Review of the genus Eugryllacris Karny, 1937 (Orthoptera: Gryllacridinae) from China Author Bian, Xun Author Shi, Fuming text Zootaxa 2016 4066 4 438 450 journal article 51174 10.11646/zootaxa.4066.4.5 24f49927-38fd-40c9-9d5d-102b8b883c7f 1175-5326 258909 15920248-D234-4FE9-8A30-3EE461B92198 Eugryllacris fanjingshanensis Bian & Shi sp. nov. ( Fig. 8 , Map 1) Male. Size medium, form slender. Fastigium verticis about 1.6 times as wide as scape, lateral margins not raised. Scape as long as pedicel and first segment of flagellum combined; pedicel as long as first segment of flagellum. Eyes elongate and oval, protruding outwards; median ocellus subcircular, better defined than lateral ocelli ( Fig. 8 A). Anterior margin of pronotum slightly projected in the middle, posterior margin almost straight, 2 low callouses present on each side laterally; lateral lobes longer than high, ventral margin truncate ( Fig. 8 B–C). Hind femora with 4–5 inner and 5–7 outer ventral spines; hind tibiae with 7 inner and 6 outer spines on dorsal surface, subapices of ventral surface with 1 inner spine. Tegmina considerably surpassing apices of hind femora, reaching the basal one-thirds area of hind tibiae; hind wings slightly longer than tegmina. Ninth abdominal tergite divided in the middle, forming two lobes, the apices with 1 small hook on ventral surface, directing upwards and inwards ( Fig. 8 F). Cerci longer, cylindrical, the apical half slightly curved upwards ( Fig. 8 D). Anterior margin of subgenital plate almost straight, posterior margin with 1 shallower triangular concavity, the lateral lobes as long as styli, the distance between them narrower ( Fig. 8 E–F), its apices strongly curved ventrad. Styli conical, slightly curved inwards, its apices obtuse, located on lateral margins of subgenital plate near apex ( Fig. 8 E). Female. This species is known only from male. Coloration. Yellowish green. Eyes brown. Ocelli yellow. Spines of hind legs with apices black. Measurements (mm). BWL: 34.0; BL: 24.1; PL: 7.0; TL: 26.2; HF: 17.5. Material examined. Holotype : male, Fanjingshan, Guizhou, 2 August , 2002, coll. by Shi Fuming. Distribution. China (Guizhou). Remarks. This species may be related to Eugryllacris lobulis Bian & Shi sp. nov. based on the general shape of male subgenital plate, but differs from the latter by: body slender; the distance of between lateral lobes of male subgenital plate narrower, apex of the lateral lobes obtusely rounded and strongly curved ventrad. Etymology. Named after the type locality.