The genus Heterothrips (Thysanoptera) in Brazil, with an identification key and seven new species Author Pereyra, Veronica Author Cavalleri, Adriano text Zootaxa 2012 3237 1 23 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.280411 c0b3b9ad-0154-49df-9a68-3ca1d7b0456a 1175-5326 280411 Heterothrips obscurus sp. n. Female winged. Body brown ( Fig. 29 ); femora brown; fore tibia largely pale, slightly washed with brown basally, mid and hind tibia brown at base but pale apically; tarsi pale; antennal segment I–II and V–IX brown, III pale, IV brown at apical third ( Fig. 38 ); fore wing brown with a large pale band near the base ( Fig. 29 ). Head wider than long, with no long setae ( Fig. 34 ); ocellar region with three pairs of setae, pair III at anterior margin of ocellar triangle; interantennal projection with widely separated arms ( Fig. 35 ). Antennae 9-segmented, segment III apparently divided into three parts, IV entire and shorter than segment III ( Figs 37–38 ). Both segments with one unaligned row of conspicuous sensorial pores dorsally; segment IX unusually long and narrow basally ( Figs 38 ). Pronotum reticulate-striate with no long setae ( Fig. 36 ); mesonotum reticulate-striate, with sculpture lines not closely spaced medially; metanotum with sculpture forming concentric lines medially, covered with microtrichia and almost forming a triangle ( Fig. 30 ). Fore wing with two rows of conspicuous brown setae. Abdominal tergites I–VII with fine and sparse microtrichia laterally, posterolateral margins with irregular craspedal lobes each bearing short and pointed teeth; II–V with few marginal microtrichia medially ( Fig. 31 ); VI–VII with complete fringe of microtrichia medially; VIII with complete posteromarginal comb ( Fig. 32 ). Sternites with 6 pairs of posteromarginal setae, I–VII without discal setae ( Fig. 33 ). Measurements ( holotype female in microns). Body length 1110 (distended). Head, length 71; width 131. Pronotum, length 204; width 169. Fore wing length 570; median width 32. Abdominal tergites IX and X length 77, 72. Antennal segments I–IX length (width), 20 (30), 35 (25), 68 (27), 45 (25), 23 (15), 23 (12), 15 (10), 15 (7), 23 (5). Male winged . Smaller but similar in coloration ( Fig. 39 ); abdominal segments II–VI with craspedum interrupted medially, with long and fine teeth; lateral thirds of I–VIII covered with numerous and irregular rows of microtrichia; intermediate abdominal sternites without discal setae, III–VIII with large transverse pore plates. Measurements ( paratype male in microns). Body length 900 (distended). Head, length 88; width 127. Pronotum, length 120; width 180. Fore wing length 510; median width 28; Abdominal segments IX + X length 117; width 90. Material examined. Holotype female, Brazil , São Paulo , Campinas, Sincontron, ( 22º48’10”S , 47º03’14”W ), 18.iii.2010 , on Byrsonima intermedia flowers ( Malpighiaceae ) (A. Cavalleri). Paratypes : 1 female , 1 male , collected with holotype . Comments. Despite the short pedicel on antennal segment III and the absence of discal setae on the abdominal sternites, this species is very similar to pedicellatus . The unusual shape of the interantennal projection and the medially interrupted craspedum on abdominal tergites reinforces the relationship between these two taxa.