Review of the Lispe tentaculata-group (Diptera: Muscidae) in China, with one new synonym Author Ge, Yingqiang Author Gao, Yunyun Author Yan, Liping Author Liu, Xianhui Author Zhang, Dong text Zoosystema 2016 2016-09-30 38 3 339 352 journal article 10.5252/z2016n3a4 1638-9387 5154805 Lispe sericipalpis Stein, 1904 ( Figs 1C ; 2C ; 4A, C, E ; 6B, D, F ; 7C, D ; 8-10 ) Lispe sericipalpis Stein, 1904: 110 . Lispe quaerens Villeneuve, 1936: 157 . Lispe tienmuensis Fan, 1974: 94 . — Pont 1986: 191 . Lispe fanjingshanensis Wei, 2006: 511 ( n. syn.) FIG. 6. ─ SEM images of male genitalia of Lispe orientalis Wiedemann, 1824 ( A , C , E ) and L. sericipalpis Stein, 1904 ( B , D , F ): A , B , genitalia, anterior views; C , D , origins of parameres; E , F , distal part of phalli. Scale bars: A, 200 μm; B, 120 μm; C, D, F, 40 μm; E, 80 μm. FIG. 7. ─ SEM images of male genitals of Lispe orientalis Wiedemann, 1824 ( A , B ) and L. sericipalpis Stein, 1904 ( C , D ): A , C , genitals, lateral views; B , D , degenerated gonopods fused with hypandrium, lateral view (arrows). Scale bars: A, C, 120 μm; B, D, 40 μm. TYPE MATERIAL . — Holotype (of Lispe tienmuensis Fan ), in SEMCAS, , labeled (1) Mt. Tianmu/ Chinese Academy of Science ( CAS ) [printed, in Chinese]; (2) 1954.IX.11 , Coll. Fan & Shen [printed except IX.11 handwritten, in Chinese]; (3) holotype [printed]; (4) type/ Lispa tienmuensis Fan 1963 , V [first line printed, second handwritten]; (5) Lispe quaerens Vill., 1936 / Fan, 1974 .IV.22 [handwritten, in Chinese]; allotype (of Lispe tienmuensis Fan ), in SEMCAS, 1 ♀ , labeled (1)Tienmushan/ July.28.1937 [printed, Tienmushan= Mt. Tianmu]; (2) allotype / Lispa tienmuensis Fan, 1963 . V . [first line printed, second handwritten]; (3) alloptype [printed]. OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED . — 6 ♂ and 3 ♀ , Beijing : Mt. Song , 1-5. VI .2009 , Coll. Grade 2007 of Biology ; 7 ♂ and 6 ♀ , Sichuan : Meigu County , VIII.2010 . Coll. L.P. Ma and H.Q. Huang ; 3 ♂ and 2 ♀ , Shandong : Yantai , 1.VII.2011 , Coll. Grade 2008 of Biology ; 2 ♂ and 2 ♀ , Beijing : Mt. Song , 18. VI .2013 , Coll. 7 ♂ and 7 ♀ , Yunnan : Baoshan , 14.VII.2013 , Coll. J. Na ; 82 ♂ and 67 ♀ , Hubei : Yichang , Mt. Dalaoling , 22.VII.2013 , Coll. D. Zhang and M. Zhang ; 5♂ and 10 ♀ , Jiangxi : Ji’an , Suichuan County , 12.X.2014 , Coll. M. Zhang and C. Wang. MNHN : 2♂ and 1 ♀ , Sichuan : Dafengding , VIII.2010 , Coll. H. Q. Huang, C. W. Gu and L. P. Ma. DISTRIBUTION IN CHINA . — Hubei , Gansu , Guangdong , Guangxi , Guizhou , Jilin , Liaoning , Shanxi , Shaanxi , Sichuan , Yunnan , Zhejiang . REMARKS Fan (1974) recorded Lispe tienmuensis ( Figs 9 , 10 ) (though the specimens were labeled as type material in 1963, it was not until 1974 when the work was published) and noted, “Closely related to L. orientalis Wd. but with narrowed parafacialia, poorly haired mid-femur in both sexes, narrowly pointed anal cerci in male”. But after re-examining the type specimens, he corrected L. tienmuensis as a synonym for L. quaerens and published this synonym in his book, Key to the Common Flies of China ( Fan 1992 ). FIG. 8. ─ Male of Lispe tienmuensis Fan,1974 (holotype,deposited in SEMCAS) ( L. sericipalpis Stein,1904 ): A , habitus,lateral view; B , labels. Scale bar: 1 mm. FIG. 9. ─ Female of Lispe tienmuensis Fan,1974 (allotype,deposited in SEMCAS) ( L. sericipalpis Stein,1904 ): A , habitus, lateral view B , labels. Scale bar: 1 mm. Wei ( in Li & Jin 2006 ) reported L. fanjingshanensis from Mt. Fanjing, Tongren, Guizhou . He commented that it is closely related to L. quaerens but differs in its greyish blue abdominal pollinosity and developed distiphallus which is bended at a vertical angle ( Fig. 10B ). After going through original description (focus on leg chaetotaxy especially hind legs: femur with complete ad row and incomplete av row in basal half, tibia with a developed median ad ) and illustrations of L. fanjingshanensis , we propose that it is conspecific to L. sericipalpis .