The genus Exetastes GRAVENHORST in the West Palaearctic region, with description of a new species (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Banchinae) Author Riedel, Matthias text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2023 2023-12-29 55 2 641 692 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.10787504 0253-116X 10787504 Exetastes problematicus RIEDEL , 2015 (figs 21, 46, 86, 113) D e s c r i p t i o n: . Length 12-15 mm . Flagellum with 44-47 flagellomeres, bristle-shaped; 1 st flagellomere 5.0× as long as wide and 0.6× as long as eye; all flagellomeres longer than wide. Temple strongly and almost linearly narrowed behind eye. OED 1.7- 1.8× ocellar diameter. Eye margins slightly convergent ventrally. Face width minimally 0.8× eye length. MI 0.5. Clypeus 1.7-1.9× as wide as long. Mandible short. Hypostomal carina moderately widened. Epomia indistinct. Mesoscutum with sparse punctures, shining. Scutellum not carinate. Propodeum finely rugose-punctate; spiracle slit-shaped; apical transverse carina ± distinct medially. Hind coxa 1.1-1.5× as long as wide. Hind femur 5.3-5.6× (-6.3×) as long as wide. Hind claws long, moderately bent apically, with short teeth in basal 2/3. Areolet pointed or shortly stalked frontally; vein 2mcu proximad its middle; ramellus long; vein 1cu-a interstitial or shortly postfurcal. Tergites smooth and shining, with short setae laterally. 1 st tergite with sparse punctures laterally, 1.9-2.0× as long as wide. 2 nd tergite 0.9-1.2× as long as wide. Ovipositor sheath 0.3-0.4× as long as hind tibia and 0.7× as long as 1 st tergite; ovipositor straight. Color: black. Head and mesosoma with brownish setae. 2 nd and 3 rd tergites with diffuse reddish suffusion. Clypeus sometimes red. Coxae, trochanters and trochantelli black; legs otherwise mainly reddish-yellow; hind tibia in apical 2/3 and hind tarsus entirely black. Pterostigma ochreous to brown. ♁. Length 12 mm . Flagellum with 46-48 flagellomeres; 1 st flagellomere 4.7× as long as wide. OED 1.8× ocellar diameter. Hind coxa 1.4-1.5× and hind femur 5.0-5.6× as long as wide. Hind claws long, strongly bent apically, with short basal teeth. Tergites smooth and shining. 1 st tergite 2.0× as long as wide, with moderately dense punctures laterally. 2 nd tergite 0.9× as long as wide. Color: black. Fore and mid tarsi ± brownish. Otherwise as described for the . D i s t r i b u t i o n: East Europe, Transpalaearctic.