3469 Author Scherrer, Marcus V. Author Aguiar, Alexandre P. text Zootaxa 2012 2012-09-07 3469 1 76 journal article 1175­5334 C62D776F-2E8B-41B0-B296-C50782687653 Debilos soror (Trentepohl), 1829 ( Figs 7 , 19 , 26 , 51 , 73, 86 , 91, 92 , 121 , 128 ) Cryptus soror Trentepohl, 1829:843 . Description, distribution. Holotype (ZMUC), examined. Cryptus soror : Dalla Torre, 1902 . Listed. Cryptus soror : Schmiedeknecht, 1908 . Listed. Debilos soror Townes , in Townes & Townes 1966:95 , 326. Generic transfer, listed. Debilos soror : Townes, 1970:471 , 535. Figure, listed. Debilos soror : Yu & Horstmann, 1997:239 . Listed. Debilos soror : Yu et al ., 2005 . Listed. Redescription . Female. Fore wing 9.8 mm . Head ( Fig. 73 ): Antenna with 33 flagellomeres. Clypeus smooth, sparsely punctate towards apex, moderately convex, regularly curved ( Fig. 86 ), CWH 1.84; MWC 0.66, MLW 1.80, MWW 0.60; malar space moderately long, MSM 0.88; supra-antennal area with median, longitudinal carina; minimum distance from eye margin to occipital carina laterally approximately same width of mandible base. Mesosoma ( Figs 91, 92 ). Pronotum lateral portion next to collar inconspicuously strigate-rugose, next to mesopleuron inconspicuously corrugated, epomia faint; notaulus inconspicuously impressed, uniformly sculptured with mesoscutum, reaching about middle of mesoscutum; mesopleuron dorsal half medially faintly strigulaterugulose, ventral half without distinct ridges or rugae, epicnemial carina restricted to ventral 0.8 of mesopleuron, posteriorly inconspicuously, sparsely corrugated; mesopleural groove markedly, sparsely corrugated; sternaulus entirely markedly corrugated; postpectal carina medially somewhat straight, slightly pointed posteriorly only at middle; metapleuron, subapical fovea deep, irregularly rounded ( Fig. 51 ); pleural carina moderately stout; propodeum anterior area moderately long, PLL 0.80, anterior transverse carina distinct, complete, medially slightly pointed forwards, posterior area densely strigulate-rugulose, with ridges not forming distinct pattern ( Fig. 7 ), spiracle very elongate, SWL 2.50, propodeal apophyses short to regularly high, conical, AHD 0.95. Legs: Hind t4 posterior lobe about 0.95 × as long as anterior lobe. Wings ( Fig. 26 ): Fore wing vein (Rs+M)b nearly straight, limit with crossvein 1m-cu indistinct, ramellus absent; vein Rs&1M almost straight, except basally slightly curved; crossvein 1cu-a straight, arising distinctly apicad vein Rs&1M, by about 0.4 × 1cu-a length, angle with vein M+Cu distinctly obtuse; vein 2Cua about same size of crossvein 2cu-a, FWC 0.84; areolet small, APH 0.68; vein 2Ma approximately as long as vein 2Mb; vein 2Mb tubular; crossvein 2m-cu with bulla short, about 0.2 × as long as vein length or shorter; vein 2Rsb sinuous. Hind wing vein 2-1A long, reaching about 0.8 × the distance to wing margin, HWC 1.80. Metasoma ( Fig. 92 ). T1 petiole basal half smooth towards base, apical half, postpetiole coriarious-punctulate, except pospetiole apical parts centrally smooth, sparsely punctulate, spiracle at about basal 0.6, prominent, T1LW 3.54, T1WW 2.67, T1GL 0.31; T2 elongate, T2T1L 0.94, thyridium distinctly longer than wide, T2LW 1.56, T2WW 1.94. Ovipositor slightly but uniformly downcurved, OST 0.74, dorsal valve with nodus faint, notch present; ventral valve tip with inconspicuous serrations restricted to very tip ( Fig. 19 ). Color . Head, mesosoma and metasoma black, legs mostly orange (215, 162, 095). Head: Dorsal portion of flagellomeres 4–10, clypeus and mouth parts whitish (231, 214, 162) ( Fig. 73 ), except mandible apex blackish. Mesosoma: Propodeal apophyses whitish. Legs: Hind trochantellus apical half, femur, tibia, t1, t5 and claw dark brown (107, 082, 059); hind tibia basal 0.2 posteriorly, t2–4 whitish. Wings: Hyaline. Metasoma: Petiole basal half dorsally orange, ventrally entirely orange, postpetiole dark brown (122, 095, 083), apical margin with central semicircular mark whitish; T5 apical 0.3, T6 apical 0.5 and T7 with longitudinal median whitish mark, linked to apical borders, evanescent at T5 and 7; sternites central 0.8 white; ovipositor and ovipositor sheath dark brown. Male . Fig. 121 . Antenna with 39 flagellomeres. General morphology and color similar to female, except for smaller body size (fore wing about 8.6 mm ); generally more pilose; flagellomeres 12–18 mostly or entirely white, about flagellomeres 16–23 with thin longitudinal ridge; 1cu-a ending closer to base of Rs&1M; fore wing 2Cu shorter; propodeal apophyses absent, only vestigial and uniformly black with propodeum; fourth tarsomeres not bilobed; T1 more slender, with spiracle slightly prominent. Variability . Propodeum anterior transverse carina sometimes medially almost straight. Holotype with clypeus more markedly convex; propodeum less pilose. Color : Flagellomeres 4 and 11 with or without white mark; clypeus sometimes centrally white instead of entirely white; T4 apical margin sometimes medially whitish. Examined specimens from Melgaço , Brazil , rarely with petiole basal half dorsally orange (only 4 specimens ), petiole more often entirely dark. Female collected from Serra Norte , Pará , Brazil , in 19–22.VI.1985 , with apophyses and petiole entirely dark. Comments . Included in the D . soror species group (see item Species Delimitation). While presenting all the common features of the group, some individuals of this species also have the propodeal apophyses slightly longer than usual, although not as long as the apophyses of all other species not included in D . soror species group. Compared to the other four species of the D . soror group, D . soror is the most distinct species, being recognized by having clypeus entirely or mostly white ( vs . entirely black in D . dnopheror and D . palaior , or with a small centrally whitish spot in D . dialeucor ), legs orange ( vs . black), and T1 basal half orangish ( vs . black). In addition, specimens of D . soror have a couple of features unique among species of the genus, making those exemplars instantly isolable from any other Debilos , which are the metapleuron, subapical fovea moderately deep, irregularly rounded ( vs . shallow, subcircular), and T2 elongate, T2T1L 0.94 ( vs . moderately short and apically robust, T2T1L 0.55–0.76). Distribution . The type locality is Essequibo , Guyana . The present work add the records of Guyanese locality of Kartabo, Bartica District; Brazil , on Humalta, Porto Acre , Acre (around 09°35’18”S 67°31’57”W ), Reserva Florestal Adolpho Ducke, Manaus, Amazonas ( 02°57’21”S 59°55’20”W ), and two localities of Pará: Floresta Nacional de Caxiuanã, Melgaço ( 02°04’54”S 51°51’05”W ), and Serra Norte; French Guyana , on Saül: South of Les Eaux Claires (about 03°37’N 53°12’W ); and Suriname , on Brokopondo (uncertain coordinates) and Phedra (around 05°19’60”N 55°02’60”W ) ( Fig. 128 ). Material Examined . 72 ♀ , 5 ♂♂ . Holotype from GUYANA , Essequibo, Smidt. Mus : F&TL, Cryptus soror Trentepohl , ( ZMUC ) . Mounted with a pin on its scutellum; mesoscutum very damaged by two pin old perforations; tip of left antenna and right hind leg had lost, left antenna and fore left leg had been fixed with some kind of glue. Left fore wing lacking half of pterostigma and superior basal tip of cell 2R-1; left hind wing lacking about inferior 0.9 cell A and 0.3 cell 2Cu; right fore wing with a hole on superior center of cell R, a notch on basal beginning of pterostigma; right hind wing with a cut that divide the wing in two parts, beginning on inferior margin on apex of cell A, goes up until root of vein 2-1A, continues bordering the vein cu-a, intercept the vein Cub about its basal 0.1 and goes up bordering the vein 1Cu until its inferior 0.66, thus, the cut follows straight to wing insertion. Other specimens: GUYANA : 1 ♀ from unknown locality, Tropical Research Station , New York Zoological Society , Nº 21218 ( AMNH ) ; 1 ♂ from Bartica District , Kartabo , 5.XI.1920 , Tropical Research Station , New York Zoological Society , Nº 20969 ( AMNH ) ; 1 ♀ , same data except 21-VII.1922 , Nº lacking , Gift of New York Zoo. Soc. , Dept. Tropical Research William Beebe , Dir ( AMNH ) . SURINAME : 1 ♀ from Brokopondo , 3.VII.1962 , Geijskes , Cryptus soror Trent., Tow, 1965 ( RMNH ) ; 1 ♀ from Phedra , 7–14.XII.1964 , D. C. Geijskes , rainforest in hilly interior, Debilos soror , AMNTedesco det. 2009 Trent ( RMNH ) . FRENCH GUYANA : 1 ♀ from Saül , 7km S Les Eaux Claires , 30.V–4.VI. 1997 , 170m, flight interception trap , JAsh & RBrooks ( CNCI ) . BRAZIL : 1 ♀ from Acre , Porto Acre , Humalta , 15.VI–02.VII.1992 , Cels : Gerayeb , Pena Henriques , Edmar , Mata Terra Firme , Debilos sp. MCGonçalvez det. 2004 ( MPEG ) ; 2 ♀ , 1 ♂ from Amazonas , Manaus , Reserva Florestal Adolpho Ducke , 1–3.X.2005 , yellow pans, APAguiar et al . leg. ( UFES ) ; 2 ♀ from Pará , Melgaço , Floresta Nacional de Caxiuanã , Trilha Igarapé Ararua , 15-18.XI.2003 , yellow pans, APAguiar & JDias leg . ; 3 ♀ , same data except 18-21.XI.2003 ; 3 ♀ , same data except 21-24.XI.2003 ; 6 ♀ , same data except 24-27.XI.2003 ; 1 ♂ , same data except 18-24.XI.2003 , Malaise trap M9 ; 1 ♀ , same data except Trilha Igarapé Curua , 14-17.XI.2003 , yellow pans ; 6 ♀ , same data except 20-23.XI.2003 ; 3 ♀ , same data except 23-26.XI.2003 ; 8 ♀ , same data except Estação Científica Ferreira Pena , 13-16.XI.2003 ; 1 ♀ , same data except 16-19.XI.2003 ; 3 ♀ , same data except 19-22.XI.2003 ; 7 ♀ , same data except 22-25.XI.2003 ; 7 ♀ , same data except Trilha Igarapé Tijucaquara , 15-18.XI.2003 ; 3 ♀ , same data except 18-21.XI.2003 ; 6 ♀ , same data except 21-24.XI.2003 ; 2 ♀ , same data except 24-27.XI.2003 ; 1 ♂ from Pará , Serra Norte , Manganes , 12–15.IX.1985 , FFRamos, Malaise with decomposed bait, MPEG HYM 11006405 ( MPEG ) ; 1 ♂ , same data except Pojuca , 24.VI.1984 , Marcio Zanuto , MPEG HYM 11006401 ( MPEG ) ; 1 ♀ , same data except 18.VII.1983 , PTadeu leg ., MPEG HYM 11006396 ( MPEG ) ; 1 ♀ , same data except Pedreira , 19–22.VI.1985 , suspensed trap , 1.6 m , MPEG HYM 11006408 ( MPEG ) .