Benthic hydroids (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) from the Ross Sea (Antarctica) collected by the New Zealand Antarctic expedition BioRoss 2004 with RV Tangaroa
journal article
Tubularia longstaffi
Hickson & Gravely, 1907
Figs 6–8
Table 4
Tubularia longstaffi
Hickson & Gravely, 1907
: 14
–15, pl. 2 fig. 11.
Material examined.
Stn 71, 25 stems up to
55 mm
high (NIWA 117482); Stn 72, six stems up to
60 mm
high, without polyps (NIWA 117483); Stn 104, single stem
78 mm
high, with gonophores (MNCN 2.03/531); Stn 105, 20 stems up to
110 mm
high, most without polyps (MNCN 2.03/532); Stn 150, one stem
140 mm
high (NIWA 117484); Stn 178, 19 stems up to
60 mm
high, some without polyps, with gonophores (NIWA 117485); Stn 198, one stem
21 mm
long, without polyp (NIWA 117486).
material examined.
Tubularia longstaffi
Hickson & Gravely, 1907
material, Natural History Museum, London, Coel no. 1907.8.20.9):
McMurdo Bay
Ross Sea
, No. 6 hole,
April 8th,
227 m.
Stem up to
140 mm
high. Perisarc tube reaching base of polyp, yellow, transversally ringed (
Fig. 6
A), relatively firm, becoming weak and translucent distally (
Fig. 6
B). Tube diameter increasing distally, from ca. 250 µm basally to
1 mm
distally. Coenosarc attached to inner side of tube, with about 14 similar longitudinal lines. Polyps
2–5 mm
high and
2–5 mm
in maximum diameter, with aboral crown of 11 to 20 filiform tentacles (about
5 mm
in length) (
Fig. 6
C), and oral crown of 30–32 filiform tentacles (ca.
1.5 mm
in length) (
Fig. 6
Fertile polyps with ca. ten unbranched blastostyles (ca. 1150 µm in length), each with ca. 17 gonophores (largest ca. 400 x 250 µm) (
Fig. 6
Cnidome (
Fig. 7
) consisting of stenoteles in two size classes, two types of haplonemes and desmonemes.
Tubularia longstaffi
Hickson & Gravely, 1907
: A, fragment of hydrocaulus; B, distal part of hydrocaulus and polyp; C, polyp and gonophores (lateral view); D, polyp and gonophores (upper view). (All images from Stn 105). Scale bar: B: 5 mm; A, C, D: 1 mm.
Cnidome of
Tubularia longstaffi
Hickson & Gravely, 1907
: A, larger stenoteles (arrow); B, smaller stenotele (arrow); C, haploneme (arrow); D, haploneme (arrow). (All images from Stn 150). Scale bar: 10 µm.
Measurements (in µm). Stn 178:
: stenoteles I [range 9.0–11.0 x 7.0–8.0, mean 10.0±0.7 x 7.7±0.4 (n=10); ratio, range 1.2–1.5, mean 1.3±0.1 (n=10)]; stenoteles II [range 11.5
x 11
]; rounded haplonemes [range 13.0–15.0 x 9.0–11.0]; tear-shaped haplonemes [range 14.0–16.0 x 4.5–5.5, mean 14.4±0.6 x 5.1±0.3 (n=9); ratio, range 2.6–3.2, mean 2.9±0.2 (n=9)]; desmonemes [range 6.0 x 4.0].
Stn 150:
: stenoteles I, abundant [range 10.0–11.5 x 7.0–8.5, mean 10.4±0.5 x 7.6±0.5 (n=7); ratio, range 1.3–1.4, mean 1.4±0.1 (n=7)]; stenoteles II, scarce [range 13.5–14.0 x 12.0–13.0]; rounded haplonemes [range 14.0–16.0 x 9.5–11.0, mean 15.1±0.8 x 10.3±0.6 (n=6); ratio, range 1.4–1.6, mean 1.5±0.1 (n=6)]; tear-shaped haplonemes [range 13.5–17.0 x 4.5–6.0, mean 15.5±1.0 x 5.2±0.5 (n=7); ratio, range 2.3–3.4, mean 3.0±0.3 (n=7)].
Description (
Tubularia longstaffi
Stem broken into three parts: basal part corresponding to hydrorhizal stolon;
44 mm
long middle part corresponding to basal part of stem (
Fig. 8
A); distal part with hydranth (
Fig. 8
C). Diameter of stem distinctly increasing distally, from ca.
0.5 mm
basally to ca.
1.5 mm
distally. Stem perisarc yellowish, transversally striated (
Fig. 8
B). Stem with ca. 14 longitudinal coenosarc strands. Polyp (
Fig. 8
C) with oral crown of over 50 filiform tentacles, aboral whorl with 25 filiform tentacles, ca.
13 mm
long, merged basally.
Blastostyles unbranched, with up to 23 well developed gonophores (
Fig. 8
D–F), except by incipient grouped gonophores at base of blastostyles.
Cnidome consisting of stenoteles, apparently in two size classes, two types of haplonemes and desmonemes.
Measurements (in µm).
: stenoteles I [range 10.0–10.5 x 7.0–8.0, mean 10.1±0.2 x 7.5±0.2 (n=10); ratio, range 1.3–1.4, mean 1.3±0.0 (n=10)]; stenoteles II [range 11.0–14.0 x 10.0–12.5, mean 12.7±1.2 x 11.5±1.1 (n=3); ratio, range 1.0–1.2, mean 1.1±0.1 (n=3)]; rounded haplonemes [range 15.0–16.0 x 10.5–12.0, mean 15.6±0.5 x 11.3±0.5 (n=10); ratio, range 1.3–1.5, mean 1.4±0.1 (n=10)]; tear-shaped haplonemes [range 14.5–16.0 x 5.0–6.5, mean 15.4±0.5 x 5.7±0.5 (n=10); ratio, range 2.5–3.0, mean 2.7±0.2 (n=10)]; desmonemes [range 6.5 x 4.5].
After examining the
material of
Tubularia longstaffi
, I have no doubt that the BioRoss 2004 material belongs to that species, by their similar stem structure and cnidome. Diameter of the stem distinctly increases distally and the perisarc is yellowish and transversally striated. In relation to the cnidome, both have stenoteles, in two size classes, two
of haplonemes and desmonemes, all of similar size (cf.
Table 4
). The only difference is the slightly smaller number of oral tentacles in the present material (
material of
T. longstaffi
with over 50 tentacles).
Comparative morphometric data (in µm) of the cnidome of
Tubularia hodgsoni
Hickson & Gravely, 1907
Tubularia longstaffi
Hickson & Gravely, 1907
Tubularia ralphii
Tubularia Tubularia
Tubularia hodgsoni
(Hickson &
longstaffi longstaffi
Gravely’ material) (Type) Stn 150 Stn 178
Smaller Range 8.5–10.0 x 10.0 x 10.0–10.5 x 10.0–11.5 x 7.0– 9.0–11.0 x
stenoteles 7.0–7.5 7.5–8.0 7.0–8.0 8.5 7.0–8.0
Mean 9.3±0.5 x 10.0±0.0 x 10.1±0.2 x 10.4±0.5 x 10.0±0.7 x 7.2±0.2 (n=10) 7.8±0.2 (n=5) 7.5±0.2 (n=10) 7.6±0.5 (n=7) 7.7±0.4 (n=10)
Rounded Range 14.0–15.5 x 14.5–15.5 x 15.0–16.0 x 14.0–16.0 x 9.5– 13.0–15.0 x
haplonemes 10.0–13.0 10.5–11.5 10.5–12.0 11.0 9.0–11.0 Mean 14.8±0.5 x 15.0±0.3 x 15.6±0.5 x 15.1±0.8 x - 11.5±0.9 (n=10) 11.5±0.9 (n=7) 11.3±0.5 (n=10) 10.3±0.6 (n=6)
Tear-shaped Range 13.5–15.0 x 13.0–14.0 x 14.5–16.0 x 13.5–17.0 x 4.5– 14.0–16.0 x
haplonemes 4.5–6.0 5.0–5.5 5.0–6.5 6.0 4.5–5.5
Mean 14.3±0.6 x 13.7±0.4 x 15.4±0.5 x 15.5±1.0 14.4±0.6 x 5.2±0.5 (n=10) 5.1±0.2 (n=5) 5.7±0.5 (n=10) x 5.2±0.5 (n=7) 5.1±0.3 (n=9)
Larger Range - - 11.0–14.0 x 13.5–14.0 x 12.0– 11.5
x 11
stenoteles 10.0–12.5 13.0
Mean - - 12.7±1.2 x - - 11.5±1.1 (n=3)
Desmonemes 6.0–6.5 x 6.0 x 4.5 6.5 x 4.5 - 6.0 x 4.0 4.0–4.5
I have also studied the
material of
Tubularia hodgsoni
and the material assigned to
Tubularia ralphii
Hickson & Gravely (1907)
. Both agree with
T. longstaffi
, and the material studied here, in the structure of the stem, having yellowish and transversally striated tubes, whose diameter also increases distally in
T. hodgsoni
. They also agree with
T. longstaffi
in the size of the nematocysts they share (cf.
Table 4
). Nevertheless, they appear to lack the larger stenoteles and, consequently, I prefer to keep them apart. I have found no differences between
T. hodgsoni
and the material described as
T. ralphii
Hickson & Gravely (1907)
and, therefore, this should be considered as
T. hodgsoni
Ecology and distribution.
Tubularia longstaffi
was only known from McMurdo Bay, in the Ross Sea (
Hickson & Gravely, 1907
), where it was collected at a depth of
227 m
, with gonophores in April. Present material, which constitutes the second record of the species, was collected at depths between 222 and
630 m
, off
Adare, Adare Peninsula, Moubray Bay and
Hallet. Gonophores in February.