An updated synopsis of Tanaecium (Bignonieae, Bignoniaceae) Author Frazao, Annelise Author Lohmann, Lucia G. text PhytoKeys 2019 132 31 52 journal article 1314-2003-132-31 EE9337EAE191555593FFACFB65C7A5FE 3472174 1. Tanaecium affine (A.H.Gentry) L.G.Lohmann. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 99: 464. 2014. Arrabidaea affinis A.H.Gentry, Novon 2(2): 159. 1992. Type: Ecuador. Sucumbios: Lake Agrio, banks of lake, 250 m, 0°6'45.28"N , 76°54'42.81"W , 1 Apr. 1980, J. Brandbyge and E. Asanza 30393 (holotype, MO [MO-083145]!; isotypes, AAU image!, AAU photo at MO!, NY [NY00000106]!). Habitat and distribution. Tanaecium affine is known from humid forests with rich soils, although it has been collected in primary and secondary forests with lateritic soil in Peru (Loreto, Mayanas). It is native from Bolivia (La Paz), Colombia (Antioquia, Boyaca), Ecuador (Napo, Pastaza, Sucumbios ), and Peru (Amazonas, Junin , Loreto, Pasco, Puno). Phenology. Flowering: February to April, September and November; fruiting: February to December. Notes. This species is morphologically similar to Fridericia florida but differs by the bilabiate calyces, stems with conspicuous patelliform trichomes in the interpetiolar region, and occurrence in rich soils ( Gentry 1992 ). In addition, T. affine can also be recognized by the numerous peltate trichomes distributed throughout the leaflets, emarginated membrane-like domatia, and fields of patelliform trichomes that cover the inflorescence nodes. Tanaecium affine shares vegetative traits with Tanaecium tetragonolobum , a sympatric species (Tab. 1 ). However, T. tetragonolobum can be differentiated by the glabrous leaflets (vs. leaflets covered with peltate trichomes in T. affine ), petioles longer than petiolules (vs. petioles shorter than petiolules in T. affine ), and subulate prophylls of the axillary buds (vs. bromeliad-like prophylls of the axillary buds in T. affine ). Table 1. Characters useful to recognize Tanaecium species.
Tanaecium species Branchlet section Interpetiolar glandular field Prophylls of the axillary buds Tendril type Inflorescence type Calyx shape Calyx aperture Corolla color Corolla mouth color Corolla shape Ovules series Fruit shape Seeds wings
1. Tanaecium affine terete or tetragonal present subulate or bromeliad-like simple compound thyrse campanulate bilabiate white white infundibular one linear well-developed
2. Tanaecium apiculatum terete absent subulate or bromeliad-like absent raceme tubular truncate white white wide infundibular many - -
3. Tanaecium bilabiatum terete absent subulate or bromeliad-like simple thyrse campanulate or tubular bilabiate white yellow infundibular one linear vestigial
4. Tanaecium caudiculatum tetragonal absent subulate or bromeliad-like simple thyrse campanulate truncate pale yellow white campanulate one linear well-developed
5. Tanaecium crucigerum terete present minute and triangular or bromeliad-like simple thyrse cupular truncate white white wide infundibular many elliptic absent
6. Tanaecium cyrtanthum terete present minute and triangular or bromeliad-like simple thyrse cupular truncate white white wide infundibular many linear well-developed
7. Tanaecium decorticans terete present subulate trifid thyrse campanulate or cupular truncate pink white infundibular one linear well-developed
8. Tanaecium dichotomum terete present or absent subulate or bromeliad-like simple thyrse campanulate bilabiate pink white campanulate or infundibular one linear well-developed
9. Tanaecium duckei terete absent subulate trifid thyrse tubular oblique white white wide infundibular many linear well-developed
10. Tanaecium exitiosum terete absent subulate simple thyrse campanulate bilabiate white white wide infundibular - - -
11. Tanaecium jaroba terete present minute and triangular or bromeliad-like simple thyrse campanulate truncate white white wide infundibular many elliptic absent
12. Tanaecium kuhlmannii terete absent subulate trifid thyrse tubular oblique white white wide infundibular many linear well-developed
13. Tanaecium neobrasiliense terete absent subulate or bromeliad-like trifid compound thyrse campanulate truncate magenta - infundibular two linear well-developed
14. Tanaecium parviflorum terete or tetragonal absent subulate or bromeliad-like simple thyrse campanulate truncate white yellow infundibular two linear well-developed
15. Tanaecium pyramidatum terete absent subulate or bromeliad-like bifid or trifid compound thyrse campanulate bilabiate or truncate pink or magenta white infundibular one linear well-developed
16. Tanaecium revillae terete absent subulate or bromeliad-like simple thyrse campanulate bilabiate pink white infundibular one linear-oblong vestigial
17. Tanaecium selloi terete absent minute and triangular or foliaceous simple thyrse campanulate bilabiate pink white infundibular one linear well-developed
18. Tanaecium tetragonolobum terete or tetragonal present subulate simple thyrse cupular truncate white yellow infundibular many linear well-developed
19. Tanaecium tetramerum terete absent subulate or bromeliad-like absent fascicule tubular truncate white white hypocrateriform two elliptic well-developed
20. Tanaecium truncatum terete present subulate or bromeliad-like trifid thyrse campanulate oblique or truncate pale yellow yellow infundibular two linear well-developed
21. Tanaecium xanthophyllum terete present minute and triangular or bromeliad-like trifid compound thyrse campanulate bilabiate yellow yellow infundibular two linear well-developed