Nomenclatural changes in Mymaridae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) Author Aquino, Daniel A. Author Triapitsyn, Serguei V. Author Huber, John T. text Zootaxa 2016 4205 6 581 592 journal article 37558 10.11646/zootaxa.4205.6.6 1192d7b8-b77e-41d4-a49c-955a32094f77 1175-5326 200316 BD1D8417-1BC3-4FD8-B1E1-55D9FB334C55 Acmopolynema albicoxa ( Ashmead, 1900 ) , comb. n. ( Figs 1a–c ) Polynema albicoxa Ashmead, 1900 : 266 . Type locality: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Vincent Island, unspecified. Polynema albicoxa : De Santis, 1979 : 376 (catalog); Yoshimoto, 1990 : 83 (list). Type material examined . Holotype female [ BMNH ] on point labeled: 1, “ St. Vincent , W. I., H. H. Smith 241”; 2, “ W. Indies 99–331”; 3, “ Type H. T. ”; 4, “ Polynema albicoxa Type Ashm ”; 5, “ B. M. Type Hym. 5.1454”. Diagnosis . Acmopolynema albicoxa , described only from the holotype , is characterized by the following combination of features: general body color dark brown, appendages light brown except clava dark brown; scape slightly wider than pedicel and transversely striate on the inner surface; clava (poorly mounted so its width could not be measured and mps could not be counted) as long as combined length of three preceding segments; pronotum entire, each side with one seta at posterior margin; scutellar campaniform sensilla closer to anterior than posterior margin of scutellum; propodeum with complete V-shaped submedian carinae; fore wing with infuscate spot in middle of disc, the discal setae near the middle and distal half brown; ovipositor exserted beyond gastral apex by about 0.2× total length of gaster. Redescription . FEMALE ( holotype , Figs 1a–c ). Head and body dark brown; appendages light brown except clava dark brown. Antenna ( Fig. 1c ). Scape excluding radicle about 2.4× as long as wide, slightly wider than pedicel and transversely striate on inner surface; F1 as long as pedicel; F2 the longest funicular segment; F4–F6 progressively decreasing in length and increasing in width; clava as long as combined length of three preceding segments. Mesosoma with inconspicuous elongate mesh-like sculpture on pronotum, mesoscutum and scutellum; pronotum entire, each side with one seta at posterior margin; mesoscutum wider than long (1.6:1); scutellum wider than long (1.1:1), scutellar campaniform sensilla closer to anterior than posterior margin of scutellum; propodeum with complete V-shaped submedian carinae ( Fig. 1a ). Wings. Fore wing ( Fig. 1b ) with infuscate spot in middle of disc and distal half brown, the discal setae near middle of wing. Hind wing not visible. Metasoma. Ovipositor exserted beyond gastral apex by about 0.2× total length of gaster. Holotype measurements. Body, 1000: mesosoma, 475; gaster, 525. Antenna: scape (excluding radicle), 125; pedicel, 63; F1, 63; F2, 113; F3, 93; F4, 63; F5, 50; F6, (unknown, not possible to measure correctly); clava 163. Fore wing 1075. Distribution . Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ( Saint Vincent Island ). Remarks . The V-shaped carinae on the propodeum and the modified setae on the fore wing disc clearly places this species in Acmopolynema . Whether it is conspecific with one of the South American Acmopolynema species ( Fidalgo 1989 ) will require a thorough investigation as part of a forthcoming revision of the Neotropical species of this genus (S.V. Triapitsyn and V.V. Berezovskiy, in preparation).