A revision and phylogenetic analysis of Stoiba Spaeth 1909 (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) Author Shin, Chulwoo Author Chaboo, Caroline S. text ZooKeys 2012 224 1 36 http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.224.2964 journal article http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.224.2964 1313-2970-224-1 Stoiba marginata Blake, 1934 Figures 832-34 Stoiba marginata Blake 1934 : 53 [original description including figure]; Blackwelder 1946 : 743 [checklist]; Wilcox 1975 : 151 [checklist]; Borowiec 1999 : 131 [catalog]; Takizawa 2003 : 106 [checklist]; Borowiec and Świetojanska 2012 [online catalog]. Type material. Holotype and paratype in USNM (Type No. 44325). Type locality. Cuba: Prov. Sancti Spiritus , Buenos Aires, Trinidad Mts., 2350-2800 ft. Specimens examined. Cuba: Prov. Sancti Spiritus , Buenos Aires, Trinidad Mts., 2350-2800 ft. May 4 1932, SC Bruner, Otero. EEA de Cuba No. 9872. (USNM: holotype, paratype, type No. 44325); June 17-23 1939, CT Parsons (MCZ: 1). Diagnosis. Stoiba marginata (Figs 32-34) differs from Stoiba fascicollis by the elytral base broader than the pronotal base, black pronotal coloration extending to the base, prosternum black, coarsely punctate dorsal surface of the pronotum and elytra, black elytral disc with coloration extending to antero-lateral region of marginal area and femora black over their proximal half. Description. Adult (n=3) length 8.2−8.4 mm, width 7.6−7.8 mm. Body (Figs 32-34) rounded, widest and highest near middle. Color of head, antennae, pronotum margin area and elytra margin area brown except for black antero-lateral region of elytra margin; legs brown with coxae, trochanters and over proximal half of femora black. Head withdrawn into prothorax, up to half of eyes in dorsal view; inter-ocular area 2 times as broad as eye, flat with cranial suture and antennal sockets medially; maxillary palpus (Fig. 60) and labial palpus (Fig. 62) compact. Pronotum hemispherical with anterior edge slightly emarginate; surface coarsely and roughly punctate; base 2.2 times as broad as anterior edge; disc well defined by black coloration surrounded brown margin area except for anterior region. Prosternum (Fig. 34) black with brown hypomeron. Scutellum triangular, black, scale-like or occasionally punctate. Elytra (Fig. 33) moderately convex with surface coarsely and roughly punctate; discal area defined by black coloration with black coloration extending to middle of margin area; umbone slightly projected; margin area mainly brown, narrower posteriorly, extending to rear end. Hind wing brachypterous. Legs (Fig. 34) mainly brown with coxae, trochanters, and over proximal half of femora black. Spermatheca (Fig. 77) falcate with two openings, gradually narrower; receptacle area narrow and not well defined; spermathecal duct loosely coiled. Distribution. Cuba: Sancti Spiritus .