Taxonomic studies on the ant genus <i> Lepisiota </ i> Santschi 1926 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Formicinae) in India, with description of four new species Author Harshana, Anand Author Dey, Debjani text Oriental Insects 2022 2022-10-05 CLXVI CLXVI 1 34 journal article 10.1080/00305316.2022.2125096 51dd2c60-1466-4f57-9569-41057d08cd3b 7152933 Lepisiota satpuraensis sp. nov. ( Fig. 3 ) Type material Holotype worker . INDIA : Madhya Pradesh : Pachmarhi , 22°28 ʹ 20”N 78° 25 ʹ 00”E , 1004 m , 06.IX.2020 , Coll. A. Harshana ; Paratype workers . 1 worker with same data as holotype ; Pachmarhi , 22°26 ʹ 56”N 78°22 ʹ 15”E , 1300 m , 2 workers , 09.IX.2020 , Coll. A. Harshana . (type specimens deposited in NPC , New Delhi) . Measurements and indices Workers (N = 4; holotype values within parentheses): EL: 0.23–0.24 (0.24); HL: 0.80–0.83 (0.83); HW: 0.78–0.82 (0.82); MML: 0.43–0.46 (0.46); PH: 0.39–0.44 (0.40); PRW: 0.53–0.58 (0.54); SL: 0.81–0.87 (0.87); TL: 3.55–3.89 (3.88); WL: 1.12–1.21 (1.21); CI: 96–99 (99); OI: 29–31 (29); REL: 29–30 (29); SI: 104–112 (106). Description (Worker): Head Head slightly longer than broad, subquadrate, sides and posterior margin slightly convex, posterolateral corners rounded, head wider posteriorly than in front and covered with semi-erect comparatively long pubescence ( Fig. 3C ); four pairs of long erect setae on face of head from posterior margin of head to front of antennal insertions (including a pair of erect setae between lateral ocelli); palp formula 6,4 and third maxillary segment from base longest of all segments while sixth segment distinctly longer than fifth segment; mandible triangular with five teeth on masticatory margin, from apex third tooth smaller than second and fourth tooth; antennae 11 segmented, scape extending to posterior margin of head about 1/3 rd of its length, third antennal segment is smaller than second and fourth segment, length of second segment is about equal to combined length of third and fourth segment, antennae covered with semi-erect pubescence; antennal insertions touching posterior clypeal margin; clypeus dorsally convex, subcarinate medially, having numerous semi-erect yellowish pubescent hairs along with a pair of long erect setae on posterior margin of clypeus while anterior margin with two pair of long dark erect setae with a yellowish median seta; anterior clypeal margin weakly convex; compound eyes broadly oval, positioned at about midlength of head; ocelli three in number. Mesosoma Promesonotum convex in profile view, higher than metanotum while about same height as of propodeum ( Fig. 3A ); mesometathorax constricted; propodeum armed with broad blunt spines and propodeal declivity steep; fore tibiae with a pectinate spur at the distal end and basitarsus with a hairy notch; dorsum of the whole mesosoma with numerous erect setae ( Fig. 3A ); propleuron and legs covered with semi-erect pubescence while rest of mesosoma seemingly lacking pubescence. Figure 3A–C. Lepisiota satpuraensis sp. nov . (Holotype worker). A , body in profile view; B , body in dorsal view; C , head in full-face view. Metasoma Petiole upright, dorsally bispinose and emarginated, sides with small setae; first gastral segment fully covered with numerous yellowish erect setae while remaining gastral segments mostly covered on posterior half; acidopore well-developed and fringed with hairs. Sculpture and colour Head microreticulate and subopaque, the region below compound eyes weakly longitudinally striate ( Fig. 3C ); dorsum of mesosoma microreticulate to smooth and shiny ( Fig. 3B ), mesometapleuron rugose; gaster faintly microreticulate and shiny. Body bicoloured; head, mesosoma, and petiole are dark brown to reddish-brown while compound eyes and gaster are completely black. Etymology The species name refers to the Satpura Hills in Central India, where the type locality is located. Comments Lepisiota satpuraensis is a unique species of Indian Lepisiota fauna with the following combination of characters: body with comparatively long semi-erect pubescent hairs, numerous setae on the body, body size bigger than any other species reported from India having antennal scape surpassing posterior margin of head about 1/3 rd of its length. Lepisiota satpuraensis differs from the closest species L. fergusoni in the structure of petiole, body size, and body colour. Lepisiota satpuraensis is characterised by distinct bispinose petiole while L. fergusoni does not possess the distinct teeth or spines on the petiole. Lepisiota satpuraensis is larger (HL 0.80–0.83, HW 0.78–0.82) than L. fergusoni (HL 0.69–0.72, HW 0.65–0.66). In L. satpuraensis head, mesosoma, and petiole are dark brown to reddish-brown while the gaster is completely black whereas in L. fergusoni head is reddish-brown, mesosoma and petiole are reddish-yellow, and the gaster is reddish-brown with a light reddish-yellow patch anteriorly on first gastral tergite ( Wachkoo et al. 2021 ). Distribution in India : Madhya Pradesh (Pachmarhi).