Revision of the genus Ptomaphagus Hellwig (Coleoptera, Leiodidae, Cholevinae) from Japan Author Wang, Cheng-Bin Author Ruzicka, Jan Author Nishikawa, Masaaki Author Perreau, Michel Author Hayashi, Yasuhiko text ZooKeys 2016 607 119 144 journal article 1313-2970-607-119 CEAA93A746704E4B9B2151CEFE3B5B42 Taxon classification Animalia Coleoptera Leiodidae Ptomaphagus (s. str.) sibiricus Jeannel, 1934 Figs 1F; 7 A-D Ptomaphagus (s. str.) sibiricus Jeannel 1934 : 165 ( Ptomaphagus (s. str.); type locality: [RUSSIA, Far East] Wladiwostok; SDEI); Jeannel 1936 : 72, 84 ( Ptomaphagus (s. str.); in key; distribution); Nishikawa 1983 : 1 ( Ptomaphagus (Ptomaphagus) ; in check-list); Perreau 2000 : 364 ( Ptomaphagus (s. str.); in catalogue); Perreau 2004 : 178 ( Ptomaphagus (Ptomaphagus) ; in catalogue); Zinchenko and Lyubechanskii 2008 : 340 ( Ptomaphagus ; distribution); Perreau 2015 : 249 ( Ptomaphagus (Ptomaphagus) ; in catalogue). Material examined. Type material. Holotype: ♀, [RUSSIA, Far East] Wladiwostok [ca. 43°10'N , 132°00'E ] // Reitter // Coll. Koltze // Pt. variicornis / Rosenh. // Ptomaphagus sibiricus Jeann. / type / R. Jeannel det. // DEI Muencheberg / Col - 07069 (SDEI). Distribution. Russia (Far East). Remarks. Jeannel (1936) thought that Ptomaphagus (s. str.) sibiricus is also distributed in Japan based on a single female specimen from Chiuzenji (deposited in BMNH ). So far, we have not seen any specimens from Japan identical with the holotype of Ptomaphagus (s. str.) sibiricus , and examined specimens previously identified as Ptomaphagus (s. str.) sibiricus actually belong to Ptomaphagus (s. str.) piccoloi sp. n. After examining this Japanese female specimen, labeled "Japan. / G. Lewis. / B. M. 1926-369. // Chiuzenji [ca. 36°46'N , 139°28'E ]. // Ptomaphagus / sibiricus Jean. / Jeannel det.", we found it actually belongs to Ptomaphagus (s. str.) kuntzeni , so Ptomaphagus (s. str.) sibiricus is absent in Japan. Unfortunately, the spermatheca and genital segment of the holotype of Ptomaphagus (s. str.) sibiricus are missing. This species will be described in another paper after examining more specimens from the Russian Far East and the Korean Peninsula. Figure 7. Ptomaphagus (s. str.) sibiricus Jeannel, 1934 ♀ (holotype). A antenna (dorsal view) B elytral apex (dorsoapical view) C protibia and profemur (ventral view) D ventrite VIII (ventral view). Scale bars 0.1 mm. Figure 8. Distribution map of Ptomaphagus (s. str.) kuntzeni Sokolowski, 1957 in Japan. Figure 9. Distribution map of Ptomaphagus (s. str.) piccoloi sp. n. in Japan.