A Revised Subgeneric Classification of Short-tailed Opossums (Didelphidae: Monodelphis) Author Pavan, Silvia E. Author Voss, Robert S. text American Museum Novitates 2016 2016-12-01 2016 3868 1 44 http://www.bioone.org/doi/10.1206/3868.1 journal article 5850 10.1206/3868.1 30c2369a-9306-4504-b02e-1040172cf041 0003-0082 4598434 Pyrodelphys , new subgenus TYPE SPECIES : Monodelphis emiliae ( Thomas, 1912 ) . CONTENTS: emiliae Thomas, 1912 . DIAGNOSIS: Dorsal body pelage with grayish midbody contrasting with reddish head and rump ( fig. 14A ); ventral pelage uniformly colored (without self-whitish median markings), yellowish or orangish on museum skins, but much brighter in life ( fig. 14B ). Mammae 2–1–2 = 5 (MZUSP 35064), 3–1–3 = 7 (MPEG JUR 79), or 4–1–4 = 9 (MPEG 39106, 39182, 42955), all abdominal-inguinal. Thenar and first interdigital pad of pes usually fused or in contact; hypothenar pad of pes usually present. 8 Body pelage extends onto tail farther dorsally than ventrally, or to about the same extent dorsally and ventrally; tail scales arranged in annular series. Infraorbital foramen dorsal to M1; frontal process of jugal present but rounded, not distinctly angular; parietal usually (ca. 80% of examined specimens) in contact with mastoid; incisive foramina usually short; maxillopalatine fenestrae short; sphenorbital fissure large, exposing basisphenoid in lateral view; infratemporal crest of alisphenoid distinct; secondary foramen ovale present or absent; tympanic wing of alisphenoid large; tip of anterior process of malleus not exposed on external bullar surface; rostral tympanic process of petrosal broad and rounded, concealing fenestra cochleae in ventral view; stapes columelliform, imperforate or microperforate; subsquamosal foramen small. Anterior cingulids of m2 and m3 broad; entoconids of m1–m3 distinct; dp3 small, with incomplete trigonid and indistinct anterior cingulid. TABLE 2. Diagnostic Characters of Subgenera of Monodelphis Recognized in this Study.
Mygalodelphys Pyrodelphys Monodelphis Microdelphys Monodelphiops
Dorsal body pelage unpatterned reddish head & rump reddish sides or unpatterned stripes, reddish head & rump, or unpatterned reddish sides with or without mid- dorsal stripe
Self-whitish ventral marking variablea,b absent absent absent absent
Pectoral mammae absent absent absent present or absenta, b present
Thenar & 1st interdigital pads of hind foot separate fused or in con- tact separate separate separate
Hypothenar pad of hind foot present usually present usually absent variablea absent
Extension of body pelage onto tail farther ventrally than dorsally farther dorsally or to about the same extent farther dorsally or to about the same extent to about the same extent dorsally and ventrally to about the same extent dorsally and ventrally
Tail scale arrangement variablea,b annular annular annular spiral
Infraorbital foramen dorsal to M1 dorsal to M1 dorsal to P3 or P3/M1 usually dorsal to M1 dorsal to P3 or M1
Frontal process of the jugal absent/ indistinct rounded rounded distinctly angular rounded
Parietal/mastoid contact absent present present present present
Incisive foramina variablea usually short long long short
Maxillopalatine fenestra variablea short usually long long short
Sphenorbital fissure narrow broad broad broad broad
Infratemporal crest of alisphenoid variablea distinct distinct indistinct distinct
Secondary foramen ovale absent variableb absent variablea absent
Alisphenoid tympanic wing small large small large variableb
Anterior process of malleus exposed concealed exposed concealed variableb
Rostral tympanic process of petrosal triangular broad and rounded triangular broad and rounded roughly triangular
Stapes columelliform columelliform triangular columelliform columelliform
Subsquamosal foramen large small large large large
Anterior cingulids narrow broad broad broad broad
Entoconids of m1-m3 indistinct distinct usually distinct distinct distinct
Dp3 variablea small & incom- pletely molari- form large & molari- form small & incom- pletely molariform small & incompletely molari- form
a Differs among member species. b Intraspecific variation. COMPARISONS: Pyrodelphys is uniquely distinguished from other subgenera of Monodelphis by fusion or contact between the thenar and first interdigital pads of the hind foot (the thenar and first interdigital are separate in members of other subgenera) and by having a small subsquamosal foramen (the subsquamosal foramen is distinctly larger in members of other subgenera.
Among other diagnostic comparisons ( table 2 ), Pyrodelphys is additionally distinguished from the subgenus Monodelphis by having a reddish head and rump separated by a grayish midbody, an infraorbital foramen dorsal to M1, large alisphenoid tympanic wing, unexposed tip of the anterior process of the malleus, broadly rounded rostral tympanic process of the petrosal, columelliform stapes, and smaller dp3. Pyrodelphys is additionally distinguished from Microdelphys by lacking dorsal stripes in all age-sex classes, by lacking a distinctly angular frontal process of the jugal, and by having a distinct infratemporal crest of the alisphenoid. Pyrodelphys is also distinguished from Monodelphiops by its dorsal pelage pattern, by lacking pectoral mammae, and by having tail scales in annular series, a large alisphenoid tympanic wing, and a broadly rounded rostral tympanic process of the petrosal. Diagnostic comparisons between Pyrodelphys and Mygalodelphys have already been provided (see above). ETYMOLOGY: From pyr , ancient Greek for “fire,” in reference to the flame-colored underparts of living and freshly dead specimens of this clade ( fig. 14B ). REMARKS: This taxon is widely divergent from other clades in the genus Monodelphis and appears to represent an ancient lineage with no close extant relatives ( Pavan et al., 2014 ; Pavan et al., 2016 ). NOTES ON DISTRIBUTION AND SYMPATRY: Monodelphis (Pyrodelphys) emiliae is known from southwestern and southeastern Amazonia ( table 3 ), where it ranges from near the base of the Andes in Peru and Bolivia to eastern Pará, Brazil . Based on geographic range overlap and published reports of cooccurring species (e.g., in the lower Urubamba region of eastern Peru ; Solari et al., 2001 ), Pyrodelphys may occur sympatrically with species of the subgenera Mygalodelphys and/or Monodelphis throughout its geographic range.