The Trichoptera of Panama. XI. Three new species of caddisflies in the genus Smicridea McLachlan (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae) from Omar Torrijos and Santa Fe National Parks Author Rázuri-Gonzales, Ernesto Author Armitage, Brian J. text Insecta Mundi 2019 2019-06-28 710 710 1 13 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.3674835 dde4db22-fb4f-4e91-b752-106ccadf9f90 1942-1354 3674835 D96A51F7-FA29-4CE5-A5CC-06BBDA2FEA37 Smicridea ( Smicridea ) spatulata Rázuri-Gonzales and Armitage , sp. n. Fig. 2 . Diagnosis. Smicridea ( S. ) spatulata sp. n. is most similar to S. ( S. ) campana Flint, 1974 based on the shape of tergum X, especially in dorsal view; the shape of the phallobase in lateral view; and the presence of a semi-membranous ring-like structure in the endothecal membranes. However, Smicridea ( S. ) spatulata can be distinguished from S. ( S. ) campana due to its slightly broader tergum X subapically in dorsal view; the crenate dorsolateral corner of the phallobase, which is straight and smooth in S. ( S. ) campana ; the presence of a short spine on the mesal surface of the phallobase; and the broader and more elongate posteroventral process of the phallobase in lateral view, which is shorter and more slender in S. ( S. ) campana . Additionally, Smicridea ( S. ) spatulata has five endothecal spines, whereas S. ( S. ) campana only has two pairs of spines of different size and shapes. Description. Adult male. Forewing length average 4.0 mm ( n = 2). Body color light brown (specimen preserved in alcohol). Head and thorax light brown with light brown setae, dorsally thorax with dark brown marks anterad. Antennae and legs yellowish brown, legs with short brown setae. Maxillary palps 5-segmented; maxillary palps with long fine light brown setae. Forewing membrane light brown, with brown setae, without apparent whitish transversal band in the nygmal area membrane, mostly denuded. Wing venation typical for the subgenus. Abdominal segments VI and VIII glands oval, larger than containing segment. Male genitalia . Segment IX in lateral view ( Fig. 2A ) much longer dorsally than ventrally, anterolateral margin concave, anterodorsal corner produced, broadly rounded; anterior portion of dorsal margin slightly concave, mesal portion of dorsal margin convex, bearing small microsetae, closer to tergum X than to anterolateral margin of segment IX, posterior portion membranous; ventrolateral margin oblique, sinuous; ventral margin short, rounded; in dorsal view ( Fig. 2B ) anterior margin concave, lateral margin sinuous, mesally bearing microsetae. Tergum X in lateral view ( Fig. 2A ) narrow, setose, much shorter than segment IX, apex rounded; in dorsal view ( Fig. 2B ) narrow, with rounded apices, separated by mesal notch, less than half its length, membranous mesally. Inferior appendage ( Figs. 2 A–C) two-segmented; first segment extending beyond posterior margin of tergum X, covered with setae, inflated apically; second segment digitate, approximately 1/3 as long as first segment, with short setae on margins, in dorsal view apex acute, slightly inflated on distal half. Phallic apparatus ( Figs. 2 D–E) with phallobase enlarged, open ventrally; apical section open, dorsolateral corner of phallobase rounded, crenate, with thick short spine on mesal surface; posterodorsal margin of phallobase mesally produced, acute; posteroventral margin produced into slender digitate, entire lobe, with subacute apex, directed posterad, without spines or processes on lateral surface; in ventral view, posteroventral process entire, spatulate, slightly emarginate apically; endothecal membranes with five acute spines and oval lightly sclerotized “ring”: (i) anterior most pair of spines curved ventrad in lateral view, (ii) mesal pair of spines, curved dorsad, rounded basally and tapering towards apex, slightly longer than anterior most pair, (iii) posteroventral spine acute, with sinuous margins. Female and immature stages. Unknown. Distribution. Panama ( Coclé Province ). Etymology. From the Latin word spatulata , referring to the spatulate posteroventral process of the phallobase in ventral view. Material examined. HOLOTYPE MALE . PANAMA : Coclé : Omar Torrijos National Park , Quebrada Corazones , 8.6776°N , 80.6001°W , 728 m , 22–26.iii.2017 , A. Cornejo , T . Ríos, E . Álvarez, and E. Pérez , Malaise trap ( COZEM ) . PARATYPE . Same data as holotype , 1♂ ( COZEM ) .