Mexican species of the genus Orthocentrus (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae: Orthocentrinae) Author Humala, Andrei E. text Zootaxa 2019 2019-12-12 4709 1 1 83 journal article 24539 10.11646/zootaxa.4709.1.1 b9d039b4-fce1-4dce-b297-a35f74b0eeac 1175-5326 3587263 10C21FBA-C547-48CD-BC87-07F8BA8AC3EC Orthocentrus ocampo sp. nov. ( Figs 3 A , 9 G , 13 G , 16 G , 20 ) Material examined. Holotype : México , Tamaulipas , Ocampo , Ej. El Bejuco. S. baja caducifolia, 900 m , MT, 13–26.VIII.2016 , leg. E. Ruíz C., M. & R. Ruíz C. ( UAT ). Description. Female. Body length 3.6 mm ; fore wing length 2.9 mm . Face medially as wide as high; nearly matt, finely and densely pustulate, frons finely pustulate with hairs, temples with fine coriaceous sculpture; eyes glabrous, face strongly prominent, inner orbits divergent ventrally; dorsal ridge of face inbetween antennal sockets without a median prominence; edge of clypeus slightly convex, antennal sockets on a high shelf (Hw/Fp = 3.2); subocular sulcus fine and shallow, bent towards occiput; labial palps short; maxillary palp reaching slightly beyond fore coxa. In dorsal view, head posteriorly slightly concave, temples distinct, about 0.2 × eye width, minimum distance between eyes 0.45 × of head width; posterior ocelli distant from eye by 0.7 × ocellar diameter; ocellar-ocular groove not developed. Minimum distance between antennal sockets about 1/5 diameter of socket; antenna thick, comparatively short, with 25 similar-sized transverse-quadrate flagellomeres which not gradually shortening apically; basal flagellomere 0.9 × as long as wide and about 1/4 of the length of scape; scape parallel-sided. Mesosoma 1.5 × as long as high, smooth and polished except pronotum striate postero-ventrally; mesoscutum with shallow notauli indicated anteriorly; epicnemial carina weak, interrupted ventrally; in profile, scutellum not high, metapleuron slightly convex; propodeum with posterior transverse carina present between lateral longitudinal carinae and pleural carina, spiracles medium-sized. Legs slightly flattened, broad; coxae polished, femora polished-coriaceous, tibiae and tarsi coriaceous-granulate; hind coxa as long as first tergite, hind femur 2.7 × as long as high, hind tibia 3.8 × as long as apically wide; tibiae with spine-like setae. Arolium in hind tarsus as long as claws. Wings not particularly narrow; fore wing with radius ( Rs+2r ) meeting pterostigma at basal 0.45; areolet closed, slightly transverse, second recurrent vein ( 2m-cu ) meeting areolet at apical 0.6, vein Rs straight; nervulus inclivous and postfurcal; hind wing with nervellus angled at lower third. First metasomal tergite elongate, slightly widening apically, nearly 2.0 × as long as apically wide, coriaceousrugose; in dorsal view, slightly wider at spiracles; with deep transverse impressions originating at about middle of tergite; spiracles at 0.4 of tergite length. Second tergite nearly as long as apically wide; first and second tergites covered by glue. Third tergite slightly coriaceous basally, all remaining tergites smooth and polished. Ovipositor hidden; ovipositor sheath pointed. Body largely setose except eyes, propleuron, pronotum, mesopleuron and metapleuron; setae very scattered on propodeum, tergites and posterior coxae. Dark brown except face, face shelf near antennal sockets, malar space, propleuron, pronotum in upper hind corner and ventrally, fore and mid legs, hind coxa in apical third and hind trochantellus yellowish brown. Tegula, mouthparts, fore and mid coxa and trochanters; basal bands of hind tibia and basitarsus and sternites yellowishcreamy. Male. Unknown. Biology. Hosts unknown. The only known specimen was collected at mid-altitude site. FIGURE 3. Lateral views: Orthocentrus shieldsi (in part) and O. montanus (in part) species-groups. A: ocampo , B: vulgaris , C: zaldivari , D: khalaimi , E: malaris , F: montanus , Scale 1.0 mm. Distribution . Mexico ( Tamaulipas ). Etymology. Named after the type locality in Mexico , Ocampo (state Tamaulipas ). Comments. Compared with the other species that have antennal sockets on a high protruding shelf, thick antennae, whole body not laterally flattened, eyes glabrous, and areolet closed, the areolet nearly as wide as high, unlike in O. areolatus and O. pentagonum , head narrower (Hw/Fp = 3.2) and face yellowish-orange, unlike in O. vulgaris (Hw/Fp = 5.1).