Indo-West Pacific and Australian species of Eucalliacidae with descriptions of four new species (Crustacea: Axiidea) Author Poore, Gary text Memoirs of Museum Victoria 2021 80 1 41 journal article 10.24199/j.mmv.2021.80.01 1447-2554 12208927 Andamancalliax andamanica ( Sakai, 2002 ) Calliax andamanica Sakai, 2002: 463–467 , figs 1, 2.— Sakai, 2005: 201 . Andamancalliax andamanica Sakai, 2011: 495 .— Sakai, 2018: 738 . Distribution. Thailand , Andaman Sea. Shelf, 31– 61 m . Remarks . Sakai (2002) referred to the holotype of Calliax andamanica as female in the description and male in the figure legends. His figure 2B of the “female Plp 1” from the holotype , described as “uniramous, two-articled, distal article bilobed distally”, is most probably from an immature male (cf. fig. 16q of male pleopod 1 of Eucalliaxiopsis dworschaki sp. nov. ).