Revision of Afrotropical Udea Guenee in Duponchel, 1845, with description of five new species of the U. ferrugalis (Huebner, 1796) group (Lepidoptera, Crambidae, Spilomelinae) Author Mally, Richard Department of Forest Protection and Entomology, Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague, Kamycka 129, 165 00 Prague 6 - Suchdol, Czech Republic; mally @ fld. czu. cz Author Aarvik, Leif Natural History Museum, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway; leif. aarvik @ nhm. uio. no Author Karisch, Timm Museum fuer Naturkunde und Vorgeschichte, Dessau, Germany; Timm. Karisch @ naturkunde. dessau. de Author Lees, David C. Insects Division, Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, SW 7 5 BD, London, UK; david. lees @ nhm. ac. uk Author Malm, Tobias Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm, Sweden; tobias. malm @ nrm. se text Nota Lepidopterologica 2022 2022-11-23 45 315 353 journal article 2367-5365-45-315 A8BBBDA3D0C048B2B8C469E37531B762 E5B91E93DB905CFF93FE3F2EDFC544D4 Udea hageni Viette, 1952 Figs 3 , 13 , 23 Udea hageni Viette, 1952: 3-5, figs 1, 2. Type locality: Tristan da Cunha. Material examined. Tristan Da Cunha1 ♂ ; "St.75" , "Gm 1075 ZM.Oslo", " Udea hageni VH."; DNA voucher ZMBN Lep520; Mally genitalia dissection no. 1161; NHMO . Diagnosis. The species is readily distinguished from other Udea species by the narrow, apically pointed fore- and hindwings, more reminiscent of some Tortricidae than of Spilomelinae . Description of adults. Head : Dorsally greyish-white with interspersed brownish scales, ventral side beige; labial palps porrect, elongate triangular, about twice as long as eye diameter, dorsal and outer sides brown, ventral and inner sides as well as outer side's base of first meron and a narrow ventral area on second meron beige; maxillary palps brown, well developed, long enough to touch each other at apex, terminal meron with spatulate brush of long scales; haustellum fully developed, basally with cream-coloured scales; frons greyish-brown, slightly rounded; compound eyes large, hemispherical; antennae ochre-brown, scapus short, hidden in scales of vertex, pedicellus large, somewhat swollen, flagellum in male anteroventrally with dense ciliation almost half as long as flagellum width; vertex in centre and behind ocelli with tuft of long cream-coloured scales. Thorax : Prothorax, tegulae, forelegs and anterior mesothorax brown, posterior mesothorax, metathorax and mid- and hindlegs light grey. Outer tibial spur 2/3 length of inner spur in midleg, half as long as hindlegs' proximal spur pair, and almost as long as inner spur in distal spur pair. Wings : (Fig. 3 ) Forewing length of male 8 mm. Wings with reduced area compared to other Udea species. Male with single frenulum bristle, condition unknown for female. Forewing slender, with long convex costal margin, acute apex of about 60°, relatively short, straight termen, and short, convex anal margin. Ground colour cream-beige, with broad straight streak of brown colour from forewing base to 2/3 length of forewing in direction of termen-anal angle, second streak from basal of proximal discal stigma over distal stigma, broadening to area between forewing's apex and mid-termen; discoidal stigmata dark brown, proximal discoidal stigma oval, distal stigma a less clearly defined larger spot on anal side of second brown straight forewing streak; no antemedial line present, postmedial line very vague, as an outward-arching line from beyond distal discoidal stigma to distal end of broad straight streak from wing base; distal costa and termen at ends of wing veins with streak-like dark brown dots; fringe cream-coloured. Hindwing ground colour cream-beige, distal area suffused with grey-brown, veins brownish; faint brownish discoidal stigmata, connected by a thin brownish line; termen and anal margin with interrupted brown line; fringe cream-coloured. Underside of forewing more or less uniformly beige-grey, with upper side's broad streak from wing base as well as distal discoidal stigma as somewhat darker areas; ends of wing veins with streak-like dark brown dots; fringe pale beige; underside of hindwing uniformly pale beige, with small central brown discal spot; vein ends and fringe as in forewing underside. Abdomen : Dark to light grey. Tympanal organs (Fig. 13 ) with lobulus absent. Male genitalia : (Fig. 23 ) Circular uncus head with stiff bifid, anteriad directed chaetae on dorsal surface, neck slender, elongate, base of uncus broadly attached to tegumen and each side with a small laterad protrusion and notch at attachment to tegumen; tegumen rectangular; transtilla arms short, rounded, far apart from each other; vinculum large, together with saccus forming an oval; saccus broad U-shaped; juxta small, broadly drop-shaped, dorsally with V-shaped longitudinal membranous "notch" reaching mid-length; valvae elongate, slender, tapering towards apex; costa concave, base broad, slightly inflated, valva apex evenly rounded, ventral valva margin concave in apical half, at sacculus convex; sacculus elongate, ventrodistal tip in close association to central fibula, distal edge straight; fibula emerging near costa base from an elongate base, forming slender posteriad claw-like structure reaching towards distal edge of sacculus, not reaching ventral margin of valva. Phallus slender, thinnest at posterior end, anterior end stout, without coecum; central section with somewhat stronger sclerotisation; posterior tip of phallus apodeme ventrally with short triangular tooth; vesica with short, slender, spine-shaped cornutus. Female genitalia : Unknown. Distribution. Only known from the mid-Atlantic island of Tristan da Cunha. Genetic data. Not available. Remarks. Based on the male genitalia illustrated in Viette (1952) , Mally and Nuss (2011) placed Udea hageni in the U. ferrugalis species group. However, examination of a specimen and the results of our phylogenetic analysis suggest that the species is a lineage of the U. numeralis species group. So far, U. hageni is the only island-endemic Udea species with marked wing reduction. To our knowledge, the female sex of this species is still unknown.