A taxonomic review of the coastal genus Iotarphia Cameron (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae) with a description of new species based on morphological and molecular characters Author Song, Jeong-Hun 0000-0003-0317-1457 Department of Agricultural Biology, National Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Wanju-gun, 55365, South Korea jeonghuns @ korea. kr; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 0317 - 1457 jeonghuns@korea.kr Author Osborn, Andrew W. 0000-0002-1702-3052 Honorary Research Associate, Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery, 2 Invermay Road, Launceston, Tasmania 7250, Australia awosborn @ dodo. com. au; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 1702 - 3052 awosborn@dodo.com.au Author Ahn, Kee-Jeong Department of Biology, Chungnam National University, Daejeon 34134, South Korea text Zootaxa 2021 2021-01-29 4920 3 417 427 journal article 8334 10.11646/zootaxa.4920.3.7 aea7d978-e7e9-460a-b618-c7ece0e0534c 1175-5326 4478173 2BEBF43A-C4AA-4462-9BD1-B68DBD0F4A44 Genus Iotarphia Cameron, 1943 Iotarphia Cameron, 1943: 352 . Type species: Iotarphia australis Cameron, 1943 . Psammopora Pace, 2003: 154 . Type species: Psammopora delittlei Pace, 2003 . Diagnosis. Iotarphia can be distinguished from other aleocharine genera by the combination of the following characters: body subparallel and reddish brown to black ( Fig. 2 ); infraorbital carina absent; antennae slightly moniliform; antennomeres 2 distinctly longer than 3 ( Fig. 3a ); male head with a pair of setal pores ( Fig. 3b ); labrum u-shaped, emarginate in anterior margin; galea and lacinia of maxilla moderately long and slender; pronotum pubescence directed anteriorly in midline; meso- and metaventral processes contiguous or separated by isthmus ( Fig. 3c ); tarsal formula 4-5-5; metatarsi long; abdominal tergite VIII with 4 macrosetae on each side of midline, posterior margin slightly emarginate ( Fig. 3d ). FIGURE 2. Habitus photography. (a) Iotarphia australis Cameron , 2.3 mm; (b) Iotarphia magna Song and Ahn , sp. n. , 4.0 mm. Description. Length 2.2–4.5 mm . Body subparallel-sided and reddish brown to black; surface slightly glossy, densely pubescent with fine microsculpture. Head . Slightly transverse, approximately 1.1–1.2 times as wide as long, widest across eyes, narrower than pronotum; eyes prominent; gular sutures moderately separated, slightly diverged basally; infraorbital carina absent. Antennae slightly moniliform; antennomeres 1–3 elongate, 1 longest, 2 distinctly longer than 3, 4 varied, 11 longer than wide; eye about 1.1–1.7 times as long as temple. Male head with a pair of setal pores ( Fig. 3b ). Mouthparts . Labrum transverse, u-shape, emarginate in anterior margin, with 7–8 macrosetae on each side of midline; epipharynx with several sensilla, including 2 lateral sensory rows on each side of midline; α-sensillum setaceous; β- and γ-sensilla short, α-sensillum longer than or about as long as ε-sensillum, ε-sensillum conspicuously robust and blunt at apex. Mandibles about 1.6 times as long as basal width, slightly asymmetrical, subtriangular, decurved and narrowed apically, with blunt internal tooth; prostheca well developed, composed of three portions, many small denticles present in molar region. Galea and lacinia of maxilla moderately long and slender; maxillary palpus 4-articled, elongate and pubescent; palpomere 1 smallest, 3 slightly longer than 2, 4 digitiform and relatively short, filamentous sensilla reaching to basal half. Labium with ligula relatively broad and parallel-sided, divided into 2 lobes; medial pseudopore field of prementum narrow; two medial setae contiguous and long; many lateral pseudopores, 1 setal pore and 1 real pore present on each side of midline; labial palpi 3-articled and elongate, with many setulae; palpomere 1 largest and longest, 2 shortest, 3 dilated. Mentum trapezoidal, emarginate anteriorly. Thorax . Pronotum transverse, approximately 1.3 times as wide as long, widest at apical third; pubescence directed anteriorly in midline; hypomeron fully visible in lateral aspect. Metendosternite with distinctly elongate basal stalk and a pair of furcal arms. Elytra slightly longer and wider than pronotum; pubescence directed posteriorly and postero-laterally; postero-lateral margin almost straight; flabellum composed of about 7–9 setose lobes; hind wings fully developed. Mesoventral process pointed at apex, reaching to half of mesocoxa; metaventral process narrow and pointed at apex. Meso- and metaventral processes contiguous or separated by isthmus. Legs . Tarsal formula 4-5-5, moderately long and slender, with dense pubescence and macrosetae; front and middle tibiae with small and blunt spines along outer surface, hind tarsi longest; one empodial seta present, shorter than claw. Abdomen . Tergites III–V or VI moderately impressed at base. Sternites not constricted at base. Tergite VIII with 4 macrosetae on each side of midline, posterior margin slightly emarginate ( Fig. 3d ). Male sternite VIII with 5–8 macrosetae [ 7–8 in I. australis ( Fig. 3e )]. Female sternite VIII with 4–8 macrosetae on each side of midline, posterior margin rounded or pointed triangularly. Remarks. Members of Iotarphia inhabit seaweed along sandy beach, from the proximal to high tide zones ( Frank & Ahn 2011 ).