Nomenclatural changes and redescriptions in Plateros Bourgeois, 1879 (Coleoptera: Lycidae) from Neotropical region Author Nascimento, Elynton Alves Do Author Bocakova, Milada text Zootaxa 2012 3487 77 84 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.212348 4f27dcbe-dc0c-4afd-892e-547d1805f2b8 1175-5326 212348 C2C8C3D5-833A-4A36-A7F0-038DE4C920AC Plateros grandjeani (Pic, 1931) Calleros grandjeani Pic, 1931: 93 . Type material . Holotype : female, BRAZIL “S. Paulo, Brésil ” without other data ( MNHN ). Diagnosis : P. grandjeani Pic, 1931 can be differentiated from other Plateros by the shape of genitalia. Redescription : Body with ventral surface dark brown. Head dark brown, eyes small, interocular distance 1.3x longer than eye diameter. Antennae subserrate, antennomere 4 as long as 5, about 1.1x longer than antennomere 3. Mandibles stout, labial palpi short, maxillary palpi elongate, palpomere 4 about 1.25x longer than 2, palpomere 3 about ½ of palpomere 4 length. Pronotum almost rectangular, 1.1x wider than long medially, discrete median longitudinal carina present at apical 1/6, longitudinal median line channeled at basal half, basal margin bisinuate, posterior angles projected obliquely. Pronotum with lateral margins yellow and longitudinal dark brown spot at center. Scutellum dark brown, oblong, straight distally. Elytra dark brown, each elytron with 9 costae, primary costae slightly stronger, regular reticulate cells subsquare. Prosternum transverse triangular, mesosternum transverse trapezoidal. Legs compressed, dark brown (except front trochanters, meso-trochanters and basal half of meso-tibiae light brown). Trochanters quite conical, ¼ of femur length, femur 1.1x longer than tibia. Female genitalia with coxites presenting short rounded notch basally, separating the structure from valvifers. Valvifers divergent, 2x longer than coxites. Styli half of coxites length, proctiger circular ( Fig. 10 ). Body length: 8.5 mm , humeral width: 2.5 mm . Distribution : Brazil .