Jumping spiders (Salticidae) of Uganda - revised list, new species and distributional data Author Wiśniewski, Konrad 5C3810D5-35FE-48B5-9AC8-8E6A436BE436 Institute of Biology, Pomeranian University in Słupsk, Arciszewskiego 22 a, 76 - 200 Słupsk, Poland. konrad.wisniewski.araneae@gmail.com Author Wesołowska, Wanda E362DE8A-ECB7-4C6E-B373-9E1821D214F7 Department of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Taxonomy, University of Wrocław, Przybyszewskiego 65, 51 - 148 Wrocław, Poland. wanda.h.wesolowska@gmail.com text European Journal of Taxonomy 2024 2024-09-04 952 1 171 https://europeanjournaloftaxonomy.eu/index.php/ejt/article/download/2647/12221 journal article 10.5852/ejt.2024.952.2647 2118-9773 13752285 00BEAF45-3564-4079-BB79-504FF82966C6 Hermosa yurai sp. nov. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: 5FD61989-E7E8-4BC5-AA69-1707A2A45A22 Figs 24–25 Diagnosis The male is easily recognized by the unusual chelicerae with large ‘flaps’ on the dorsal surface. The female can be distinguished from congeners by the shape of the spermathecae, which are oval in the newly described species, whereas they are bean-shaped in other species. Etymology This species is dedicated to Yuri M. Marusik (Yura for friends), the eminent arachnologist, who described numerous spider species, especially from the Eastern Palaearctic Region. Material examined Holotype UGANDA ; Masindi distr. , Budongo Forest ; 1°45′ N , 31°25′ E ; dry season; 11–20 Jun. 1995 ; T. Wagner leg.; ZFMK 2875 . Paratypes UGANDA1 ♀ ; same collection data as for holotype; ZFMK 2875 1 ♀ ; same locality as for holotype; 1–10 Jun. 1995 ; T. Wagner leg.; ZFMK 3055 1 ♀ ; same locality as for holotype; 5–15 Jan. 1997 ; T.Wagner leg.; ZFMK 3049 1 ♀ ; same locality as for holotype; 15–25 Jan. 1997 ; T. Wagner leg.; ZFMK 3043 . Description Male General appearance as in Fig. 24A . Ant-like spider. MEASUREMENTS . Cephalothorax length 3.6, width 1.5, height 1.0. Eye field length 1.1, anterior and posterior width 1.5. Abdomen length 2.7, width 1.9. CARAPACE . Dark brown, thoracic part twice as long as the cephalic part, distinctly lower. Faint colourless hairs cover carapace. Chelicerae large, light brown, distal third part of fang clearly thinner than basal part, anterior margin with five teeth, posterior with seven small teeth ( Figs 24C , 25A ), additional bump on retrolateral side and large ‘flaps’ on inner margin dorsally ( Figs 23B , 24B ). This last feature is unique, not found in other salticids. ABDOMEN . Oval, dorsum with brown scutum, sides black with light spots ( Fig. 24A ), venter and spinnerets grey. LEGS . Long, especially tibiae, brownish grey, coxae of first pair creamy. PALPS . As in Figs 24D–G , 25C–D , tibia with retrolateral distal swelling, concealing base of sigmoid apophysis. Female Similar to male. Chelicerae smaller, not modified, promargin with four, retromagin with six teeth ( Fig. 25E ). MEASUREMENTS . Cephalothorax length 3.0, width 1.2, height 0,8. Eye field length 1.1, anterior and posterior width 1.2. Abdomen length 2.7, width 1.6. Fig. 24. Hermosa yurai sp. nov. A–G . Holotype, ♂ (ZFMK 2875). A . General appearance, lateral view. B . Chelicerae, dorsolateral view. C . Chelicerae, ventral view. D . Palpal organ, ventral view. E . Palpal organ, ventrolateral view. F . Palpal organ, lateral view. G . Palpal organ, dorsal view. H . Paratype, ♀, epigyne (ZFMK 2875). EPIGYNE . Large, with single pocket at posterior edge and two rounded ’windows’ ( Figs 24H , 25F ). Internal structure as in Fig. 25G , initial part of copulatory ducts membranous (visible after staining in Chlorasole black E) fall into oval chamber, distal part very thin, spermathecae oval, relatively smaller than in congeners.