A preliminary catalogue of the Hymenoptera (Insecta) of the Republic of Djibouti Author Madl, Michael text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2018 2018-12-17 50 2 907 967 journal article 22470 10.5281/zenodo.3776452 a6105493-16c0-4533-a6e2-7ebe3330950d 0253-116X 3776452 Borgatomelissa brevipennis (W ALKER, 1871) Andrena brevipennis n.sp. : WALKER 1871a: 46 (descr. , Tadjoura ). Anthrena (!) brevipennis WALKER, 1871 : DE DALLA TORRE 1896: 107 (world cat. ( Djibouti , not Egypt )) . Andrena brevipennis WALKER, 1871 : INNES BEY 1911: 105 (without locality, cat. Lord Collection). Meliturgula brevipennis ( WALKER, 1871 ): PATINY 1999a: 28 (tax.). Meliturgula brevipennis ( WALKER, 1871 ): PATINY 1999b: 263 (tax., footnote 3: tax.), 265 (tax.). Meliturgula brevipennis ( WALKER, 1871 ): PATINY 2000a: 69 (tax., biogeogr.), footnote 3: tax.). Meliturgula brevipennis ( WALKER, 1871 ): PATINY & GASPAR 2000: 3 (tax.), 4 (footnotes 2, 3: tax.), 5 (tab. 1: tax.), 6 (tax., Tadjoura ( WALKER (1871a) , Djibouti , not Ethiopia )), 18 (map 1), 19 (map 2), 21 (map 6), 27 (tax., biogeogr.), 30 (biogeogr.), 32 (tax.), 35 (biogeogr.), 36 (tax., biogeogr.), 40 (biogeogr.), 41 (biogeogr.). Meliturgula brevipennis ( WALKER, 1871 ): MICHENER 2000: 279 (tax.). Borgatomelissa brevipennis ( WALKER, 1871 ): PATINY 2000b: 101 (typ. gen., tax.), 104 (map 1). Meliturgula brevipennis ( WALKER, 1871 ): GUSENLEITNER & SCHWARZ 2002: 846 (tax., world cat. ( Djibouti , not Egypt )). Borgatomelissa brevipennis ( WALKER, 1871 ): PATINY 2004: 905 (biogeogr.). Borgatomelissa brevipennis ( WALKER, 1871 ): GUSENLEITNER et al. 2005: 460 (tax.). Borgatomelissa brevipennis ( WALKER, 1871 ): PATINY & MICHEZ 2007: 26 (tab. 1: cat. biogeogr.), 29 (biogeogr., fig. 9: map), 31 (biogeogr.). Borgatomelissa brevipennis ( WALKER, 1871 ): EARDLEY, KUHLMANN & PAULY 2010: 28 (fig. 11C). D i s t r i b u t i o n: Tadjoura . Borgatomelissa brevipennis is recorded from the Afrotropical ( Djibouti , Eritrea , Mauritania , Niger ) and Palaearctic ( Oman , Saudi Arabia , Yemen ) regions. Borgatomelissa brevipennis is not mentioned in FRIESE (1909a) and EARDLEY & URBAN (2010).