First record of the genus Trypetisoma Malloch, 1924 (Diptera, Lauxaniidae) for China with nine species Author Li, Wenliang Author Qi, Ling Author Yang, Ding text Zootaxa 2019 2019-05-17 4608 1 35 64 journal article 26798 10.11646/zootaxa.4608.1.2 bc689683-8dd5-442e-90a6-adbb7221aad6 1175-5326 2944225 ADCC06EA-72DC-4867-A933-9F7E7330E277 Trypetisoma ( Trypaneoides ) jinpingensis sp. nov. ( Figs. 21–30 ) Diagnosis. Face with 1 V-shape median brown spot. Antenna yellow. Mesonotum with a pair of narrow brown median bands. Male genitalia: syntergosternite with 1 black long ventral process at ventral apex, broad and sclero- tization strongly. Description. MALE. Body length 2.2–2.3 mm, wing length 2.6–2.7 mm. FEMALE. Body length 2.5–2.8 mm, wing length 2.4–2.6 mm. FIGURES 21–25. Trypetisoma ( Trypaneoides ) jinpingensis sp. nov. Male. 21. head, anterior view; 22. wing; 23. habitus, lat- eral view; 24. thorax, dorsal view; 25. abdomen, dorsal view. Head ( Fig. 21 ) pale yellow. Face brownish yellow, with 1 brown V-shaped median spot and with 1 brown median spot on ventral margin; parafacial with 1 elliptic brown spot on inner margin. Frons brownish yellow except anterior margin yellow, with grayish white pruinescence, wider than long, trapeziform, with anterior margin narrower than the posterior, with a pair narrow brown median bands, extending to ocellar triangle; ocellar triangle blackish gray, oc developed, longer than anterior or ; anterior or about half length of posterior or ; or each with 1 blackish brown basal spot. Gena about 1/5 eye height. Occiput with gray pruinescence. Antenna yellow; 1 st flagellomere nearly 1.3 times longer than high; arista brown except yellow basally, pubescent. 1 brown triangular spot present between antenna and eye. Proboscis with yellow and black hairs; palpus yellow except pale brown at apex, with black hairs. FIGURES 26–30. Trypetisoma ( Trypaneoides ) jinpingensis sp. nov. Male. 26. syntergosternite and epandrium, lateral view; 27. epandrial complex, posterior view; 28. syntergosternite, anterior view; 29. aedeagal complex, ventral view; 30. aedeagal complex, lateral view. Thorax ( Fig. 24 ) brown, with grayish yellow pruinescence. Mesonotum with a pair of narrow brown median bands extending from anterior margin to presutural dc ; postpronotum with posterior margin surrounded by 1 thin brown band, 3–4 brown spots present between dc and supra-alar seta; 1+3 dc , 1st post-sutural dc near transverse scutal suture, presutural dc closer to anterior margin than presutural acr ; 1+3 acr , in 2 rows, 1st post-sutural acr on transverse scutal suture, prescutellar acr absent; dc , acr and prescutellar acr each with 1 brown basal spot. Anepisternum and katepisternum with pruinescence; anepisternum with 2 brown spots near dorsal margin, 1 brown spot near ventral margin, 2 anepst (the strongest one near posterior margin) and 3–4 short hairs; 2 kepst . Scutellum with grayish yellow pruinescence. Leg yellow; femora pale brown to brown except yellow at apex; apical tarsi brown. Fore femur with 5 pd , 3 pv ; fore tibia with 1 long dp , 2 short apv . Mid femur with 8 a , 1 app ; mid tibia with 1 strong dp , 1 apv . Hind femur with 2 apv on apical half, 1 preapical ad ; hind tibia with 1 dp , 1 short apv . Wing ( Fig. 22 ) anterior margin brown, with circular or irregular brown spots; 1 wide brown band along dm-cu extending from anterior margin to the posterior and with hyaline spots; subcostal cell brown; costa with 2nd, 3rd and 4th sections in proportion of 7.7: 2.6: 1.8; r-m beind middle of discal cell; ultimate and penultimate sections of M 1 in proportion of 5.1: 2.2; ultimate section of CuA 1 about 1/7 of penultimate section. Halter pale yellow except knob brown. Abdomen ( Fig. 25 ) blackish brown, with grayish white pruinescence; syntergosternite and epandrium brownish yellow; tergites 2–6 each with posterior margin setae in 1 row, 1 irregular polyline transverse band, tergite 2 with a pair of irregular blackish brown lateral spots, tergites 3–6 with a pair of irregular blackish brown median spots. Male genitalia ( Figs. 26–30 ): syntergosternite with 1 black long ventral process at ventral apex, broad and sclerotization strongly. Epandrium with setae on brown spots. Surstylus broad with seta, and 2/3 width of epandrium. Hypandrium V-shaped and acute at apex. Gonopod tubiform and tapering apically, curved in lateral view, with 3 long hairs near base. Aedeagus with 1 long ventral process basally, 1 curved apical process at middle of apex, beyond 90° angle between apical process and aedeagus. Aedeagus without apical concave. Aedeagal apodeme tubiform, long and strong, nearly as long as aedeagus. Type material. Holotype ( HAUST ): 1 ♂ , CHINA , Yunnan : Jinping , Yakoufenshuiling Belay Station , 2006. V. 18 , Junhua Zhang . Paratypes ( HAUST ): 1 ♂ , 2 ♀♀ , data same as holotype . Distribution. China ( Yunnan ). Remarks. The new species wing with 1 wide brown band, extending from anterior margin to posterior margin along dm-cu ; tergites 2–6 each with 1 irregular polyline transverse band, and tergite 2 with a pair of irregular blackish brown lateral spots, tergites 3–6 with a pair of irregular blackish brown median spots. These features are different from other species of Trypaneoides . Etymology. Latin, jinpingensis , referring to the type locality Yunnan , Jinping.