Two new species of Medeventor Wheeler from South America (Diptera, Chloropidae, Oscinellinae) Author Bazyar, Zeinab Author Silva, Vera Cristina text Zootaxa 2018 2018-04-12 4407 4 563 572 journal article 30263 10.11646/zootaxa.4407.4.8 e93836ab-fc18-4d62-9531-9bf44c472883 1175-5326 1221136 16341855-5A50-4CAA-928E-2A7A46848B1D Medeventor tschirnhausi Bazyar & Silva , sp. n. ( Figures 6‒11 ) Diagnosis. General colour of body uniformly brownish yellow. Body more robust than M. minimus , thorax with 1 postalar and 3 pre-scutellar acrostical setae; three last segments of or only fourth and fifth hind tarsomeres black. Sternite 6 well developed, bent upwards towards the tip of the hidden terminalia, near to the distiphallus; tip of phallapodeme swollen in lateral view; epandrium evenly covered with setulae; tip of surstyli pointed in posterior view. Description : Male: Total length, 3.8 mm . Wing length, 4 mm . Relative measurements (the depth, length and width respectively) of the head (10:10:13) and thorax included with scutellum (10:16:14). General body colour brownish-yellow. Head ( Figure 6 ). Yellow; ocellar triangle distinct, setulose; ocellar tubercle dull; eye rounded, hairy; gena yellow, its depth 0.5‒0.6 times of maximum oblique diameter of eye, with sparse setulae, slightly striated ventrally; vibrissal angle not projecting; parafacialia slightly narrowed anteriorly, its width 0.5 times the diameter of the fore tibia; facial carina narrow, triangular, extending ventrally to ventral margin of face; first flagellomere yellow, short, rounded with a distinct upper corner and undetectable sense pits; arista pubescent, yellow at base and dark on distal half; palpus elongated, yellow; proboscis yellow, short, geniculate, well sclerotized, labellum with 6 barely visible pseudotracheae; occiput yellow. Frontal setulae short and dense; inner and outer verticals, ocellar and postocellar setae longer and more robust than remaining cephalic setae, and longer than first flagellomere; postocular setae in two rows. Thorax . Scutum with five brown stripes; scutum evenly covered with long, black setulae; postpronotum setulose; 1 postpronotal seta; 1+2 notopleural setae; 3 pre-scutellar acrostichals on each side, 1 pre-scutellar dorsocentral, 1 intra-postalar, 1 postalar setae; 1 apical and 4 subapical scutellar setae, born from warts or tiny projections. Wing ( Figure 8 ). Elongate, membrane hyaline, covered with fine microtrichia; veins thick, yellow; costal sections 1:2:3:4 as 86:100:64:45; M1 slightly convex posteriorly; the chloropid-typical flexure of CuA1 developed as a distinct kink; anal area moderately developed; alula developed. Legs. Compared with female fore-femora distinctly swollen; male femoral organ absent; mid tibia with two ventral dark apical setae; hind tibial organ, oval, broad, nearly 1/2 length of hind tibia; three last segments of or only fourth and fifth hind tarsomeres black. Abdomen . Dark yellow; setulae regularly covering the tergites; sternite 6 well developed, directed upward towards the tip of hidden terminalia, near to the distiphallus, with a pair of sensory setulae and a patch of hairs;. Terminalia ( Figures 9‒11 ). Sintegosternite 7+8 present. Hypandrium closed; pre- and postgonites fused, tips flattened, with small sensillae; phallapodeme swollen at tip in lateral view; phallic guide well developed; basiphallus long and sclerotized, distiphallus short; epandrium convex in posterior view, evenly covered in setulae. Surstyli simple, in posterior view with pointed tip, movably connected with epandrium and covered in short setulae, anteriorly with six strong setae. Cercus broad, flattened, truncate, separated from each other and covered in short setulae, a single long subapical seta which is bent upward. Female ( Figure 7 ). Equals males, except that the fore femora are not swollen; two divergent, pale setae on epiproct; cerci long and not fused, with a pale, moderately long, apical seta; epiproct and tip of cerci dark. Etymology . This new species honors Dr. Michael von Tschirnhaus, from Bielefeld University, Germany , an expert in the families Agromyzidae and Chloropidae , who has developed an extraordinary collection of flies of these families from all over the world. He has been extremely supportive to the first author in the early stages of learning Chloropidae taxonomy, during a visit to his laboratory. FIGURES 6‒7. Medeventor tschirnhausi , sp. n. 6. Habitus, male, holotype, 7. Habitus, female, paratype. Type material. Holotype . BRAZIL , Mato Grosso , Parque Nacional Chapada dos Guimarães , Cerrado , Trilha de Pedra ( Mirante ), 788m , 15o24'21.8''S , 55o50'07.7''W , 22.xi.2011 17.i.2012 , Malaise 22, Lamas , Nihei and team col. ( MZUSP ). Paratypes : same data, but Mato Grosso , Chapada dos Guimarães , Cerrado , Trilha de Pedra final ( Mirante ), 788 m , 15o24'21.8''S , 55o50'07.5''W , Malaise 22, 13.x.‒08.xi.2011 , Lamas, Nihei and team cols. (SISBIOTA/CNPq/FAPESP), 1♂, 1♀ (MZUSP); same data, but 08.xi.‒01. xii.2011, 3 ♂ ( MZUSP ) ; same data, but 592m , Trilha Cachoeira Véu de Noiva , 15o24'33.5''S , 0 55o 49'59.0''W, Malaise 17, 22.xii.2011 ‒22. i.2012, 2 ♂ (MZUSP); same data, but 592m , Trilha Cachoeira Véu de Noiva , 15o24'33.5''S , 0 55o 49'59.0''W, Malaise 17, 08.xi.‒01. xii.2011, 2 ♂ ( MZUSP ) ; same data, but 592m , Trilha Cachoeira Véu de Noiva , 15o24'33.5''S , 0 55o 49'59.0''W, Malaise 17, 01.xii.‒22. xii.2011, 1 ♂ ( MZUSP ) ; same data, but Trilha Cachoeira Véu de Noiva , 15o24'33.5''S , 0 55o 49'59.0''W, Malaise 17, Trans. Ciliar / Cerrado , 13.x.‒08. xi.2011, 2 ♂ ( MZUSP ) ; same data, but 01‒22. xii.2011, 1 ♂ ( MZUSP ) ; same data, but 31.x.‒29. xi.2012, 3 ♂ ( MZUSP ) , 2♂ (USNM), 2♂ ( NHM ); same data, but 22.xii.2011 ‒17 . i.2012, 1 ♂ (MZUSP). Comments . This species shares with M. nubosus that both are of medium size, both have a distinctly outlined ocellar triangle, rounded eyes, a surstylus pointed posteriorly and a pair of sensory setulae on sternite 6.