Order Xenarthra Author Alfred L. Gardner text 1993 Smithsonian Institution Press Washington and London Editor Don E. Wilson Editor DeeAnn M. Reeder Mammal Species of the World (2 nd Edition) 63 68 book chapter 193455 10.5281/zenodo.7353136 cc21ed7c-310d-4a28-b29f-cb3acaaa6947 1-56098-217-9 7353136 Euphractus sexcinctus (Linnaeus, 1758) . Syst. Nat., 10th ed., 1:51 . TYPE LOCALITY: "America meridionale;" restricted to ParĂ¢, Brazil , by Thomas ( 1907ft ) . DISTRIBUTION: S Surinam and adjacent Brazil as a northern isolated segment; E Brazil to Bolivia , Paraguay , Uruguay , and N Argentina as the main population. SYNONYMS: boliviae Thomas, 1907; bruneti Milne-Edwards, 1871; encoubert Desmarest, 1822; flavimanus Desmarest, 1804; flavipes G. Fischer, 1814; gilvipes Lichtenstein, 1818; mustelinus Fitzinger, 1871; poyu Larranaga, 1923; setosus Wied, 1826; tucumanus Thomas, 1907. COMMENTS: Reviewed by Wetzel ( 1985ft ) and Redford and Wetzel (1985 , Mammalian Species, 252).