Dorsal body pelage
unpatterned |
reddish head & rump |
reddish sides or unpatterned |
stripes, reddish head & rump, or unpatterned |
reddish sides with or without mid- dorsal stripe |
Self-whitish ventral marking
variablea,b |
absent |
absent |
absent |
absent |
Pectoral mammae
absent |
absent |
absent |
present or absenta, b |
present |
Thenar & 1st interdigital pads of hind foot
separate |
fused or in con- tact |
separate |
separate |
separate |
Hypothenar pad of hind foot
present |
usually present |
usually absent |
variablea |
absent |
Extension of body pelage onto tail
farther ventrally than dorsally |
farther dorsally or to about the same extent |
farther dorsally or to about the same extent |
to about the same extent dorsally and ventrally |
to about the same extent dorsally and ventrally |
Tail scale arrangement
variablea,b |
annular |
annular |
annular |
spiral |
Infraorbital foramen
dorsal to M1 |
dorsal to M1 |
dorsal to P3 or P3/M1 |
usually dorsal to M1 |
dorsal to P3 or M1 |
Frontal process of the jugal
absent/ indistinct |
rounded |
rounded |
distinctly angular |
rounded |
Parietal/mastoid contact
absent |
present |
present |
present |
present |
Incisive foramina
variablea |
usually short |
long |
long |
short |
Maxillopalatine fenestra
variablea |
short |
usually long |
long |
short |
Sphenorbital fissure
narrow |
broad |
broad |
broad |
broad |
Infratemporal crest of alisphenoid
variablea |
distinct |
distinct |
indistinct |
distinct |
Secondary foramen ovale
absent |
variableb |
absent |
variablea |
absent |
Alisphenoid tympanic wing
small |
large |
small |
large |
variableb |
Anterior process of malleus
exposed |
concealed |
exposed |
concealed |
variableb |
Rostral tympanic process of petrosal
triangular |
broad and rounded |
triangular |
broad and rounded |
roughly triangular |
columelliform |
columelliform |
triangular |
columelliform |
columelliform |
Subsquamosal foramen
large |
small |
large |
large |
large |
Anterior cingulids
narrow |
broad |
broad |
broad |
broad |
Entoconids of m1-m3
indistinct |
distinct |
usually distinct |
distinct |
distinct |
variablea |
small & incom- pletely molari- form |
large & molari- form |
small & incom- pletely molariform |
small & incompletely molari- form |