Twelve new species of Guimaraesiella (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera: Philopteridae) from “ babblers ” (Passeriformes: Leiothrichidae, Pellorneidae, Timaliidae) with a description of a new subgenus and a key to its species Author Gustafsson, Daniel R. Author Clayton, Dale H. Author Bush, Sarah E. text Zootaxa 2019 2019-01-09 4543 4 451 497 journal article 27694 10.11646/zootaxa.4543.4.1 57c7ab87-1ca3-4430-9621-c1d3734d881e 1175-5326 2617937 4F591303-AF92-4BBB-8B68-EDD27AA229DE Guimaraesiella ( Cicchinella ) sehri ( Ansari, 1955 ) ( Figs 1–7 ) Brueelia sehri Ansari, 1955 : 53 . Brueelia sehri Ansari, 1956 : 143 , figs 13–16 (redescription). Guimaraesiella sehri ( Ansari, 1955 ) ; Gustafsson & Bush, 2017 : 222 . Type host. Trochalopteron lineatum lineatum (Vigors, 1831) —streaked laughing-thrush ( Leiothrichidae ). Type locality. Kulu , Pakistan . Other host. Trochalopteron lineatum setafer (Hodgson, 1836) . Description. Both sexes. Head pentagonal ( Fig. 3 ). Lateral margins of preantennal area fairly straight. Dorsal preantennal suture does not reach lateral margins of head, nor completely separate dorsal anterior plate from main head plate. Attachments of mandibular adductor muscles prominent. Head chaetotaxy as in Fig. 3 ; pns microsetae. Coni broad, not reaching distal margin of scape. Antennae not sexually dimorphic. Gular plate broad, triangular. Thoracic and abdominal segments as in Figs 1–2 . Both sexes with 5 mms on each side. Reentrant heads of pleurites broad and long. Male. Thoracic and abdominal chaetotaxy as in Fig. 1 . Male genitalia as in Figs 4–6 . Basal apodeme broad, rounded ( Fig. 4 ). Proximal mesosome rectangular ( Fig. 5 ). Ventral sclerite with prominent rugose nodi in anterior end. Mesosomal lobes with sinuous lateral margins. Marginal thickenings of lobes displaced near anterior end of lobes. Large triangular nodi with oblique anterior margins on distal mesosome. Gonopore open distally, with narrow, sinuous marginal thickening; 2 ames sensilla on each side near antero-lateral corners of mesosomal lobes; 1 gpmes sensillus on each side of gonopore; 2 lpmes microsetae on each side in concave section of lateral margins of mesosome. Parameral heads irregular ( Fig. 6 ). Parameral blades tapering gradually; pst1–2 close together. Measurements ex Trochalopteron lineatum lineatum (n = 1): TL = 1.13; HL = 0.33; HW = 0.33; PRW = 0.19; PTW = 0.29; AW = 0.44. Measurements ex T. l. setafer (n = 1): TL = 1.04; HL = 0.34; HW = 0.32; PRW = 0.19; PTW = 0.29; AW = 0.38. Female. Thoracic and abdominal chaetotaxy as in Fig. 2 ; ss of tergopleurite VIII much shorter than ss of tergopleurites II–VII. Subgenital plate as in Fig. 7 ; cross-piece with broad connection to subgenital plate. Vulval margin gently rounded ( Fig. 7 ), with 3–4 slender vms on each side, and 6–7 thorn-like vss on each side; 4–5 slender vos on each side; distal vos median to vss . Measurements ex Trochalopteron lineatum lineatum (n = 1; AW not measured): TL = 1.37; HL = 0.36; HW = 0.37; PRW = 0.21; PTW = 0.32. Measurements ex T. l. setafer (n = 1): TL = 1.39; HL = 0.34; HW = 0.32; PRW = 0.19; PTW = 0.29; AW = 0.38. Type material. Ex Trochalopteron lineatum lineatum : Holotype , Kulu, [Kullu District, Pakistan ], 14 Oct. 1934 , [R.A.M.] Ansari (NHML). Allotype , same data as holotype ( NHML ) . Additional material examined (non-types). Ex Trochalopteron lineatum setafer : 1♂ , 1♀ , Melichme, Sindhu District, Nepal , 5 Aug. 1968 , NP-6863, 12478 on reverse (NHML). Remarks. The material we studied from T. lineatum lineatum is from Ansari’s Collection at the NHML. Ansari’s (1955) original description and his redescription ( Ansari 1956 ) mention a holotype and an allotype , but no additional material. The collection date and locality of the material we examined are the same as those given by Ansari’s (1956) for the types, but the slide is not labelled as such. However, on the reverse is written “? Paratypes ”. The male genitalia and the position of the legs and antennae illustrated by Ansari (1956) are the same as in the material we have examined. Considering that no other slides of Brueelia sehri are in the NHML collection, it seems likely that the specimens we examined represent the holotype and allotype of B. sehri , despite not being marked as such. As the specimens from T. lineatum setafer are better preserved than those from the type host, our illustrations are based on these specimens. .