Nomenclatural changes and redescriptions in Plateros Bourgeois, 1879 (Coleoptera: Lycidae) from Neotropical region Author Nascimento, Elynton Alves Do Author Bocakova, Milada text Zootaxa 2012 3487 77 84 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.212348 4f27dcbe-dc0c-4afd-892e-547d1805f2b8 1175-5326 212348 C2C8C3D5-833A-4A36-A7F0-038DE4C920AC Plateros inhumeralis ( Pic, 1938 ) comb. et stat. nov. Calleros wagneri var. inhumeralis Pic, 1938 : 157 . Type material . Holotype : male, BRAZILAmerica , Brasilia , coll.Rich.Hicker” without other data ( MNHN ). Other material. BRAZIL : “Res. Biológica Serra do Japi, Jundiaí-SP, Nascimento E.A.; Polegatto C.M. col, 26.iii.2007 ” ( 1 male , 1 female , DZUP ). Diagnosis : P. inhumeralis differs from P. wagneri Pic, 1923 by the shape of genitalia and by presenting humeral portions dark brown. Redescription : Body with ventral surface dark brown. Head dark brown, eyes large, interocular distance as long as eye diameter in male, 1.4x of eye diameter in female. Antennae subserrate, antennomere 4 as long as 5, 1.5x longer that antennomere 3. Mandibles stout, labial palpi short, maxillary palpi elongate, palpomere 4 about 1.4x longer than palpomere 2 and 2x longer than palpomere 3. Pronotum subpentagonal, about 1.2x wider than long medially, widest at basal margin with posterior angles obliquely projected backwards, posterior margin bisinuate, discrete median longitudinal carina present at apical 1/6, longitudinal median line channeled at basal half. Pronotum dark brown with lateral sides yellow. Scutellum dark brown with shallow emargination distally. Elytra dark brown, with yellow transverse band in ⅔, pubescent, each elytron with 9 costae, primary costae stronger, regular reticulate cells subsquare. Prosternum trapezoidal, mesosternum trapezoidal. Legs compressed, dark brown, femur as long as tibia, 3x longer than trochanter. Male abdominal sternum 8 with rounded emargination distally, pointed proximally. Male genitalia with phallus elongate, slightly wider in basal 1/ 5 in lateral and ventral views, bent dorsally at apical ¼ and curved apically in lateral view, subtly bent to right in ventral view ( Fig.2 ), phallobase subrectangular in ventral view. Female genitalia with ovaloid coxites, presenting incomplete oblique fissure at proximal ½. Valvifers divergent, thin and darker than coxites, apically compressed. Styli half of coxites length, proctiger quite elliptical ( Fig. 9 ). Body length: 9–10.5 mm , humeral width: 2–2.5 mm . Distribution : Brazil . Remark : Examination of the holotype of Calleros wagneri var. inhumeralis Pic, 1938 showed that the specimen is a member of the genus Plateros representing a separate species from Plateros wagneri Pic, 1923 known to occur in Argentina . Therefore, Calleros wagneri var. inhumeralis Pic, 1938 is transferred to the genus Plateros and Plateros inhumeralis ( Pic, 1938 ) comb. et stat. n. is proposed. The specimens collected by the first author will be deposited in DZUP.