Rhinolophus Author Dobson, George Edward text 1878 British Museum London Editor Dobson, George Edward Catalogue of the Chiroptera in the collection of the British Museum 100 122 book chapter 22913 10.5281/zenodo.3758443 de7dfffb-ac68-4ba9-afa7-85abf6d162b7 3758443 . Rhinolophus coelophyllus . Rhinolophus coelophyllus, Peters, P. Z . S. 1866, p. 426 , pl. xxiv.; Dobson, Monogr. Asiat. Chiropt. p. 53 (1876). Ears large, with narrow acute tips projecting outwards; antitragus separated by an angular emargination from the outer margin of the ear; horseshoe well developed; horizontal margins of central nose-leaf triangular, small; erect portion rather short, with parallel sides and rounded summit meeting the connecting vertical process at the same level; this process is thick and long, its posterior portion is not connected with the posterior terminal leaf, but is received into an opening in its front surface; the posterior leaf is shortly triangular in outline, formed of very thick integument, and its surface is marked by a crucial aperture leading into a deep cavity lined with hairs; the lower part of this aperture receives the posterior extremity of the connecting nose-leaf (Plate VII . fig. 1). The surface of the terminal leaf is covered with rather long hairs, its inferior * Although this division occurs here, necessitated by dental characters, the synoptical table is carried on from above, as if it were not present, in order to show the connexion of the species in other respects. surface is convex and rests on the forehead, which is naked in this situation. Chin marked with three small vertical grooves. Wings from the ankles or from the tibiae a short distance above. Interfemoral membrane narrow, concave or straight behind; tip of tail projecting. The second upper premolar is separated from the canines by a space, in the midst of which the small first premolar stands; the seeond lower premolar is minute and external to the tooth-row. Fur, above white at the base, with brown extremities, beneath pale brownish white. Length , head and body 2", tail 0"-8, ear 0"-8, forearm l''-85, thumb O' '-3, third finger 2"-8, fifth finger 2"-2, tibia 0"-85, foot 0"-4, nose-leaf O' '-5 x 0"-4. Hab. Moulmein; Tsagine, Upper Burma. Type in the collection of the Berlin Museum. a. ad., al. Tsagine, Upper Burma. Dr. J. Anderson [C.J. 2. Rhinolophus luctus .