Trypetidae, Otitidae, Helomyzidae, And Clusiidae of Guam (Diptera) Author Mailoch, J. R. Whashington, D. C. text 1942 1942-06-01 Bernice P. Bishop Museum Honolulu, Hawaii Insects of Guam I 201 210 book chapter 607dcc60-66ea-494e-b613-ee258734404c 5163626 Guamomyia fascipennis , new species ( fig. 3 ). Female. Head tawny yellow, upper orbits, ocellar region and vertex usually darker and slightly pale gray dusted, occiput infuscated c,entrally; face with a more or less distinct dark line along each facial ridge and with a dark streak across epistome; antennae not darkened; aristae black; prelabrum and proboscis black. Frons fully twice as long as wide at vertex, slightly widened in front. Eye distinctly higher than long tapered below, facets uniform in size. Gena about as high as width of third antenna! segment and one eighth as high as eye; parafacial almost invisible in profile; face with a small elevation in center below level of antenna! insertions. Thora .t: "black, slightly shiny, with rather dense pale gray dust, mesonotum with four indistinct dark vittae, submedian pair widely separated and more evident than wider sublateral pair. Dorsal hairs black, not inserted in evident punctures; mesopleura, propleura, sternopleura, and pteropleura haired. Legs moderately stout, pitchy black, knees very narrowly yellowish, and basal two segments of all tarsi pale yellow. No exceptional armature present; fore femur with a series of moderately long posteroventral bristles; mid tibia with a long straight apical ventral bristle. Wings hyaline, with dark pattern and venation as in figure 3 . Halteres yellow. Abdomen blackish brown, slightly shiny, with pale gray dust on a narrow apical margin of third and fourth tergites and entire fifth gray dusted. Base close against postnotum, apex of first visible tergite elevated, the sides slightly compressed; genital cone broad, rather abruptly narrowed at apex. Length, 3-3.5 mm. FIGURE 3.-\Ving of Guamomyia fascipennis . Guam , no other data, Fullaway , type and four paratypes , one without head . I have seen one or two other genera in which the ocelli are well forward of the vertex but in none of them are the other characters as here.