A New Species ofAnthrenusGeoffroy, 1762 (Coleoptera: Dermestidae) from Vietnam Author Kadej, Marcin Author Háva, Jiří text The Coleopterists Bulletin 2016 2016-03-31 1762 1 129 133 http://dx.doi.org/10.1649/072.070.0117 journal article 10.1649/072.070.0117 5342054 AAA6944A-A96F-456E-AE1D-E8ECB6D901C1 Anthrenus ( Nathrenus ) kabakovi Kadej and Háva , new species ( Figs. 1–10 ) Type Locality. Vietnam . Type Material. Holotype ( ): VIETNAM , mountains, W Kha-Tin’ , Kim-Kuong [ W Hà-Tĩnh , Kim-Cuong], 1.4.1963 Kabakov / coll. O. N. Kabakov ( Fig. 10 ), ( ZIN ) [left antenna, genitalia, pygidium, and abdominal segments IX–X mounted in glycerin microvial and placed under the specimen; dorsal and ventral patterns somewhere incomplete]. Paratypes . Two specimens, not sexed: 1 specimen , same data as holotype ( Fig. 9 , DIBEC ); 1 specimen , Vietnam 60 km W Win-Lin 100–500 m , 18.III.1963 Kabakov / coll. O. N. Kabakov ( ZIN ) . Etymology. The epithet is a patronym honoring the collector of the beetles, O. N. Kabakov ( St. Petersburg , Russia ). Diagnosis. The new species closely resembles the Asian species Anthrenus ( Nathrenus ) subsetosus Arrow, 1915 , which occurs in Myanmar and Vietnam . The two species can be distinguished from each other by the following characteristics: 1) Body length: A. subsetosus 3.7–3.9 mm . A. kabakovi 3.0 mm. 2) Pronotal pattern: In A . subsetosus , the pronotum is covered by white and yellow scales and the central part of the disc is covered by white scales. In A. kabakovi , the pronotum is covered by dark brown (almost black) and yellow scales and the central part of the disc is covered by dark brown (almost black) scales; 3) Elytral pattern: In A . subsetosus , each elytron is covered by mixed whitish, orange, and brown scales. The white scales create three distinct, narrow fasciae from the lateral margin to the suture (but not touching it). In A. kabakovi , each elytron is covered by mixed yellowish (sometimes whitish) and dark brown (almost black) scales. In the anterior half, yellowish (sometimes whitish) scales form two distinct, transverse, narrow fasciae extending from the lateral margin to suture; they also create a thin, apical line posteriorly that touches the apex. 4) Median lobe: In A . subsetosus , the median lobe is broad nearly throughout its entire length. In A. kabakovi , the median lobe is gradually narrowed to the apex. The newly described species differs from other known Vietnamese species in the subgenus Anthrenodes Chobaut, 1898 by having 11 antennomeres ( 10 in Anthrenodes ) and long, seta-like scales (oval or semi-triangular in Anthrenodes ). Description. Holotype , male. Body convex, slightly rounded laterally; nearly 1.5X as long as wide; BL = 3.0 mm, BW = 1.45 mm , PL = 0.3 mm , PW = 1.65 mm ; covered with long, thin scales 6.0X as long as wide. Head invisible from above ( Fig. 1 ); eyes large, flattened rather than convex, with internal, medial emargination. Median ocellus present. Frons and clypeus covered with mixed yellow and dark brown (almost black) scales. Antenna with 11 antennomeres. Antennal club with 3 antennomeres ( Fig. 4 ); all antennomeres brown (basal segment and segments of antennal club slightly darker). Antennal fossa conforming to shape of antennal club. Antennal club shorter than flagellum; with relative length of terminal antennomere to length of penultimate and antepenultimate antennomeres combined nearly 1:1 (0.8:1). Ratio of length of antennal fossa to length of lateral margin of pronotum 1:2. Dorsal and ventral surface of integument black, sparsely punctured, covered by thin, setae-like scales ( Figs. 1–2 ). Pronotum covered by mixed dark brown (almost black) and yellowish scales ( Fig. 1 ); latero-posterior declivity with yellow scales along margin and toward middle, small amount of yellow scales present also on anterior margin of pronotum above head; disc (central part of pronotum) mainly with dark brown (almost black) scales. Lateral margin of pronotum dilated above antennal fossa and slightly visible from above. Scutellum small and poorly marked ( Fig. 1 ). Elytron covered by yellowish and dark brown (almost black) scales; dark brown scales form a backdrop for transverse elytral bands. In anterior half of elytra, yellowish scales forming 2 distinct, transverse, narrow fasciae extending from lateral margin to suture; also forming a thin apical line posteriorly (touching apex); also located between first and second bands along the suture ( Fig. 1 ). First band complete, along anterior margin of elytra extending from lateral margin to scutellum. Second band complete, slightly below mid-length of elytron , extending from suture to lateral margin. Thin line of yellowish scales present close to apex of elytron ( Fig. 1 ). Scales of ventral surfaces yellowish. First abdominal ventrite with postcoxal lines ( Fig. 2 ), sulcus without scales. Legs brown (tarsi slightly lighter than tibia, trochanters, and femora). Only trochanters and femora covered on dorsal surface with yellowish scales. Tibiae of forelegs without spines. Tarsus with 2 curved, simple claws. Phallus as in Fig. 5 . Parameres deeply U-shaped, covered with setae (short mainly on the lateral margins as well as in the central and inner areas; longer setae present only on apex of parameres). Distal parts of parameres straight (not curved inward). Penis in frontal view straight ( Fig. 5 ), in lateral view distinctly curved in basal part above narrow and short apodemes ( Fig. 6 ). Pygidium as in Fig. 9 . Ninth abdominal sternite spatula-like ( Fig. 7 ). Apex slightly elongated and rounded. Setae present on dorsal and lateral margins, but only anteriorly. Tenth abdominal segment as in Fig. 8 . Figs. 1–4. Anthrenus kabakovi . 1) Habitus of holotype, dorsal view; 2) Habitus of holotype, ventral view; 3) Habitus of paratype, dorsal view; 4) Left antenna of holotype, dorsal view. Figs. 5–10. Anthrenus kabakovi , holotype. 5) Male genitalia, ventral view; 6) Median lobe, lateral view; 7) Abdominal segment IX; 8) Abdominal segment X; 9) Pygidium; 10) Original labels. Variability. Expressed by the size of the body: BL = 3.10–3.45 mm ; BW = 2.05–2.10 mm ; PL = 0.9–1.0 mm; PW = 1.70–1.85 mm . In some specimens, the dorsal scale patterns differ slightly from that of the holotype : two distinct vertical lines of yellowish (sometimes whitish) scales present on the pronotum (they are situated from the anterior to posterior margin); between first and second elytral band thin, but distinct vertical line of yellowish (sometimes whitish) scales present ( Fig. 3 ) . Distribution. Vietnam .