris, Fayoum governorate, November 2012 ; one paratype female from soil under egg-plant ( Solanum melongena L.; Solanaceae ) at El-Salahaia, Sharkia governorate, December 2012 ; one paratype female from soil under hop bush ( Dodonaea thunbergiana Eckl. & Zeyh. ; Sapindaceae ) at Faculty of Agriculture Farm, Cairo University, Giza governorate, June 2012 ; one paratype female from soil under Ficus nitida Thunb. (Moraceae) at Faculty of Agriculture Farm, Cairo University, Giza governorate, August 2012 ; three paratype females from organic manure at Nasser, Beni Suef governorate, April 2001 . The types collected by Aziza M.M. Abou-Zaid, Amal H.M. Romeih and Reham I. A. Abo-Shnaf. Holotype deposited at Plant Protection Research Institute, Agricultural Research Centre, Dokii, Giza, Egypt ; paratypes deposited at Departamento de Entomologia e Acarologia, Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz” (ESALQ), Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Piracicaba, State of São Paulo, Brazil . Etymology. The name zaheri is given in honor of M. A. Zaher, Professor of Acarology, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Egypt . Remarks. Protogamasellopsis zaheri n. sp. is most similar to Protogamasellopsis posnaniensis Wiśniewski & Hirschmann, 1991 . Considering the original description of P. posnaniensis and Brazilian specimens identified as belonging to that species, it is concluded that the latter has the plate anterolaterad of podonotal shield more elongate, extending from the level of z 1 to the level of s 5, bearing r 2– r 4; R 1 about 1.2 times as long as distance between its base and base of R 2; Zv 1 about 1.5 times as long as distance between its base and base of Jv 1; para-anal seta about 1.4 times as long as distance between its base and base of post-anal seta. Key to species of Rhodacaridae reported from the Mediterranean region (based on adult females) Fifteen rhodacarid species were described from the Mediterranean region (Castilho et al . 2012b). Sufficient information is presently available in the literature to allow the recognition of females of 14 of those species, but not Rhodacarellus vervacti (Athias-Henriot, 1961) , which is known only from the deutonymphal stages, collected in Algeria . The following key will distinguish the 14 species whose adult females have been characterised, the two new species here described, and of R. roseus , described from The Netherlands , but also reported from Egypt (Zaher, 1986). 1. Podonotal shield with 16 pairs of setae and without scleronodules; ventrianal shield about 2.2–2.5 times as long as wide, encompassing only one pair of pre-anal setae................................ Protogamasellopsis zaheri n. sp. , Egypt - Podonotal shield with at least 17 pairs of setae and with 3–4 scleronodules; ventrianal shield at most 1.6 times as long as wide, encompassing at least four pairs of pre-anal setae........................................................... 2 2 (1). Podonotal shield with four pairs of setae ( j 1, j 2, z 1 and s 1) near anterior margin, and with three scleronodules........... 3 - Podonotal shield with three pairs of setae ( j 1, j 2 and z 1) near anterior margin, and with four scleronodules............. 14 3 (2). Fixed and movable cheliceral digits with 10–12 and five teeth, respectively; podonotal shield with a V-shaped line posterior to j 4 and s 2....................................................... Multidentorhodacarus aegypticus n. sp. , Egypt - Fixed and movable cheliceral digits with five and three teeth, respectively; podonotal shield with or without a V-shaped line posterior to j 4 and s 2................................................................................... 4 4 (3). Podonotal shield with a V-shaped line posterior to j 4 and s 2................................................... 5 - Podonotal shield without a V-shaped line posterior to j 4 and s 2................................................ 11 5 (4). Unsclerotised cuticle laterad of podonotal shield without a plate; ventrianal shield with six pairs of pre-anal setae..................................................................... Rhodacarus cuneatus Athias-Henriot, 1961 , Algeria - Unsclerotised cuticle laterad of podonotal shield with a subtriangular plate; ventrianal shield with five pairs of pre-anal setae.................................................................................................... 6 6 (5). With a pair of elongate and a pair of rounded (with a pore-like structure) metapodal platelets......................... 7 - With a pair of elongate (with a pore-like structure) metapodal platelets.......................................... 9 7 (6). Opithonotal shield with 14 pairs of setae ( S 3 absent); J 1 reaching base of J 2.................................................................................................... Rhodacarus laureti Athias-Henriot, 1961 , Algeria - Opithonotal shield with 14 pairs of setae ( S 3 absent); J 1 reaching base of J 2...................................... 8 8 (7). Dorsum of opisthosomal region with 20 pairs of setae ( R 5 present)............ Rhodacarus roseus Oudemans, 1902 , Egypt - Dorsum of opisthosomal region with 19 pairs of setae ( R 5 and UR 5 absent)................................................................................................... Rhodacarus reconditus Athias-Henriot, 1961 , Spain 9 (6). Seta J 1 and J 2 about as long as distance between their bases and the bases of J 2 and J 3, respectively.............................................................................. Rhodacarus clavulatus Athias-Henriot, 1961 , Algeria - Seta J 1 and J 2 at most 0.7 times as long as distance between their bases and the bases of J 2 and J 3, respectively........ 10 10 (9). Dorsum of opisthosomal region with 21 pairs of setae ( R 5 and UR 5 present)............................................................... Rhodacarus coronatus Berlese, 1920 , Italy , (also reported in Spain by Moraza, 2006, 2007, 2010) - Dorsum of opisthosomal region with 19 pairs of setae ( R 5 and UR 5 absent)...................................................................... Rhodacarus mandibularis Berlese, 1920 , Italy , (also reported in Spain by Moraza, 2010) 11 (4). Seta R 1 absent................................................ Rhodacarus zaheri Fouly & Nawar, 1990 , Egypt - Seta R 1 present...................................................................................... 12 12 (11). Unsclerotised cuticle along margins of ventrianal shield without setae... Rhodacarus solimani Fouly & Nawar, 1990 , Egypt - Unsclerotised cuticle along margins of ventrianal shield with 1–2 pairs of setae................................... 13 13 (12). Dorsum of opisthosomal region with 20 pairs of setae ( R 5 present); unsclerotised cuticle along margins of ventrianal shield with a pair of setae ( Jv 5)............................................ Rhodacarus calcarulatus Berlese, 1920 , Italy - Dorsum of opisthosomal region with 19 pairs of setae ( R 5 absent); unsclerotised cuticle along margins of ventrianal shield with two pairs of setae ( Jv 5 and Zv 3)............................... Rhodacarus tribaculatus Athias-Henriot, 1961 , France 14 (2). Opisthonotal and ventrianal shields ornamented................. Rhodacarellus francescae Athias-Henriot, 1961 , Algeria - Opisthonotal and ventrianal shields smooth............................................................... 15 15 (14). Seta Zv 1 on ventrianal shield................................ Rhodacarellus arcanus (Athias-Henriot, 1961) , Algeria - Seta Zv 1 on unsclerotised cuticle next to anterior margin of ventrianal shield..................................... 16 16 (15). Dorsum of opisthosomal region with 20 pairs of setae ( Z 3, R 4 and R 5 present)................................................................................................. Rhodacarellus tebeenus Hafez & Nasr, 1979 , Egypt - Dorsum of opisthosomal region with 17 pairs of setae ( Z 3, R 4 and R 5 absent)....... Rhodacarellus citri Fouly, 1992 , Egypt Acknowledgements To the Brazilian CNPq (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development) - TWAS (The Academy of Sciences for the Developing World) for the postdoctoral scholarship to the first author (Process # 190033/2012- 6) and to FAPESP (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo) for the postdoctoral fellowship to the second author (Process # 2011/18971-7). We are also thankful to Dr. Amal H.M. Romeih (Agricultural Zoology and Nematology Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt ) and Dr. Mona M. Ghallab and Dr. Aziza M.M. Abou-Zaid (Vegetable and Aromatic Plant Mites Department, Plant Protection Research Institute, Agricultural Research Centre, Dokii, Giza, Egypt ) for providing us the specimens to be described in this work. References Athias-Henriot, C. ( 1961 ) Mésostigmates (Urop. excl.) édaphiques Méditerranéens (Acaromorpha, Anactinotrichida) (collect. Prof. H. Franz et C. Athias-Henriot). Première Série . Acarologia , 3 , 381–509 . Berlese, A. ( 1920 ) Centuria quinta di Acari nuovi . Redia , 14 , 143–195 . Castilho, R.C. & Moraes, G.J. de ( 2010 ) Rhodacaridae mites (Acari: Mesostigmata: Rhodacaroidea) from the State of São Paulo, <collectingCountry id="F34F7606FFF0FFBC7569733FFEB3AC6E" box="[269,333,1577,1599]" name="Brazil" pageId="9">Brazil</collectingCountry> , with descriptions of a new genus and three new species . International Journal of Acarology , 36 , 387–398 . 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